Cheers everybody,
I have my Photon since a few weeks. I didn't have time to run loads of test prints, just a few and I experienced some rather annoying defects. Having worked with a Form2 in the past, I inclined my parts as I am used to. As you can see, there seem to be layer shifts in the early stages of the print and some supports are either completely or partially missing.
The parts were printed with Anycubic green, 0,05mm layer height, 8 bottom layers, 80 sec bottom exposure time, 7,5 sec exposure time (if I remember correctly), 1,5 sec off time.
I have now ordered some Phrozen ABS like Gray; for the files I have prepared to be printed with this resin, I have raised the exposure time to 12 sec as I am planning to print some larger parts before trying to get those I have already printed once again. I have positioned the parts I'd like to print more vertically now.
I know the Photon resin settings list on google (…/1crvzMnt_8NJXAsABinoIhcOjE8…/edit…
) - I'd be very grate ful for any tips or hints to improve the quality of my prints. Thanks in advance!