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Anycubic Photon Printer Owners 造訪社團 » 用戶發文

原文網址 Ingo Strohmenger
2019-05-24 00:40:11

Netfabb & Dr. Best Support script


Zach Kirk
2019-05-24 01:14:15

Ingo Strohmenger
2019-05-24 01:57:52

Douglas Guerra Dos Santos
2019-05-24 02:25:59

Ferdinand Franz
2019-05-24 02:30:52

Mike Olsen
2019-05-24 02:34:30

Mihai Neaga
2019-05-24 02:37:13

Doug Vine
2019-05-24 02:42:39

Shawn Atlas
2019-05-24 02:46:56

Pa Wel
2019-05-24 02:48:21

Ingo Strohmenger
2019-05-24 02:52:54

Chris Hajdik
2019-05-24 02:55:41

Craig Cooper
2019-05-24 05:20:12

John Bubuz
2019-05-24 05:55:01

Shayne Webb
2019-05-24 07:41:06

Pedro Ribeiro Fialho
2019-05-24 07:41:37

Aleksandr Naumov
2019-05-24 11:34:43

Federico Riscaio
2019-05-24 15:05:34

Franz Meriles
2019-05-24 21:14:10

Umar Haque
2019-05-24 23:11:41

Chayanin Somton
2019-05-26 21:50:58

原文網址 Ingo Strohmenger
2019-04-05 14:20:42

what is the critical build angle for the original photon ?


Juan Camilo Herrera
2019-04-05 15:40:49

Chad Elstad
2019-04-05 20:36:09

Ingo Strohmenger
2019-05-21 15:39:42

原文網址 Ingo Strohmenger
2019-04-02 21:50:08

Did the test with bluecast X10 at recommended normal exposure of 16 seconds. Where is the sweets pot? My photon prints are slightly bigger. 10mm cube is x=10,24mm, y=10,42 and z=10,6. A 3mm hole is only 2,66 mm wide. Shall I reduce the normal exposure time and how much? Thank you all


Amy Welsh
2019-04-02 22:15:58

Ingo Strohmenger
2019-04-02 22:24:56

Amy Welsh
2019-04-02 22:28:04

Ingo Strohmenger
2019-04-02 22:28:32

Björn Ståhlnacke
2019-04-02 23:46:07

Björn Ståhlnacke
2019-04-02 23:48:51

Cheng Laung Wu
2019-04-05 09:31:03

Ingo Strohmenger
2019-04-05 12:36:13

Cheng Laung Wu
2019-04-05 12:43:22

Ingo Strohmenger
2019-04-05 14:05:18

Cheng Laung Wu
2019-04-05 14:24:04

Vinicius Silva
2019-04-05 17:18:43

Cheng Laung Wu
2019-04-05 17:59:03

Vinicius Silva
2019-04-05 19:34:40

原文網址 Ingo Strohmenger
2019-02-11 16:18:50

Why is the print mirrored? The photon file looks good in chitubox and photon file validator.


Matthias Berghammer
2019-02-11 16:19:54

Ingo Strohmenger
2019-02-11 16:20:15

Ingo Strohmenger
2019-02-11 16:20:33

Nikki Kelly
2019-02-11 16:20:42

Ivan Antharon Antalec
2019-02-11 16:20:59

Ingo Strohmenger
2019-02-11 16:21:13

Mantas Aus
2019-02-11 16:33:58

Ingo Strohmenger
2019-02-11 16:38:22

Ingo Strohmenger
2019-02-11 16:39:13

Ingo Strohmenger
2019-02-11 16:44:28

2019-02-11 16:45:21

Ingo Strohmenger
2019-02-11 16:50:48

Ingo Strohmenger
2019-02-11 16:53:08

Lagnajeet Pradhan
2019-02-11 17:08:55

Ingo Strohmenger
2019-02-11 17:17:24

2019-02-11 17:28:03

Amy Welsh
2019-02-11 19:39:53

Maciej Spicker
2019-02-11 23:06:31

Ingo Strohmenger
2019-02-11 23:38:04

Maciej Spicker
2019-02-12 04:07:26

原文網址 Ingo Strohmenger
2019-01-29 01:49:09

Dear photonsters, there is a free trial for the 3D Sprint Software from 3D System. Is there a benefit over our known slicers?


Robert Silvers
2019-01-29 02:38:04

Robert Silvers
2019-01-29 13:26:53

Ingo Strohmenger
2019-01-29 13:32:47

原文網址 Ingo Strohmenger
2019-01-20 00:35:15

Which Slicer can do this supports?


Constanta Hudema
2019-01-20 01:49:36

原文網址 Ingo Strohmenger
2019-01-17 17:46:06

Friend had a misprint with ND SG, Small Support config. A retangular Layer was in the vat ? Whats wrong there ? TIA


Tej Joshi
2019-01-17 17:47:39

Ingo Strohmenger
2019-01-17 17:47:52

Tej Joshi
2019-01-17 17:48:54

原文網址 Ingo Strohmenger
2019-01-17 05:02:59

My Buildplate was bit loose. Couldn't torque more to tighten it. So I decided to do some DIY. Leveled the plate and put some selfcuring resin on the gap. Fixed.


Tias Zammit
2019-01-17 05:14:43

Ingo Strohmenger
2019-01-17 05:16:02

Tias Zammit
2019-01-17 05:18:52

Ingo Strohmenger
2019-01-17 05:20:38

Savio Ku
2019-01-17 05:31:01

Simon Jackson
2019-01-17 06:12:45

Stefan Giudici
2019-01-17 07:21:12

Stefan Giudici
2019-01-17 07:23:04

Ingo Strohmenger
2019-01-17 13:29:58

Ingo Strohmenger
2019-01-17 13:31:41

Zena Andreou
2019-01-17 14:22:48

2019-01-17 14:32:34

原文網址 Ingo Strohmenger
2019-01-11 19:43:05

Working USB-Sticks for the AC Photon are..


Micah Vestal
2019-01-12 03:20:29

Vinicius Silva
2019-01-12 03:55:53

Ingo Strohmenger
2019-01-12 04:28:52

Richard Shapiro
2019-01-12 08:41:04

Ingo Strohmenger
2019-01-17 04:32:12

Ingo Strohmenger
2019-01-17 04:34:51

Mantas Aus
2019-01-17 17:26:55

原文網址 Ingo Strohmenger
2019-01-11 19:13:39

Where is the "max resin" sign of the vat ? theres no info in handbook. TIA


Savio Ku
2019-01-11 19:15:34

Che Fielding
2019-01-11 19:15:50

Tej Joshi
2019-01-11 19:17:21

Ingo Strohmenger
2019-01-11 19:17:40

Ingo Strohmenger
2019-01-11 19:18:51

Che Fielding
2019-01-11 19:20:28

Ingo Strohmenger
2019-01-11 19:21:37

Mantas Aus
2019-01-12 03:22:42

Kyle Bachman
2019-01-12 03:38:07



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