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Anycubic Photon Printer Owners 造訪社團 » 用戶發文

原文網址 Ivan Antharon Antalec
2019-12-15 09:24:52

Textured rolling pins. Wargamer's wet dream!


Charlie Brett
2019-12-15 09:29:58

Ivan Antharon Antalec
2019-12-15 09:30:37

Sokha Ang
2019-12-15 09:53:54

Eric Wilfreesboro
2019-12-15 09:57:02

Ivan Antharon Antalec
2019-12-15 09:57:13

Wm Kuch
2019-12-15 09:58:21

Ivan Antharon Antalec
2019-12-15 09:59:00

Sokha Ang
2019-12-15 09:59:43

Wm Kuch
2019-12-15 10:00:07

Ivan Antharon Antalec
2019-12-15 10:03:32

Ivan Antharon Antalec
2019-12-15 10:04:21

Fulton Baylon
2019-12-15 10:09:50

Ivan Antharon Antalec
2019-12-15 10:10:37

Fulton Baylon
2019-12-15 10:12:08

Andriy Lutsenko
2019-12-15 12:53:30

Colin Marchant
2019-12-15 15:57:14

Radovan Slavkovsky
2019-12-15 16:03:38

Thomassen Ølf
2019-12-15 19:32:47

Ivan Antharon Antalec
2019-12-15 21:23:13

Ivan Antharon Antalec
2019-12-15 21:23:21

Ivan Antharon Antalec
2019-12-15 21:23:35

Ivan Antharon Antalec
2019-12-15 21:25:02

原文網址 Ivan Antharon Antalec
2019-10-24 04:12:37

I have to post this, I just printed a bust for some painting and it is stunning. cca 80mm, elegoo grey


Moritz Moe
2019-10-24 04:19:37

Stephan Mccoll
2019-10-24 04:30:11

Robert Nisson
2019-10-24 04:54:46

Artur Kawa
2019-10-24 05:05:04

Ivan Antharon Antalec
2019-10-24 05:10:50

Ivan Antharon Antalec
2019-10-24 05:12:53

Johnny Wee
2019-10-24 06:51:12

Joel Mendoza
2019-10-24 12:32:32

Ivan Antharon Antalec
2019-10-24 13:25:05

Ivan Antharon Antalec
2019-10-24 13:27:22

James Mallard
2019-10-24 14:05:42

Johnny Wee
2019-10-24 14:14:23

Jozef Orenič
2019-10-25 03:33:30

Marino Aguilera Valverde
2019-10-25 04:39:01

Ivan Antharon Antalec
2019-10-25 05:13:25

Chris Baker
2019-10-27 00:09:32

Robert Hamberger
2019-10-27 00:16:46

Ivan Antharon Antalec
2019-10-28 02:03:26

Robert Hamberger
2019-10-31 22:53:48

原文網址 Ivan Antharon Antalec
2019-09-11 20:53:09

Every maker knows this problem :D


Ben Bicakci
2019-09-11 20:53:43

Tristram Chapman
2019-09-11 21:00:21

Rory Kostman
2019-09-11 21:14:53

Michael P. Whilchy
2019-09-11 21:15:29

Dave Smith
2019-09-11 21:39:13

Adam Burch
2019-09-11 22:09:52

Jeremy Kackley
2019-09-11 22:48:31

Jarrod Smith
2019-09-11 23:18:09

Jarrod Smith
2019-09-11 23:20:44

Darren Donovan
2019-09-12 01:31:54

Marie-Claude Rolland
2019-09-12 04:48:51

Preston Louis Ursini
2019-09-12 11:11:44

Marie-Claude Rolland
2019-09-12 18:14:14

Adam Green
2019-09-13 00:20:43

Preston Louis Ursini
2019-09-13 00:50:14

原文網址 Ivan Antharon Antalec
2019-03-27 17:23:39

I switched elegoo grey for elegoo black. Not a signle succcessfull print yet.


Chris Baker
2019-03-27 17:45:22

Robert Silvers
2019-03-27 21:21:10

Vinicius Silva
2019-03-27 21:35:43

原文網址 Ivan Antharon Antalec
2018-12-21 17:09:29

Best resin for printing miniatures?

I have heen using monocure clear, but I cannot see suports as good as I want, so I will prefer somethng opaque

give me reasons why is better


Philippe Maegerman
2018-12-21 17:37:14

Vinicius Silva
2018-12-21 18:26:54

Sherri Leyden
2018-12-21 21:53:24

Giovanni Lo Verso
2018-12-21 23:54:48

Giovanni Lo Verso
2018-12-21 23:55:03

Giovanni Lo Verso
2018-12-21 23:55:28

Giovanni Lo Verso
2018-12-21 23:55:43

Ivan Antharon Antalec
2018-12-21 23:57:22

Jay Stein
2018-12-22 02:40:39

Brian Verkaart
2018-12-22 03:08:33

Stephen Lewis
2018-12-22 03:16:25

Vinicius Silva
2018-12-22 03:49:38

Ivan Antharon Antalec
2018-12-23 16:38:54

原文網址 Ivan Antharon Antalec
2018-10-11 13:38:15

Testing new casting box. Might be great or absolute fail. Model is from duncan louca.

Model was hollowed in voxel ops. We now support layer height!


原文網址 Ivan Antharon Antalec
2018-09-22 17:59:17

Another VoxelOps update:

I really wante to test gyroid infill on big detailed model. I chosed my favorite ghould bust and sliced it in photon slicer. For monocure rapid clear I used:
Exposure: 16s
Layer height: 0.05mm
Bottom layers: 3
Bottom exposure: 100s
Off-time: 6.5s

Then I opened flashforge to add some supports. this model is easy to print standing So I added only supports to hold model couple mm above buildplate. They also created raft for me.

I opened that in voxelOps gyroid app and used following settings;
Wall thickness 2.4mm
Simplification level: 2x
Smoothing: off
Gyroid wavelength: 200px
Gyroid tolerance: 0.15

So it had really thick walls and only thin infill to work more like a support. It was also much easier to clean later.

Gyroid generation took cca 15 minutes.

Then I need to add holes. I dont have this feature implemented yet, so I did it in photoshop. I made new transparent image with black border and put two spots where the bottom was. It is important to use pencil tool to awoid geyscale values. I copied it and opened slices 65 to 115. On first one I recorded macro:
-fatten image

Then I run it 49 times for other images. Last step was to put it all together, I did it with PhotonFileEditor and it took me another 10 minutes.

Printing was without complications. One time I added some resin to be sure that it wont fail while I was in work. Printing took 14 hours. With infill peeling is much easier than with solid model, also not that much heat is generated, so I did not need to fear about breaking brand new LCD, I just fixed.

When it came out, I had difficut time to separate it from buildplate and I broke my thrustworthy glass scraper :( . I hold it topside up for a second to drain entrapped resin back into vat. I put it bottomside up into IPA and it quickly filled with alcohol. then I removed raft and washed it with toothbrush and then with soapy water. Especially inside should be rinsed really good.

Then I plugged holes on bottom and cast it in silicone and then in resin for positive. Black bust of photon is the cast. Success!


2018-09-22 18:37:27

Ivan Antharon Antalec
2018-09-22 18:51:15

Ivan Antharon Antalec
2018-09-22 18:51:25

Ivan Antharon Antalec
2018-09-22 18:51:52

2018-09-22 19:04:35

Sergio Albeiro Gonzalez Mendoza
2018-09-22 22:39:28

Ivan Antharon Antalec
2018-09-22 23:17:58

Robert Silvers
2018-12-27 01:54:49

原文網址 Ivan Antharon Antalec
2018-08-24 04:28:22

preparations for sunday painting workshop. done with gyroid infill (cca 60% resin saved), not a single fail (when suction was too big, coule developed a tiny hole, less than milimeter in diameter, to release that force)

huge thanks to Duncan Louca , that provided this model for free and allowed us to teach kids to paint models on real artwork :)


原文網址 Ivan Antharon Antalec
2018-08-06 01:44:02

There is a theory that photon displays are breking down because of heat. Today I was making some tests (I had already dead areas on display) and, maybe you have heard that we have a really hot summer this year in europe.

as photos shown, at start there was just one big and one small dead area at start of printing (I did not know about them). At the end of printing model was looking like emental. Is this proving anything? Of course not, But this may be documented case :)


原文網址 Ivan Antharon Antalec
2018-08-05 19:47:20

Successfull infill test no.2

I set this as default parameters:
wall width: 15px (~0.7mm)
pattern size: 100px (~4,7mm; wave length of gyroid)
gyroid tolerance: 0.15 (this is some kind of magic number to me and I do not understand it fully. formula for gyroid is sin(x)*cos(y)+sin(y)*cos(z)+sin(z)*cos(x)=0, this results in width of gyroid walls of 0, I put tolerance as this value should be >0-tolerance and <0+tolerance, 0.15 brings very nice results. wall width is in this case 7px =~0.32mm)

Script counted ~65% saved material (but some loss should be aded for trapped resin)

I cut the object and quickly rinsed it with IPA and then water, inside seems clean of liquids now. Object is very rigid and part was cut of with dull kitchen knife without deforming object.




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