Hey! So I've set my machine up and successfully managed to print the test cube and a few parts files I have designed... All went perfectly well and I was super happy. I then emptied the resin vat back into the container and cleaned the vat and the build plate using kitchen towel and a little ipa.
This seemed to work fine, I polished up the fep with a micro fibre cloth to remove any cloudy ipa marks, but the fep appears to be covered in a quantity of micro scratches such as you would see on an older pair of glasses lenses. They're only visible if you hold the vat up to a light source, it appears clear when viewed normally.
Will this negatively impact printing, and what did I do incorrectly? I can of course replace the fep film but I assume that it's intended to last longer than one clean!
Thanks in advance for the help!
Hector Felix
2019-02-23 14:35:59
Russ Charles
2019-02-23 14:38:35
Dave Smith
2019-02-24 00:33:07
Russ Charles
2019-02-24 00:34:05
Dave Smith
2019-02-24 00:35:32
Russ Charles
2019-02-24 00:37:29
Adam Green
2019-02-24 02:22:21
Russ Charles
2019-02-24 02:44:26
Adam Green
2019-02-24 02:55:11
Russ Charles
2019-02-24 03:01:58
Adam Green
2019-02-24 03:04:56
Adam Green
2019-02-24 03:06:19
Russ Charles
2019-02-24 03:08:25
Adam Green
2019-02-24 03:10:42
Adam Green
2019-02-24 03:11:47
Russ Charles
2019-02-24 03:13:22