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Anycubic Photon Printer Owners 造訪社團 » 用戶發文

原文網址 Victoria Cordani
2020-04-03 10:08:25

I keep getting flat spots and random layer lines in my prints. Any ideas what could be causing it?


Fred Bey
2020-04-03 10:09:27

The hand and elbow are support issues.

Arthur White
2020-04-03 10:09:34

You have unsupported overhangs

Jairo Ledesma
2020-04-03 10:09:38

Can you show your supports

Victoria Cordani
2020-04-03 10:10:08

I also seem to be getting spots where the layers looks like they’re coming apart.

Arthur White
2020-04-03 10:10:18

Use The Photon Validator to make sure you don’t have overhangs

Victoria Cordani
2020-04-03 10:12:27

Victoria Cordani
2020-04-03 10:12:37

here is the spot I took a picture of

Victoria Cordani
2020-04-03 10:13:45

I can't get a clear picture on my phone of the layers separating in other spots. All 5 of the minis I had on the print bed had these flat spots

Ernest Sandridge Ill
2020-04-03 10:21:36


Nikola Pijanac
2020-04-03 10:21:50

Thats probably just the support thats bone missing at some point. Its an easy repair, if you get some talcum powder and mix it with resin till its pasty like tooth paste use a 405nm uv light to cure it as you go. Very easy to build up layers then a bit of filing and sanding your good to go. You'd never know the model wasnt right. You can also use tissue paper and drip resin on it for fixing larger areas uv then add some mixed resin talcum powder and your models are fixed.

Danny Gonzalez
2020-04-03 11:36:30

Yeah I suspect your support failed. You can consider increasing your support diameter or increasing your exposure time if this is happening frequently.

原文網址 Victoria Cordani
2020-04-02 01:44:09

I keep getting pretty big support bumps on my prints. What settings do you guys use to print small things (like dnd minis)?


Alexander Bayerdorffer
2020-04-02 01:56:45

原文網址 Victoria Cordani
2019-09-23 02:06:21

It looks like I have dead pixels on the LCD screen. Where did you order order your replacement screens from?


Ryan Myers
2019-09-23 02:09:10

Victoria Cordani
2019-09-23 02:09:53

Hector Alvarez
2019-09-23 02:11:23

Ryan Myers
2019-09-23 02:11:25

Michael Horn
2019-09-23 02:21:09

Victoria Cordani
2019-09-23 02:21:58

Jason Dickerson
2019-09-23 11:58:55

Ryan Myers
2019-09-23 12:01:10

原文網址 Victoria Cordani
2019-07-15 03:30:32

I was wondering if anyone knew of resin is effected by heat? I live in Florida and it is 93F (49% humidity) would it be best to wait to print at night? My printer is in the garage.


Noah Singer
2019-07-15 03:37:04

Stefan Giudici
2019-07-15 04:20:36

Andy Eakin
2019-07-15 04:21:15

Bob Deblier
2019-07-15 13:18:18

Stefan Ritchie
2019-07-18 16:28:58

原文網址 Victoria Cordani
2019-05-25 22:45:57

Any ideas how to fix this? Our printer is only a month old ?


Jeff Crooks
2019-05-25 22:52:19

Andrey Sabrev
2019-05-25 22:55:20

Ivan Fdc
2019-05-25 23:01:51

Victoria Cordani
2019-05-25 23:02:54

Richard Shapiro
2019-05-25 23:03:23

Richard Shapiro
2019-05-25 23:03:56

Victoria Cordani
2019-05-25 23:05:08

Scott Quinn
2019-05-25 23:10:03

Sean O'Hayer
2019-05-25 23:22:04

Victoria Cordani
2019-05-25 23:22:26

Victoria Cordani
2019-05-25 23:22:37

Kameron Michael Beal
2019-05-26 00:01:02

Chris Thorstensen
2019-05-26 00:15:50

Scott Quinn
2019-05-26 00:20:16

Jeff Crooks
2019-05-26 03:12:52

Volre Rahman
2019-05-26 05:54:39

Michal Kučera
2019-05-26 06:45:54

Michal Kučera
2019-05-26 06:48:26

Michal Kučera
2019-05-26 06:48:42

Michal Kučera
2019-05-26 06:52:38

Micah Vestal
2019-05-26 08:09:06

Jon Lamkin
2019-05-26 10:38:36

Jay Sharp
2019-05-26 10:56:15

Michal Kučera
2019-05-26 11:22:24

Marcel Renkewitz
2019-05-26 16:23:57

James Ogre Tate
2019-05-26 22:17:32

Victoria Cordani
2019-05-26 23:03:23

Victoria Cordani
2019-05-27 23:06:25

原文網址 Victoria Cordani
2019-05-18 11:13:06

Any ideas on what could cause a print to fail like this? I haven’t emptied the vat yet but I can feel that there hard resin on the bottom.


John Giardino
2019-05-18 11:26:13

Victoria Cordani
2019-05-18 11:29:04

Dave Smith
2019-05-18 11:35:39

Jacques Abbeels
2019-05-18 13:27:49

Andrew Chan
2019-05-18 16:56:56

Susan Sioux Mercer
2019-05-18 17:40:04

Richard Shapiro
2019-05-18 22:30:31

原文網址 Victoria Cordani
2019-04-17 21:47:04

Thank you all for being so helpful!

When we turned on the printer this morning there was a grinding noise coming from by where the fan is. The build plate still moves up and down fine and everything seems to be functioning. If we re-start it once or twice the noise stops. Any ideas? Thank you!


Adam Green
2019-04-17 21:50:45

John Russell
2019-04-17 21:56:54

Alan Forsyth
2019-04-18 03:06:20

原文網址 Victoria Cordani
2019-04-17 10:17:05

I live in mid florida and I am wondering if putting my printer in the garage would work? The smell is a little too much for inside the house. The highs here have been in the mid 80s Fahrenheit during the day and around 75 at night.


Robert Maefs
2019-04-17 10:17:58

Robert Maefs
2019-04-17 10:18:14

Victoria Cordani
2019-04-17 10:19:05

Robert Maefs
2019-04-17 10:20:42

Milton Maxson
2019-04-17 10:22:54

Victoria Cordani
2019-04-17 10:33:59

Milton Maxson
2019-04-17 10:37:30

Dominick Trascritti
2019-04-17 17:17:32

James Cachia-Garrett
2019-04-17 17:44:38

John Russell
2019-04-17 22:15:16

John Russell
2019-04-17 22:16:12

Milton Maxson
2019-04-19 09:40:45

John Russell
2019-04-19 10:18:13

2019-04-19 10:26:16

John Russell
2019-04-19 10:36:19

Jason Bitter
2019-04-19 10:37:21

Milton Maxson
2019-04-19 10:46:28

2019-04-19 12:04:26

2019-04-19 12:09:42

原文網址 Victoria Cordani
2019-04-16 09:21:14

Hello, we're trying to print a sliced file but the first 4 layers on the file are blank and nothing prints. We have tried moving the models down in the slicer but it still comes up blank. Any ideas?


Rob Mayberry
2019-04-16 09:24:21

Victoria Cordani
2019-04-16 09:24:49

Tom Logan
2019-04-16 09:27:41

Victoria Cordani
2019-04-16 09:28:56

Victoria Cordani
2019-04-16 09:38:44

原文網址 Victoria Cordani
2019-04-15 04:33:32

We just set up our printer and went to use the slicing software to look at the test cube but when we open the file it does not display the cube in the slicer and only shows it in a pop up LCD viewer. Any suggestions?


Zena Andreou
2019-04-15 05:03:52

Victoria Cordani
2019-04-15 05:15:11



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