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Anycubic Photon Printer Owners 造訪社團 » 用戶發文

原文網址 Guillaume Gendrot
2019-08-21 15:29:19

Hello Team,

i need your help or advices.... Is my LCD dying ?

I had my photon since 4 months and it did incredible nice prints.

But my latests 10 to 15 prints has got some failures and i did not find the trick.

It started maybe 10 days ago but I did not change anything to my normal process.

I have some glued resin or shade in my print maybe a "Ghost in the VAT" and finally residual bad resin in it at the end.

The fact is than some prints are incomplete and I need to clean up the VAT each print.

I did the following :

- FW 4.2.19 for frame shearing with or without AA > Same issue and known bug for Fan too noisy.

- FW 4.2.18 > Same issue

- Lastest EPAX FW 4218 > Same issue (for me, it's the best FW at the moment for my hears)

- Replace FEP by a new one even if it was a proper one > Same issue

- Tried 3 differents resin and shake shake shake the bottle > Same issue

- Level bed again > Same issue

To be honest, i don't know what happend. I have no experience with this foggy issue but actually, it costed me lot of time, 2 FEP and at least 500ml of resin.

Can you give me your opinion ? Should I open the box and look for a new LCD ? Does Anycubic can help on this ?

Thank you :)



Jarkko Liutu
2019-08-21 15:35:29

Dennis Tomson
2019-08-21 16:42:01

Guillaume Gendrot
2019-08-22 15:01:48

Dennis Tomson
2019-08-22 15:02:45

Guillaume Gendrot
2019-08-22 15:03:49

Dennis Tomson
2019-08-22 15:04:11

Thibaut Pral
2019-08-23 04:14:21

Guillaume Gendrot
2019-08-23 05:05:42

原文網址 Guillaume Gendrot
2019-06-25 04:54:30

Hello Makers :)
From "Printed Obsession" Designer on MyMiniFactory... A very impressive one with free models and accessible.

Anycubic Clear Resin on Photon Classic.
15cm (Max size lol...)
21h to Go
0.025 layer.
Primer Grey Vallejo

Need to improve my supports cleaning and paint soon ;)
Have Fun !
GuiGui. 翻譯年糕

Kory Sebby
2019-06-25 05:07:30

原文網址 Guillaume Gendrot
2019-06-21 20:10:55

Hello Makers :)

New project "Treebeard" ongoing with FDM printers (More than 200h for 55 cm) and i can't wait to end it so...Anycubic Clear Resin and 21h later... Photon did a little one :)

Photon is 5 weeks old and less than 3L eat, i'm still impressed by this little Printer.

I'm full size on Photon lol... 70ml volume for 0.025 layer size.

To be honest, i did several test at 0.02 > 0.04 > 0.05 and i can't find difference lol

Sharing some photos after printing > Curing by Sun > Primer.

FDM should end all parts this evening... It's fun and would like to share this :)

Have Fun !



Michael McElrath
2019-06-21 21:49:26

Chris Cody
2019-06-21 21:52:01

Guillaume Gendrot
2019-06-21 22:15:53

Guillaume Gendrot
2019-06-21 22:16:49

Mickael KroMike
2019-06-21 22:19:17

Guillaume Gendrot
2019-06-21 22:20:30

Benjamin Alexander Lindsay
2019-06-21 22:25:34

Guillaume Gendrot
2019-06-21 22:40:04

Harrison Labadi
2019-06-21 22:42:03

Guillaume Gendrot
2019-06-21 22:49:50

Harrison Labadi
2019-06-21 22:51:31

Benjamin Alexander Lindsay
2019-06-21 23:20:49

Roman Wolf
2019-06-21 23:30:58

Guillaume Gendrot
2019-06-22 00:26:44

Roman Wolf
2019-06-22 02:34:24

Guillaume Gendrot
2019-06-22 02:53:16

Robert Cvengros
2019-06-22 07:07:15

Guillaume Gendrot
2019-06-22 07:22:23

Darren Donovan
2019-06-22 12:06:26

Mark Wardle
2019-06-22 18:45:19

Adam Green
2019-06-22 18:50:03

Katarina Dz
2019-06-22 21:55:54

原文網址 Guillaume Gendrot
2019-06-10 01:59:59

Hello Makers :)
Something different than my Trolls, Gnomes, Fairies and all lovely bestuary lol...

Used sketchfab to find free model > Online Converter FBX to OBJ > Chitubox (10cm long + 12s Expo) (Anycubic Yellow)

It's really fun to do ! I destroyed some details during clearing but it's so cool :)

Classic Photon4Ever (or at least for the moment !)

Have Fun,


Jim Abshire
2019-06-10 02:06:00

Christopher Robert Porter
2019-06-10 03:54:47

Richard Thomas
2019-06-10 04:09:42

Sébastien Remy
2019-06-10 04:28:53

Powell Crider
2019-06-10 04:49:55

Rieliesza Impavida
2019-06-10 06:12:19

Guillaume Gendrot
2019-06-10 07:03:24

Guillaume Gendrot
2019-06-10 07:05:16

Guillaume Gendrot
2019-06-10 07:07:50

Michael Tennent
2019-06-10 10:44:22

William Almeida Garcia
2019-06-10 13:34:46

Guillaume Gendrot
2019-06-10 15:26:31

原文網址 Guillaume Gendrot
2019-06-08 17:38:42

Hello Makers,

Few weeks with the Photon Classic and still learning... Not all perfect, few failed but still happy ;)

I tried the Anycubic Yellow Clear resin and I wonder if after cleaning and cured there is a way to have the glossy effect (bright / translucent) back ?

I mean to retrieve the same texture on the model when it's just printed :)

Anyway, they will be primer/paint but... when it's printed, it's so cute !

Merci !



Kieran Winsper
2019-06-08 17:55:49

Zena Andreou
2019-06-08 18:00:29

Rieliesza Impavida
2019-06-08 18:57:54

Guillaume Gendrot
2019-06-08 19:46:27

Paul Scott
2019-06-08 20:23:33

Paul Scott
2019-06-08 20:26:01

Guillaume Gendrot
2019-06-08 22:52:04

Guillaume Gendrot
2019-06-08 22:55:13

原文網址 Guillaume Gendrot
2019-06-04 03:28:59

Hello Makers :)
I don't remember who posted a short video yesterday about "wash in hot water before curing" but it worked fine for me.
Supports are like smooth or soluble after 5 minutes in hot water. If he read me > Merci :)

Few prints of the day, really happy and still learning.... Hey, i changed my first FEP without trouble !! The most difficult was to find a cap lol.
Anycubic Skin : 0.04 / 8 bottom / 10s Expo / 80s Base / 1s / 0s.

I find how to use my FDM for Photon usage.... ;)
Have Fun !



Valerio Anania
2019-06-04 04:13:21

Guillaume Gendrot
2019-06-04 04:56:46

Valerio Anania
2019-06-04 05:12:05

原文網址 Guillaume Gendrot
2019-06-02 17:51:00

"Paint it, Black" by Vallejo Surface Primer 74.602 ;)
Photon is really funny 3D printer machine and the community is very open & helpfull.
Some models at the end are failed (cape & shield) but they will be a good start for painting.
Have a good weekend Makers.

(Anycubic Resin Skin color / 0.05 and 0.035)


Tom Inglis
2019-06-02 20:10:35

Guillaume Gendrot
2019-06-02 20:37:45

Dani Rose
2019-06-02 21:09:56

Guillaume Gendrot
2019-06-02 23:27:17

Andy Chung
2019-06-03 08:59:32

Guillaume Gendrot
2019-06-03 15:37:54

Andy Chung
2019-06-03 17:12:28

Andy Chung
2019-06-03 17:13:40

Guillaume Gendrot
2019-06-03 17:18:37

Hugh Williams
2019-06-03 18:16:59

Hugh Williams
2019-06-03 18:17:38

Guillaume Gendrot
2019-06-03 21:04:38

原文網址 Guillaume Gendrot
2019-05-27 00:41:00

<> One Week as Noob <>
Hello Makers !
I received my photon last saturday and i'm very satisfied with this Printer.
As first, I need to check Chitubox and find a good setting for my Anycubic Skin Resin.
> 0.05 / 8 layers / 10s Expo / 65s Base / 1 Extinction
> 0.035 / 10 layers / 14s Expo / 80s Base / 1 Extinction
I did the leveling only few time and it was quite easy.
My process is the following :
> Chitubox + Object : If a big one > Heavy Support / If reasonable object > Middle Support.
I enforced the support to be stronger and hollow the part all the time.
> After print > Cleaning with IPA and Denaturated Alcohol (cheaper and working fine). I bought a cheap ultrasonic cleaner and put the part for 6 to 12 minutes in a proper IPA bath.
> Cut Support before cure the object... more easier.
> Dry the print with Aerograph !
> Cured by Sun in metallic little box.
So, i did not consumme a litter of resin for the moment but it should be done in few hours lol.
A bad experience was cleaning supports of a cured object and a spot directly comes to my eye... A very bad moment... But after washing it with special water, the little resin spot went out without damage.
So, I will never never never... remove support without Glasses. Please take care.
Additionnal cost :
- Ultrasonic Cleaner 30€
- Nails UV system 20€
- Denatured Alcool 2€ / Liter
- Protection glasses 10€
- Patreon addicted... 10€ x2
A good surprise was the ring stuff with resin. They look really cool and i need to learn how to paint them and how to apply a paint who can be on skin contact an entire day.
I would say than Printing Resin is not the same than FDM systems but if HELL is on Earth, he should be incarned in a Support !!
Supports are a pain in FDM World and Supports are a pain for Resin lol... I should improve this :)
So, i'm still a noob... I think my next step in FEP replacement but for the moment... Need to find Clear resin to try.
Have Fun :)


Susan Sioux Mercer
2019-05-27 00:47:18

Guillaume Gendrot
2019-05-27 00:51:48

Devin Dahl
2019-05-27 00:54:35

Susan Sioux Mercer
2019-05-27 01:16:30

Guillaume Gendrot
2019-05-27 02:35:19

Sean O'Hayer
2019-05-27 04:52:35

Guillaume Gendrot
2019-05-27 05:02:09

Susan Sioux Mercer
2019-05-31 12:55:29

原文網址 Guillaume Gendrot
2019-05-19 20:40:06

Photon Newbie since 24H !

Hello Makers :)
I would share my first experience with my Photon arrived yesterday morning.

Just to introduce myself, having 2 FDM printers and playing since 2 years. My Hobby is figurine and tabletop.

So... My choice was on Photon and not Photon S because of the long experience YOU have here and different existing software and price is low (and for the difference, i can have more resin bootleS)

Photon arrived in V4.2.3_LCD.0/F2.5 and i upgraded it to V4.2.17_LCD/F2.7 immediatly lol.
Ajusting Z Offset more easier than on FDM... (Except my Delta with AutoLevel :P )

1st Print:
I used the ChiTuBox with AA 8X and put a part + AutoSupport > Skin Anycubic Resin => Disaster... In fact, I did not take care of settings in slicer.

2nd Print:
Listen yours voices and just print the sample Cube => Wooh !! Really cool :) (Even if not crystal clear)

3rd Print and up to now:
Using the spreadsheets > Set better settings for Skin color > Printed a Ring and after 2 tabletop

Now: Tried to print the Orc but something went wrong with support.
Would be happy if you can put a link for better settings or How-To regarding Supports.

So... I'm in south of France and we have lot of Sun except today lol.... so, my prints remain soft for the moment and i ordered a little UV lamp in case of.
I read a lot on this group and thank you so much for sharing Good & Bad issue to permit me to learn.
I was really surprised when i can listen to the "Ploc" sound when bed is moving Up&Down but i read than it's a good sound for DLP.

Sharing some pics... Happy to be here.
This Photon is an incredible printer.
I would recommend it to start Resin at reasonnable cost & for the big family you are.

Have Fun !


Andreas Bergman
2019-05-19 22:09:51

Guillaume Gendrot
2019-05-19 23:42:48

Bob Deblier
2019-05-20 02:02:38

Guillaume Gendrot
2019-05-20 02:38:13



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