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Anycubic Photon Printer Owners 造訪社團 » 用戶發文

原文網址 Alex Roughsedge
2019-12-29 22:36:27

Currently working on a set of parts to update a 1/35 Humvee kit. This printer never fails to amaze ?


Johan Larsson
2019-12-29 22:37:37

Cristian Cozma
2019-12-29 22:39:58

Will Hoover
2019-12-29 22:42:36

Alex Roughsedge
2019-12-29 22:53:06

Alex Roughsedge
2019-12-29 22:56:46

Johan Larsson
2019-12-29 22:57:32

Jlee Usn
2019-12-29 22:57:51

Chase Lambert
2019-12-29 22:59:20

Will Hoover
2019-12-29 23:00:13

Alvaro Rodriguez
2019-12-29 23:26:53

Csaba Szilágyi
2019-12-29 23:28:48

Alex Roughsedge
2019-12-29 23:44:21

Elvis Bearzi
2019-12-30 00:19:12

Kevin Hull
2019-12-30 01:28:48

Andy Tanguay
2019-12-30 02:48:55

Didier Dogliani
2019-12-30 03:56:34

Arri Merenda
2019-12-30 07:42:25

Chase Lambert
2019-12-30 10:57:58

Marty Williams
2019-12-30 13:48:55

Alex Roughsedge
2019-12-30 16:31:06

Alex Roughsedge
2019-12-30 16:31:53

原文網址 Alex Roughsedge
2019-10-22 16:54:30

Has anyone had this message from Anycubic via Amazon? Is it legit?


Jari Ivanoff
2019-10-22 16:56:02

Alex Roughsedge
2019-10-22 17:00:53

Juli Forthewin
2019-10-22 17:01:47

Daniele Barolo
2019-10-22 17:03:49

Fred Bey
2019-10-22 17:05:09

Stefan Giudici
2019-10-22 17:30:49

Fred Bey
2019-10-22 17:33:48

Alex Roughsedge
2019-10-22 18:25:54

Nick Wells
2019-10-22 18:51:08

Jari Ivanoff
2019-10-22 18:53:12

Jari Ivanoff
2019-10-22 18:53:47

Nick Wells
2019-10-22 19:09:08

Derek Reihe
2019-10-22 19:59:06

Nick Wells
2019-10-22 20:29:18

Stuart Finesilver
2019-10-22 20:40:23

Rastko Stanojevic
2019-10-22 22:20:52

Neil Duffey
2019-10-22 23:06:39

Joel Mendoza
2019-10-23 01:06:51

Will Shawcross
2019-10-23 01:22:09

George Spencer
2019-10-23 01:34:35

Russell Butler
2019-10-23 02:34:18

Carla Birch
2019-10-23 04:35:24

David Anthony Vivas
2019-10-23 05:33:36

Hugh Jeriolas
2019-10-23 06:03:39

Darian Peavy
2019-10-23 20:55:04

Jarrod Smith
2019-10-23 21:15:47

Jimmy Gent
2019-10-23 23:51:11

原文網址 Alex Roughsedge
2019-09-22 02:19:58

One of my latest prints, a little 009 scale narrow gauge locomotive body to fit on a Kato chassis. Modelled in Tinkercad, printed with AC Clear Yellow @ 0.02mm, 7s exp.


Christopher A. McNair
2019-09-22 07:50:16

Walter Policelli
2019-09-22 08:03:34

Isaiah Castro
2019-09-22 08:46:40

Ben Bicakci
2019-09-22 12:56:27

Hoghead Hoffer
2019-12-30 03:57:33

原文網址 Alex Roughsedge
2019-08-02 05:12:40

Was asked to try a few test prints of a 1/24 RAF pilot figure a mate had purchased for an Airfix Hawker Typhoon build. I'd say that's a success! Now to see how it prints scaled down further :)


William David Cunningham
2019-08-02 05:51:50

Michael Van Kesteren
2019-08-02 05:59:02

Maarten van den Heuvel
2019-08-02 08:44:31

Andries Verhoef
2019-08-02 16:43:20

Alex Roughsedge
2019-08-02 16:55:45

Andries Verhoef
2019-08-02 16:59:54

Alex Roughsedge
2019-08-02 17:16:58

原文網址 Alex Roughsedge
2019-06-22 05:30:15

One of the first prints I've properly painted up. This is a 1/76 scale British Railways Open Merchandise Wagon modelled in Tinkercad, printed using Elegoo Grey, 0.04mm, 10.7s exposure, 8x AA. Very pleased with the outcome!


Stefan Giudici
2019-06-22 05:36:31

Alex Roughsedge
2019-06-22 05:37:11

Çağrı Aydoğan
2019-06-22 05:47:35

João Carlos Sinópolis Jr.
2019-06-22 05:49:49

Khoa Truong
2019-06-22 06:00:37

Angus Davidson
2019-06-22 06:59:50

Peter Chapman
2019-06-23 00:13:47

Alex Roughsedge
2019-06-23 00:28:02

Peter Chapman
2019-06-23 00:43:17

Alex Roughsedge
2019-06-23 01:13:59

Alex Roughsedge
2019-06-23 01:14:21

Alex Roughsedge
2019-06-23 01:14:38

Peter Chapman
2019-06-23 01:29:08

Peter Chapman
2019-06-23 01:29:45

Alex Roughsedge
2019-06-23 04:14:49

Peter Chapman
2019-06-23 04:16:52

Alex Roughsedge
2019-06-23 06:19:56

Peter Chapman
2019-06-23 06:20:57

Alex Roughsedge
2019-06-23 06:22:11

Peter Chapman
2019-06-23 06:23:21

Alex Roughsedge
2019-06-23 06:26:49

Peter Chapman
2019-06-23 06:39:36

Alex Roughsedge
2019-06-23 06:41:08

Peter Chapman
2019-06-23 06:42:51

原文網址 Alex Roughsedge
2019-06-14 05:50:34

Just... Wow.

只是... 哇.

· 查看原文 · 為此翻譯評分

Jarrod Smith
2019-06-14 06:02:23

Alex Roughsedge
2019-06-14 06:03:57

Katarina Dz
2019-06-14 06:05:48

Guilherme Puertas
2019-06-14 06:06:44

Alex Roughsedge
2019-06-14 06:06:53

Katarina Dz
2019-06-14 06:07:25

Will Koone
2019-06-14 06:07:44

Alex Roughsedge
2019-06-14 06:08:19

Katarina Dz
2019-06-14 06:08:48

Katarina Dz
2019-06-14 06:09:16

Alex Roughsedge
2019-06-14 06:09:27

Alex Roughsedge
2019-06-14 06:09:46

Alex Roughsedge
2019-06-14 06:11:04

Katarina Dz
2019-06-14 06:15:13

Alex Roughsedge
2019-06-14 06:16:01

Alex Roughsedge
2019-06-14 06:17:46

Alex Roughsedge
2019-06-14 06:18:07

Katarina Dz
2019-06-14 06:53:11

George Bulte
2019-06-14 07:19:08

Ben Cox
2019-06-14 07:55:58

Guilherme Puertas
2019-06-14 07:58:02

Anthony Fennell
2019-06-14 08:44:17

Alex Roughsedge
2019-06-14 13:27:52

Alex Roughsedge
2019-06-14 15:21:21

Alex Roughsedge
2019-06-14 15:22:40

George Bulte
2019-06-14 18:04:42

Adam Green
2019-06-14 18:26:46

原文網址 Alex Roughsedge
2019-06-13 15:21:25

9hr print finished just as I had to leave for work :( gonna be a looong day...


原文網址 Alex Roughsedge
2019-06-13 06:10:43

Hi guys, just starting out with a bottle of Elegoo Grey. I've managed some nice prints at 0.05mm with 15s exposure, currently trying one at 14.5s. Has anyone got a good exposure time starting point for 0.02mm or 0.025mm layer height?


Stefan Giudici
2019-06-13 06:58:19

Noah Singer
2019-06-13 07:28:56

Bob Deblier
2019-06-13 13:05:30

Noah Singer
2019-06-13 19:36:23

Mike Roof
2019-06-14 02:38:22

Alex Roughsedge
2019-06-14 03:11:48

原文網址 Alex Roughsedge
2019-06-13 02:08:10

I chose something different. I chose the impossible. I chose... Rapture ?

Got a litre of Elegoo Grey resin to try out today so ran through a quick 40 min print. Seriously impressed. Printed at 0.05mm res, 15s exposure time, 8 bottom layers at 80s straight on the build plate. Printed perfectly, and it doesn't smell ?


Martin Mjöllnir Umgjer
2019-06-13 02:10:30

Kyle Urban
2019-06-13 02:22:48

John Alvarado
2019-06-13 02:26:40

Alex Roughsedge
2019-06-13 02:50:02

Chris Hales
2019-06-13 02:53:53

Bob Deblier
2019-06-13 02:55:11

Sean O'Hayer
2019-06-13 02:57:18

Alex Roughsedge
2019-06-13 02:59:29

Alex Roughsedge
2019-06-13 03:00:24

Nikos Antonakis
2019-06-13 03:10:32

Sterling Murphy
2019-06-13 03:22:21

Chris Hales
2019-06-13 03:34:55

Alex Roughsedge
2019-06-13 03:35:59

Kyle Urban
2019-06-13 03:37:03

Nikos Antonakis
2019-06-13 03:38:14

Alex Roughsedge
2019-06-13 03:39:16

Bob Deblier
2019-06-13 03:40:33

Alex Roughsedge
2019-06-13 03:41:19

Alex Roughsedge
2019-06-13 03:41:58

Bob Deblier
2019-06-13 03:43:44

Alex Roughsedge
2019-06-13 03:44:53

Nikola Petrov
2019-06-13 03:45:19

Alex Roughsedge
2019-06-13 03:47:23

Bob Deblier
2019-06-13 03:47:40

Nikola Petrov
2019-06-13 03:47:49

Bob Deblier
2019-06-13 03:49:29

Bob Deblier
2019-06-13 03:50:49

Richard Bruce
2019-06-13 04:08:40

Jerry Little
2019-06-13 05:57:00

Alex Roughsedge
2019-06-13 20:49:21

Bob Deblier
2019-06-13 20:53:02

Alex Roughsedge
2019-06-13 20:55:47

Bob Deblier
2019-06-13 20:56:35

Alex Roughsedge
2019-06-13 20:57:47

Bob Deblier
2019-06-13 20:58:37

Lorenzo JB Saponetta
2019-06-13 21:01:34

Mike Roof
2019-06-13 21:32:51

Brent Cox
2019-06-13 23:36:57

Shawn Fisher
2019-06-13 23:40:44

Sven van der Hart
2019-06-14 01:29:59

Sven van der Hart
2019-06-14 01:31:15

Bob Deblier
2019-06-14 02:06:23



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