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Anycubic Photon Printer Owners 造訪社團 » 用戶發文

原文網址 Ben Bicakci
2020-03-16 12:10:13

Has anyone else found some inconsistency in terms of colour and print quality/settings with Anycubic Grey lately?

I go through a few bottles of Anycubic Grey a month, and I'm finding every new bottle I open varies a bit in colour, ranging from the usual grey to a bit more bluish or greenish. And it seems to affect the printing too, sometimes I need to bump up the exposure up 1 sec or so.


原文網址 Ben Bicakci
2019-12-11 14:56:01

Wondering if anyone else has had this problem. I use .photon files sliced in Chitubox with my Photon S (latest firmware) so that I can use Photon File Validator. When the Photon S is printing these files, it takes longer than Chitubox says it should. And the lcd displays the current layer for waaaaay longer than the 7 sec exposure setting I am using. What am I doing wrong?


Nipuna Gunarathne
2019-12-11 15:00:07

Ben Bicakci
2019-12-11 15:14:46

Nipuna Gunarathne
2019-12-11 15:25:49

Ben Bicakci
2019-12-11 16:11:35

Nipuna Gunarathne
2019-12-11 16:14:53

Ben Bicakci
2019-12-11 16:17:37

原文網址 Ben Bicakci
2019-12-09 15:24:34

Hey everyone, I'm hoping someone can help me. I have a Photon I bought in August 2019 and it's seen almost daily use. Recently it began shorting out randomly. I've noticed the small fan next to vat no longer works. I've just bought a Photon S too, but now I cannot run both since if the original Photon shorts out everything turns off and I lose multiple prints.

I've tried using a different powerpoint and updated firmware. After the firmware update the fan speed was fluctuating as the LCD on the front changed with each layer.

I have submitted a ticket to Anycubic support, but I sell my models and this has caused a really frustrating problem in terms of lost/failed prints. I really need two printers working. :(

I'm not really electrically minded, and I did ask this question recently in this group or another Anycubic group (sorry for the repost), but I'm hoping someone can help while I wait for a response from Anycubic?


Sandro Pateishvili
2019-12-09 15:30:07

Ronin Gipijah
2019-12-09 15:32:36

Ben Bicakci
2019-12-09 16:16:41

Ben Bicakci
2019-12-09 16:17:06

Ben Bicakci
2019-12-09 16:18:35

Nipuna Gunarathne
2019-12-09 18:55:40

原文網址 Ben Bicakci
2019-12-04 11:15:09

Does anyone own a Photon AND an Elegoo Mars or Photon S? Is there a difference in print time and print quality between them? I'm looking at getting a second printer, and if spending a little more means quicker prints it might be worth it. Otherwise, I'll stick to the OG Photon.


Hugh Jeriolas
2019-12-04 11:26:44

Ben Bicakci
2019-12-04 11:36:10

Hugh Jeriolas
2019-12-04 11:37:20

Ben Bicakci
2019-12-04 11:43:43

Hugh Jeriolas
2019-12-04 11:46:06

Ben Bicakci
2019-12-04 11:48:21

Hugh Jeriolas
2019-12-04 12:15:08

Jason Lund
2019-12-04 12:47:03

Samson Chen
2019-12-04 13:04:55

原文網址 Ben Bicakci
2019-12-03 12:14:05

Hi all, just wondering if anyone who started off with a Photon has also purchased one of the resin printers with a larger build volume (e.g., Phrozen Shuffle XL)?

It's something I am hoping to do soon, but I am a bit worried that other printers lack both the community and software support that the Photon has? For example, I find the Photon File Validator incredibly useful, but afaik there is no equivalent for larger printers.

Anyone with any experiences of going to larger printers? Thanks


Jeffrey Parr
2019-12-03 12:23:36

Chris Bondy
2019-12-03 12:25:14

原文網址 Ben Bicakci
2019-12-01 20:19:06

I was super happy with this print from today. 1/87 truck. I know the Photon is good but I was surprised the rivets on the side actually show up.

Elegoo Grey (with a tiny bit of leftover Anycubic Grey in the vat), 0.05 @ 11.5 seconds. Next step is the interior, and then some windows using clear resin


Csaba Szilágyi
2019-12-01 20:23:11

Fadhil Wong
2019-12-01 20:29:21

Marco van Hees
2019-12-01 20:29:30

Brett Vertigan
2019-12-01 20:48:30

Stevo Hill
2019-12-01 20:53:04

Ben Bicakci
2019-12-01 20:53:57

Ben Bicakci
2019-12-01 20:56:05

Arri Merenda
2019-12-01 21:02:20

Dragut Gruia Matei
2019-12-01 21:02:27

Ben Bicakci
2019-12-01 21:08:59

Ben Bicakci
2019-12-01 21:11:04

Ben Bicakci
2019-12-01 21:22:55

Arri Merenda
2019-12-01 21:25:19

Ben Bicakci
2019-12-01 21:31:27

Jon Foster
2019-12-01 21:36:07

Arri Merenda
2019-12-01 21:59:26

Pataki Ábris
2019-12-01 22:10:33

Ben Bicakci
2019-12-01 23:01:55

Ben Bicakci
2019-12-01 23:05:08

Pataki Ábris
2019-12-02 01:52:48

Vlastík Bek
2019-12-02 03:47:51

Parker Christensen
2019-12-02 03:48:12

Elle Heilig
2019-12-02 15:50:19

Ben Bicakci
2019-12-02 16:03:09

Ben Bicakci
2019-12-02 16:04:57

Lionel Tankafr
2019-12-02 17:45:37

Julio César López Moreno
2019-12-03 01:21:52

Patrice Nisolle
2019-12-03 06:23:03

原文網址 Ben Bicakci
2019-11-16 14:25:47

I've had my Photon since early August, 2019, and it's reliably been printing almost every day. A few days ago, something tripped the safety/circuit breaker while I was printing. I restarted the print and it completed successfully, and I've printed again since then. However, today the same thing happened part way through a print. I can't be 100% sure the Photon is tripping the safety/circuit breaker but I am not using more appliances etc than usual, and it's happened twice now while printing within a couple of days. Not sure what's causing it, but it may be the Photon?

Anyone else experience this problem? Any suggestions?


John Chrapkowski
2019-11-16 14:29:36

David Deason
2019-11-16 14:52:33

Mike Roof
2019-11-17 13:37:32

Ben Bicakci
2019-11-17 13:53:21

Mike Roof
2019-11-18 00:09:01

原文網址 Ben Bicakci
2019-10-05 18:03:59

I know a few other members here use Tinkercad so I thought it'd be worth asking this here. I seem to have done something wrong and it's causing my model to fail to load. The cab part stays highlighted red, and it either never resolves or I get a "failed to load nodes" message and/or disconnect/crash. Is there anything I can do at this point to salvage that section? It also crashes after a while if I try to export the stl.


David Nicholls
2019-10-05 18:08:15

Ben Bicakci
2019-10-05 18:11:43

Ben Bicakci
2019-10-05 18:28:42

David Nicholls
2019-10-05 22:18:46

Alan Lautenslager
2019-10-06 04:06:18

Ben Bicakci
2019-10-06 12:56:09

原文網址 Ben Bicakci
2019-09-21 17:43:26

Anyone own a Photon and an FDM printer (particularly the Ender 3)? I am thinking about picking up an Ender 3 for making more functional and larger prints.

Is the Ender 3 a good FDM printer to start with?

If you're in Australia, can you recommend a good place to buy one? On ebay, there are so many options and they vary a bit in price.



Jez Clark
2019-09-21 17:48:39

Robert James
2019-09-21 17:57:13

Patrick Stark
2019-09-21 18:02:04

Regan Fairbanks
2019-09-21 18:09:31

Dave Green
2019-09-21 18:15:10

Dave Green
2019-09-21 18:47:14

Katona Szilárd-Zoltán
2019-09-21 19:10:56

Sean Evans
2019-09-21 19:21:00

Dave Smith
2019-09-21 20:39:25

Steven Fletcher
2019-09-21 20:51:39

Josh N Bee
2019-09-21 20:51:50

Josh N Bee
2019-09-21 20:55:08

Ben Bicakci
2019-09-21 21:00:57

Juan E. Rosario
2019-09-21 21:08:45

Leevi Jordan
2019-09-21 21:12:24

Leevi Jordan
2019-09-21 21:12:30

Ben Bicakci
2019-09-21 21:24:25

Jake Campos
2019-09-21 21:53:07

Dave Smith
2019-09-21 23:09:51

Jon Vogel
2019-09-21 23:13:57

Kyle A. Wolfe
2019-09-22 02:26:58

James Ogre Tate
2019-09-22 06:37:51

James Ogre Tate
2019-09-22 06:39:05

Jon Vogel
2019-09-22 08:20:41

Brenton-Amanda York-DeBoef
2019-09-25 04:01:09

Ben Bicakci
2019-09-25 12:52:01

原文網址 Ben Bicakci
2019-09-14 12:19:38

For everyone who makes scale model wheels/tyres, what resin do you use for the tyres? I am trying Monocure Rapid black and it's not opaque and the tyres end up looking translucent. Is there anything I can mix into this resin to make it more opaque?


Susan Sioux Mercer
2019-09-14 13:09:14

Paul Tyer
2019-09-14 18:21:35

Ben Bicakci
2019-09-14 18:40:30

Ben Bicakci
2019-09-14 19:31:52

Susan Sioux Mercer
2019-09-15 03:20:47

Susan Sioux Mercer
2019-09-15 03:22:10

Matt Remus
2019-09-15 04:17:51

Sherri Johnson
2019-09-15 04:44:03

Matt Remus
2019-09-15 04:56:47



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