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Anycubic Photon Printer Owners 造訪社團 » 用戶發文

原文網址 Chris Wilkerson
2019-11-29 04:17:06

Any fixes for a non functional Photon z-axis? Won't go up or down when using the buttons on the LCD, but will move by turning the rod by hand. No sounds coming from the machine.


Jeff Greenfield
2019-11-29 04:19:23

Chris Wilkerson
2019-11-29 04:20:43

Sen Kun
2019-11-29 04:56:44

Aaron Wiggins
2019-11-29 04:57:09

Sen Kun
2019-11-29 04:57:52

Chris Wilkerson
2019-11-29 07:20:08

Chris Wilkerson
2019-11-29 08:13:42

Sen Kun
2019-11-29 12:23:44

原文網址 Chris Wilkerson
2019-10-29 07:40:12

Trying to find the correct amount of cure time. The yellowish figures were cooked for about an hour in my cure bucket (uv light strip in a metal pot) and the middle guy was sun cured for about 20 minutes.
Is this healthy summer glow a sign of over doing it or a correct amount of cure? I gave them the old fingernail scratch test and they can all still be scratched.
There seems to be a lot of info regarding finding the correct exposure settings, but not much for determining whether the resin is cured properly.
Elegoo White resin


Joel Mendoza
2019-10-29 07:43:33

Chris Wilkerson
2019-10-29 07:47:09

Michael Horn
2019-10-29 07:51:57

Chris Wilkerson
2019-10-29 08:12:19

Matt Olsen
2019-10-29 08:23:40

Calvin Damsted
2019-10-29 09:18:36

Calvin Damsted
2019-10-29 09:20:47

Matthew Hardy
2019-10-29 11:15:56

Jesse Mouré
2019-10-29 11:28:56

Andrew Stockton
2019-10-29 12:13:03

Chris Wilkerson
2019-10-29 12:14:04

Tobi Altebaeumer
2019-10-29 12:47:39

Chris Wilkerson
2019-10-29 12:54:48

Nipuna Gunarathne
2019-11-01 15:47:35

原文網址 Chris Wilkerson
2019-10-15 12:43:39

A double wand holder for my son's birthday. Printed the birdies, the crest on top, and the plaque with the Photon.


Jeremy Swigart
2019-10-15 12:46:51

Francesco Peeters
2019-10-15 14:58:51

Ioan Flerr
2019-10-15 18:15:55

Jim Stephens
2019-10-15 18:36:47

Doug Bowman
2019-10-15 19:49:47

Jason Pacheco
2019-10-15 20:18:24

Chris Wilkerson
2019-10-15 20:48:13

Itai M Lustgarten
2019-10-15 20:49:11

Jim Stephens
2019-10-15 21:00:21

Andrew Stockton
2019-10-15 23:08:13

Chris Wilkerson
2019-10-15 23:57:33

Lucas Miguel
2019-10-16 08:43:08

Chris Wilkerson
2019-10-16 23:26:21

Andrew Stockton
2019-10-16 23:46:00

Jim Stephens
2019-10-17 00:17:31

原文網址 Chris Wilkerson
2019-09-23 00:39:39

Semi-hypothetical question: what would be the impact on a small model if I painted it without curing first? If the models get more "brittle" when they are cured, would skipping this step make them more compliant?


Jari Ivanoff
2019-09-23 00:41:34

Jari Ivanoff
2019-09-23 01:48:20

Ben Cox
2019-09-23 12:19:51

原文網址 Chris Wilkerson
2019-08-25 07:38:36

Is this an example of z-axis wobble? I'm on firmware 4.2.17


Ricardo Sebastian Ibacache Guerr
2019-08-25 07:40:05

Chris Wilkerson
2019-08-25 07:42:02

Alpharius Omegon
2019-08-25 07:42:42

Ricardo Sebastian Ibacache Guerr
2019-08-25 07:43:26

Chris Wilkerson
2019-08-25 07:44:23

Chris Wilkerson
2019-08-25 07:45:36

Ricardo Sebastian Ibacache Guerr
2019-08-25 07:46:40

Chris Wilkerson
2019-08-25 07:47:55

Alpharius Omegon
2019-08-25 07:51:52

Ricardo Sebastian Ibacache Guerr
2019-08-25 07:55:35

Chris Wilkerson
2019-08-25 07:56:10

Daniel Ignacio Perez
2019-08-25 08:00:07

Chris Wilkerson
2019-08-25 08:02:10

Jlee Usn
2019-08-25 08:12:22

Chris Wilkerson
2019-08-25 08:22:02

James Cachia-Garrett
2019-08-25 08:22:25

Sean O'Hayer
2019-08-25 08:26:11

Chris Wilkerson
2019-08-25 09:30:14

Luke Mason
2019-08-25 10:02:17

Luke Mason
2019-08-25 10:03:13

Chad Elstad
2019-08-26 05:07:22

原文網址 Chris Wilkerson
2019-08-25 00:32:51

things I learned today:
1 - always tighten the hold down screws on the resin vat ?

2 - if you have uncured resin on your nitrile gloves and then go outside = instant chemical burn ?


Sean Croteau
2019-08-25 01:26:58

原文網址 Chris Wilkerson
2019-08-21 04:12:23

That's much better! This is a DesktopHero3d.com model that my son created. Cleaned up the STL in Windows 3D Builder, and added supports with the Photon slicer (including that extra one not attached to anything...). Very impressed with the level of detail. I mean, teeth, seriously?!

Now, to figure out hollowing


Jeffrey Kellum
2019-08-21 04:26:28

Chris Wilkerson
2019-08-21 04:27:35

Vinay Shah
2019-08-21 04:29:33

Jeffrey Kellum
2019-08-21 04:32:24

Andrew Stockton
2019-08-21 04:40:23

Chris Wilkerson
2019-08-21 04:42:29

Jesse Mouré
2019-08-21 06:43:01

Joey Smith
2019-08-21 20:59:26

原文網址 Chris Wilkerson
2019-08-21 01:22:43

Thanks for adding me to the group!

Just received my Photon yesterday and ran the photon.Photon test print off of the included USB stick (I've read that it can be problematic). Yeah, not so good. What would cause this to happen? I took my time trying to level the print plate, following more detailed instructions than those in the manual.




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