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Anycubic Photon Printer Owners 造訪社團 » 用戶發文

原文網址 James Boltin
2019-11-18 03:42:30

Ok yall, I'm coming from FDM background and finding the photon to be more headache than its worth. But dont want to give up. My biggest issue is with the alligator skin left from the supports. I assume this is due to exposure time and liquid pooling around the supports. What do I need to do to keep this to a minimum. I see fantastic prints posted here I'm just not getting those results.

Here are pics of my latest attempts. This was done with siraya blu.


James Boltin
2019-11-18 03:44:04

Zäta Doe
2019-11-18 03:48:43

Robert Hamberger
2019-11-18 03:50:02

James Boltin
2019-11-18 04:25:10

Zäta Doe
2019-11-18 04:26:55

James Boltin
2019-11-18 04:33:53

James Boltin
2019-11-18 04:36:20

Leon Photon
2019-11-18 05:36:19

Robert Hamberger
2019-11-18 05:47:10

Siraya Tech
2019-11-18 07:03:49

Ian Gill
2019-11-18 07:13:23

John Chrapkowski
2019-11-18 08:52:10

Shawn O'Hara
2019-11-19 20:48:15

Chris Bondy
2019-11-19 20:58:09

James Boltin
2019-11-20 04:35:35

James Boltin
2019-11-20 04:37:03

James Boltin
2019-11-20 04:37:31

James Boltin
2019-11-20 04:38:13

Chris Bondy
2019-11-20 04:43:05

Shawn O'Hara
2019-11-20 04:54:07

James Boltin
2019-11-20 10:36:05

原文網址 James Boltin
2019-09-15 00:41:50

Silly question, how long is the resin test from Photonsters page? I downloaded it to my USB installed the drive and hit run... came back from getting a drink downstairs and the print says its done. So either its super fast or I really messed up.


Nathan Aaron
2019-09-15 01:00:08

James Boltin
2019-09-15 01:02:19

Nathan Aaron
2019-09-15 07:46:00

原文網址 James Boltin
2019-09-09 01:06:43

Ok hive mind, what's up with the support dimples left over on parts? I am new to resin printing and trying to figure out if this is just part of it or if I'm doing something wrong.

Ran a part on an angle in Chitubox with supports. And the backside (where the supports go) is left all ugly after supports are removed. How do we get good prints front and back? My thoughts are exposure time is too long and the resin is drying in little pools around the supports.

Thanks in advance!


Derek Reihe
2019-09-09 01:08:24

Evan Boone
2019-09-09 01:13:39

Bradley VanScoyk
2019-09-09 01:14:52

Randy Schaar
2019-09-09 01:15:40

Justin Miller
2019-09-09 01:44:37

James Boltin
2019-09-09 03:43:58

Milton Maxson
2019-09-09 08:43:41

Damian Jerewski
2019-09-09 16:01:30

David McGyver
2019-09-09 17:21:24

Nicholas Hughes
2019-09-09 21:11:44

Neil Ramsay
2019-09-09 22:57:49

Nicholas Hughes
2019-09-09 22:59:32

James Boltin
2019-09-10 00:27:03

原文網址 James Boltin
2019-08-30 11:44:02

Maybe I'm slow, or its the Rum and Coke... but I cant find a way to save from ChiTuBox for the Photon. I only have options to save to default ChituBox, Obj or stl. Am I missing something obvious? Surely, you dont have to save to stl then open in anycubic software.

Forgive me, new to resin printing


Zac Linhart
2019-08-30 11:46:05

Zac Linhart
2019-08-30 11:46:46

Robert James
2019-08-30 11:47:38

James Boltin
2019-08-30 11:48:14

James Boltin
2019-08-30 11:48:38

James Boltin
2019-08-30 11:48:50

Zac Linhart
2019-08-30 12:06:43



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