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Anycubic Photon Printer Owners 造訪社團 » 用戶發文

原文網址 Josh N Bee
2020-02-04 23:45:17

Have a dent in my FEP...Now I have a dent traveling upwards in that spot on all prints...

*SIGH*...Hate being Lazy.

One part of me is all, "It's only INSIDE my prints, whatever" (even though I'm doing flat surface pieces which are also affected)....another is like "It wont be that bad, just Clean up and Change the FEP".

I've heard it's a pain...and that its also easy...and anything else I'm sure it's all based on prior user experience.

Any Suggestions for a first time FEP Change to make my experience less cumbersome? I've heard as long as it Pings like a Drum I should be good.

I'd like to say by this video, that it doesn't seem all that complicated. I'll have to run to the corner store for a soda, bottle cap...


Tim Feeney Jr
2020-02-04 23:52:29

Bradley Hawkes
2020-02-04 23:54:11

David Martin Schulze
2020-02-04 23:54:48

Uriah Redden
2020-02-04 23:57:38

Mark Rhodes
2020-02-05 01:37:21

Stefan Giudici
2020-02-05 01:44:15

John Chrapkowski
2020-02-05 02:04:07

Grant Weaver
2020-02-05 02:10:23

Mark Simpkins
2020-02-05 02:38:06

Brian T Patterson
2020-02-05 03:19:28

Paul West
2020-02-05 03:46:57

Justin Lincoln
2020-02-05 04:39:37

Felix Flauta Jr.
2020-02-05 05:04:00

Gregorey Savieo
2020-02-05 13:51:01

Matt Bertwell
2020-02-05 16:58:02

Matt Shears
2020-02-06 05:38:07

Jeff Holsinger
2020-02-06 06:40:29

Josh N Bee
2020-02-06 06:49:15

Darren Donovan
2020-02-06 11:07:12

Josh N Bee
2020-02-06 22:39:22

Josh N Bee
2020-02-06 22:40:11

Josh N Bee
2020-02-06 22:40:41

Josh N Bee
2020-02-06 22:42:45

Jeff Holsinger
2020-02-07 04:46:58

Travis Bailey
2020-02-07 11:58:24

原文網址 Josh N Bee
2020-02-02 23:08:38

I'm using Chitubox...

Can any one recommend how to orientate this to print easily and Proper?

I've tried 45 and 25 degree with full supports...but I always seem to get some warping.

Pretty sure my bed is Level.

I've never been happy with "Flat pieces" and removing them...but, perhaps I've not done it correctly.


Gregor Ganglmair
2020-02-02 23:10:01

Harold Crossley
2020-02-02 23:11:06

Gregor Ganglmair
2020-02-02 23:12:40

Harold Crossley
2020-02-02 23:13:39

Robert Small
2020-02-02 23:23:48

Fred Bey
2020-02-02 23:23:53

Fred Bey
2020-02-02 23:26:54

Don Newman
2020-02-02 23:44:10

Robert Small
2020-02-03 00:00:52

Josh N Bee
2020-02-03 00:28:08

Merv Hinton
2020-02-03 01:09:36

原文網址 Josh N Bee
2019-11-30 09:27:15

So, not 100% bothered by it...but, can totally smell my resin, despite having a fan venting outside my window.

I'm using a Flexible Foil Dryer Transition Duct and a 4 inch Inline Duct Booster Fan, should I be using something that isn't as porous (ducting) and more powerful (fan)?

I figured I wouldn't be able to smell it at all...but, now I'm questioning my setup.


Lane Shutt
2019-11-30 09:34:08

Josh N Bee
2019-11-30 09:36:27

Lane Shutt
2019-11-30 09:40:45

Stefan Giudici
2019-11-30 10:11:51

Josh N Bee
2019-11-30 10:34:52

Josh N Bee
2019-11-30 10:36:00

Stefan Giudici
2019-11-30 13:18:17

Josh N Bee
2019-11-30 21:54:49

Dennis Hurlburt
2019-12-01 02:56:50

原文網址 Josh N Bee
2019-11-25 11:18:33

Silly Question...Should the Unit be vented outside all the time, or only when running? I like to keep resin in it between prints, but don't want the cold air getting inside the unit when not running.


Arel Armour
2019-11-25 11:35:37

Mark Anthony Vasquez
2019-11-25 11:44:33

Lane Shutt
2019-11-25 11:50:47

Josh N Bee
2019-11-25 21:44:59

Josh N Bee
2019-11-25 21:47:03

Mike Michaels
2019-11-26 04:55:11

原文網址 Josh N Bee
2019-10-27 21:57:22

Soooo...Working in a none insulated Garage. Live in New England. 50 Degrees and Raining...How will the Photon fare with humidity and current temps. Should I start to consider bringing the unit inside to warmer/less shady weather?


Clay Whitter
2019-10-27 22:02:53

Josh N Bee
2019-10-27 22:28:33

Clay Whitter
2019-10-27 22:33:04

Clay Whitter
2019-10-27 22:34:22

Josh N Bee
2019-10-27 22:39:23

Clay Whitter
2019-10-27 22:40:52

Josh N Bee
2019-10-27 22:43:06

Clay Whitter
2019-10-27 22:46:27

Jeff Greenfield
2019-10-28 00:02:37

Allan Jarnagin
2019-10-28 02:39:33

原文網址 Josh N Bee
2019-10-17 06:07:16

Ya'll may laugh...but, found one of these at the GoodWill for $1 and sure enough, it works wonders in my 3 part bath for cleaning...AND...I will never clean my prints/supports again in anything other than HOT water for my 3rd bath. Supports PEAL right off without ANY effort. Thanks Group for all the Tips and Tricks along the way. https://www.amazon.com/BonJour-59829-Chefs-Tools-Salad/dp/B013UGGIHO/ref=sr_1_13?crid=28HBIPF5RU4V1&keywords=salad+vinegar+mixer&qid=1571263455&sprefix=salad+vin%2Caps%2C148&sr=8-13 翻譯年糕

原文網址 Josh N Bee
2019-10-16 07:26:49

Soooooo...Lost Power...Lost Print, correct?


Jonathan Alvarado
2019-10-16 07:29:13

Sander Freitas
2019-10-16 07:29:36

Joshua Thomas Bradley
2019-10-16 07:30:37

Dave Corbett
2019-10-16 07:30:51

Josh N Bee
2019-10-16 07:31:17

Pietro Malaguti Abbate
2019-10-16 07:46:43

Matt Farmer
2019-10-16 07:50:27

Robert Nisson
2019-10-16 07:53:56

Dave Corbett
2019-10-16 07:58:19

Robert Nisson
2019-10-16 08:12:46

Fred Bey
2019-10-16 08:30:42

Steven Curnick
2019-10-16 10:26:24

Nipuna Gunarathne
2019-10-16 14:22:48

Tucker Harris
2019-10-17 00:17:36

Arthur Withier
2019-10-17 03:23:49

原文網址 Josh N Bee
2019-10-08 22:51:58

Trying to make a mold of a print, but need the end result to be glossy, not matt...after sanding my print, is there a method to be able to make the print glossy rather than porous in this method?


Sander Freitas
2019-10-08 22:54:20

Smith Hayward
2019-10-08 23:16:05

Tobi Altebaeumer
2019-10-09 00:23:45

Josh N Bee
2019-10-09 01:11:53

Smith Hayward
2019-10-09 01:24:19

Josh N Bee
2019-10-09 01:25:50

Handrez Pintubola
2019-10-09 12:48:58

Mel Danes
2019-10-10 10:38:54

原文網址 Josh N Bee
2019-10-06 23:44:06

Having the worst time trying to dial in this Resin: https://www.amazon.com/Juell-PureStax-Rapid-Printing-Resin/dp/B07NDB7P54?th=1

I tried to do the light test to see what settings I should use and each one of those failed.

I tried calling the company, disconnected. Website goes to Kickstarter...and no reviews. Feel like we wasted a bunch of money on Elmers Glue. This stuff is HORRIBLE to clean up and work with. 翻譯年糕

原文網址 Josh N Bee
2019-09-29 05:13:26

Anyone have any experience with Juell branded "PureStax" with your Photon? Or did we get something that is gonna cause more issues than it should? https://www.amazon.com/dp/B07NDB7P54 翻譯年糕



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