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Anycubic Photon Printer Owners 造訪社團 » 用戶發文

原文網址 Corby Self
2020-03-20 22:10:57

Yay I can print again


Scott Colvin
2020-03-20 22:12:06

Oksana Shevchenko
2020-03-20 22:16:54

Miles Redman
2020-03-20 22:17:32

Devin Wallace Simonsen
2020-03-20 22:19:01

David Seaman
2020-03-20 22:19:05

Pierre Eichel
2020-03-20 22:20:43

Peter Csaki
2020-03-20 22:22:38

Oksana Shevchenko
2020-03-20 22:23:14

Pierre Eichel
2020-03-20 22:24:34

Robert Holdford
2020-03-20 22:25:39

Oksana Shevchenko
2020-03-20 22:25:49

Oksana Shevchenko
2020-03-20 22:26:45

Pierre Eichel
2020-03-20 22:26:47

Oksana Shevchenko
2020-03-20 22:27:02

Pierre Eichel
2020-03-20 22:27:35

Darren Donovan
2020-03-20 22:31:57

Oksana Shevchenko
2020-03-20 22:32:29

Tucker Adams
2020-03-20 23:09:52

Michael Pescuma
2020-03-20 23:13:24

Corby Self
2020-03-20 23:24:38

Corby Self
2020-03-20 23:27:17

Tim Moulton
2020-03-20 23:31:11

Tucker Adams
2020-03-20 23:31:58

Gregory Akin
2020-03-20 23:32:16

Corby Self
2020-03-20 23:33:38

Nathan Kopp
2020-03-20 23:34:15

Tucker Adams
2020-03-20 23:35:07

Scott Pavlich
2020-03-20 23:46:25

Scott Pavlich
2020-03-20 23:47:11

Oksana Shevchenko
2020-03-20 23:48:19

Scott Pavlich
2020-03-20 23:49:07

Dirk Schreckenbach
2020-03-20 23:53:10

Gregory Thompson
2020-03-21 00:04:03

Corby Self
2020-03-21 00:08:30

Gregory Thompson
2020-03-21 00:11:44

Hamza Doğan
2020-03-21 00:15:44

Clifford Schwankner
2020-03-21 00:35:23

Tyler Bryant
2020-03-21 00:37:22

Jeffrey Opel
2020-03-21 01:03:15

Frank Seel
2020-03-21 01:09:07

Keif Davies
2020-03-21 01:17:28

Clifford Schwankner
2020-03-21 01:19:28

Dylan Hancox
2020-03-21 01:30:42

Gregory Akin
2020-03-21 01:32:19

Steve Ludwig
2020-03-21 01:38:33

Corby Self
2020-03-21 02:20:57

Cory Curtis Merrill
2020-03-21 03:17:13

原文網址 Corby Self
2019-10-28 02:19:48

Friendly reminder. There is a set screw on the red knob on the build plate. Check it periodically. As my build plate fell off. Luckily the screen survived.


Robert Lopez
2019-10-28 12:50:30

Corby Self
2019-10-29 00:20:49

原文網址 Corby Self
2019-10-26 05:40:00

What’s everyone’s IPA recycling procedure/experience? Does anyone have issues cleaning with used IPA?


John Chrapkowski
2019-10-26 05:41:50

Corby Self
2019-10-26 05:42:08

Andie Laverne
2019-10-26 05:42:34

Corby Self
2019-10-26 05:43:22

原文網址 Corby Self
2019-10-23 08:44:02

I have many curing questions. How do I know when anything is cured enough to handle or considered “safe”. With most of the resins so far they have been “fast” resins and got hard when cured. These parts ate a mix. 75% elgoo grey abs like, and 25% tenacious. My uv box seems to be lacking and I am not sure when it’s safe to handle without gloves. Is it as simple as when it’s not tacky?


Phillip Kenney
2019-10-23 08:48:16

Corby Self
2019-10-23 08:52:23

Smith Hayward
2019-10-23 08:53:13

Corby Self
2019-10-23 08:55:43

Óttar Freyr Einarsson
2019-10-23 22:37:11

Paul Grover
2019-10-24 08:38:31

原文網址 Corby Self
2019-10-19 14:21:44

Any thoughts of how to support this? I added supports and the outside looks great but something fits in that hole. The supports hardly broke off and made a bowed mess


Dan Andersson
2019-10-19 14:27:39

Dan Andersson
2019-10-19 14:28:20

Corby Self
2019-10-19 20:40:49

原文網址 Corby Self
2019-10-19 02:49:56

Why does adding a raft(skate) make it fall off the build plate? Before and after printing directly to the plate or supports and it sticks. Anycubic green 75% / Sierra Blu 25% 8 bot @ 120 sec, 10 sec .05um on a PhotonS. 6 prints 2 with the skate and it prints the skate then fails


原文網址 Corby Self
2019-10-17 06:56:00

What would be my guideline to how close supports should be to each other for the base. I watched countless videos and none pf them say this much for this far apart.


Penn Davies
2019-10-17 06:57:42

Chris Thomas Bower
2019-10-17 06:59:20

Corby Self
2019-10-17 07:02:14

Penn Davies
2019-10-17 07:08:16

Corby Self
2019-10-17 07:11:37

原文網址 Corby Self
2019-10-16 04:14:27

I have a z axis question. First a little backstory. This part needs to be dimensionally accurate. That hole on the side needs to be 12mm. X and Y seem to be correct. Z is off by 1-2mm. I leveled and leveled that is good. But everything I print is short on 2 different printers. I need the smooth finish so it is flat on the build plate. I was having troubles sticking to it so there are 8 first layers at 70-80 seconds subsequent layers are 7 seconds. I noticed the layers on the build plate are squished and even printed test 20mm squares. X and y are close and z is short with a squished look. They stick well to the plate. But have an edge like their getting smashed. Am I over curing the first layers? Is 8 too much? Or am I doing something else wrong?


Justin Lincoln
2019-10-16 04:16:43

Christopher James Smith
2019-10-16 04:17:12

Fred Bey
2019-10-16 04:19:51

Corby Self
2019-10-16 04:21:02

Corby Self
2019-10-16 04:22:40

Nipuna Gunarathne
2019-10-16 14:10:11

Corby Self
2019-10-16 16:50:27

Corby Self
2019-10-18 22:59:13

原文網址 Corby Self
2019-10-12 07:22:46

Elegoo or Anycubic Grey...Thoughts?


Tim Moulton
2019-10-12 07:25:44

Nick Baskwill
2019-10-12 07:26:32

Andrew Gott
2019-10-12 07:29:23

Dave Corbett
2019-10-12 07:35:43

Sherri Johnson
2019-10-12 08:29:15

Corby Self
2019-10-12 08:43:16

Hector Alvarez
2019-10-12 09:05:29

Corby Self
2019-10-12 09:10:36

Hector Alvarez
2019-10-12 09:16:12

Gary Houser
2019-10-12 09:19:21

Hector Alvarez
2019-10-12 09:27:12

Corby Self
2019-10-12 09:30:41

Pierre Cachia
2019-10-12 09:37:33

Scott Pavlich
2019-10-12 09:39:18

Chad Elstad
2019-10-12 10:02:19

Corby Self
2019-10-12 10:20:13

Corby Self
2019-10-12 11:03:00

Alexandra Print
2019-10-12 11:17:05

Nathan Inwin
2019-10-12 12:43:42

Jay Dubbs
2019-10-12 13:35:56

Peter Ede
2019-10-12 16:07:17

Peter Ede
2019-10-12 16:07:59

Lee Baxter
2019-10-12 19:03:20

Lee Baxter
2019-10-12 19:03:47

Peter Ede
2019-10-12 19:17:45

Kyle Calderwood
2019-10-12 19:48:47

Robb Nunya
2019-10-12 22:24:22

原文網址 Corby Self
2019-10-11 00:22:19

This print left this impression in my fep film I am assuming due to high suction. While I realize the fix is hollow/create holes for the resin to drain, but why cannot z-height be increased so the build plate goes above the resin before it descends again. That would allow air to get in or would it displace resin for the next layer


Ben Cox
2019-10-11 00:25:47

Corby Self
2019-10-11 00:29:07

Corby Self
2019-10-11 00:30:52

Ben Cox
2019-10-11 00:33:30

Corby Self
2019-10-11 00:43:03

Corby Self
2019-10-11 01:12:37

Ben Cox
2019-10-11 01:13:23

Ben Cox
2019-10-11 01:19:49

Milton Maxson
2019-10-11 02:27:52

Corby Self
2019-10-11 02:46:30



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