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Anycubic Photon Printer Owners 造訪社團 » 用戶發文

原文網址 Diego Seminario De Col
2020-03-07 05:45:48

Hello !
I have a weird problem, Im trying to print a file but the machine dosnt read it... it dosent appears in the screen, I repeat the proces of slicing and validator and everything, I even change the usb... do you know why is that happening?


Chris Roberts
2020-03-07 05:49:09

Diego Seminario De Col
2020-03-07 05:55:32

Diego Seminario De Col
2020-03-07 05:56:29

Chris Roberts
2020-03-07 05:59:33

Diego Seminario De Col
2020-03-07 06:07:06

Diego Seminario De Col
2020-03-07 06:14:55

Chris Roberts
2020-03-07 06:25:27

Diego Seminario De Col
2020-03-07 07:23:03

David McGyver
2020-03-07 07:29:20

Diego Seminario De Col
2020-03-07 07:39:28

原文網址 Diego Seminario De Col
2020-03-05 01:18:54

OMG literally....


Ether Quanta Deals
2020-03-05 01:55:06

Matias Ferrero Barreda
2020-03-05 02:27:17

Matthew Rathbone
2020-03-05 02:28:40

Richard Humble
2020-03-05 03:47:38

Richard Humble
2020-03-05 03:48:21

Foy Justice
2020-03-05 12:30:07

Diego Seminario De Col
2020-03-06 01:14:32

Diego Seminario De Col
2020-03-06 01:19:44

Diego Seminario De Col
2020-03-06 01:20:49

Richard Humble
2020-03-06 01:33:57

Richard Humble
2020-03-06 01:34:22

Diego Seminario De Col
2020-03-06 01:35:56

Richard Humble
2020-03-06 01:40:09

Foy Justice
2020-03-06 10:46:18

Richard Humble
2020-03-06 14:34:06

原文網址 Diego Seminario De Col
2020-03-03 13:23:49

Hello owners, do you have any website where you can get cool 3d files. I just know thingverse, cults and grabcad. Thanks!


Nathanael Gardner
2020-03-03 13:24:54

Nathanael Gardner
2020-03-03 13:25:53

Nathanael Gardner
2020-03-03 13:30:08

Nathanael Gardner
2020-03-03 13:31:38

原文網址 Diego Seminario De Col
2020-02-29 04:52:35

hello !
Do you have this option activated?
I have a photon " Fauxton"

Coleman Woody
2020-02-29 04:58:22

Jasper Breur
2020-02-29 16:48:24

Sen Kun
2020-03-02 01:46:00

Diego Seminario De Col
2020-03-02 01:56:52

原文網址 Diego Seminario De Col
2020-02-29 00:35:50

This printer make me smile


Rene Hellemons
2020-02-29 03:32:30

Diego Seminario De Col
2020-02-29 03:36:36

Rene Hellemons
2020-02-29 03:39:04

Игорь Лубенец
2020-02-29 04:05:14

Diego Seminario De Col
2020-02-29 04:11:57

原文網址 Diego Seminario De Col
2020-02-28 23:26:33

Hello owners, I had this problem and I dont know why... printing different objects could affect the other? O just week supports?


Tom Sargison
2020-02-29 00:08:05

Diego Seminario De Col
2020-02-29 00:20:19

Tom Sargison
2020-02-29 00:24:31

Diego Seminario De Col
2020-02-29 00:26:48

Tom Sargison
2020-02-29 00:33:56

Diego Seminario De Col
2020-02-29 00:34:35

Art Barrow
2020-02-29 00:36:52

Diego Seminario De Col
2020-02-29 00:39:08

Art Barrow
2020-02-29 00:51:00

Tom Sargison
2020-02-29 00:53:28

Tom Sargison
2020-02-29 17:15:00

原文網址 Diego Seminario De Col
2019-12-25 03:08:25

Trying new color !


原文網址 Diego Seminario De Col
2019-12-03 04:53:30

hello !
I'm trying to update the firmware of my photon printer to the last version (V4.2.19) in the document are two files, but my printer just read one (not the LCD one) what I'm doing wrong?


Alex Vee
2019-12-03 06:22:49

Diego Seminario De Col
2019-12-03 06:28:29

Alex Vee
2019-12-03 07:37:33

原文網址 Diego Seminario De Col
2019-12-03 04:01:36

Hello ! I'm trying to print using chitubox and the photon file validator but the file exported it as .photon and the printer doesn't recognise that extension.... how do I have to export the file?


Jarin Udom
2019-12-03 04:03:12

Dan Elent
2019-12-03 04:03:14

Dan Elent
2019-12-03 04:04:08

Diego Seminario De Col
2019-12-03 04:20:06

Alex Vee
2019-12-03 04:21:27

Thomas Howeth
2019-12-03 04:23:49

Diego Seminario De Col
2019-12-03 04:24:16

Alex Vee
2019-12-03 04:26:27

Diego Seminario De Col
2019-12-03 04:32:50

Diego Seminario De Col
2019-12-03 04:32:54

Dan Elent
2019-12-03 04:40:13

Dan Elent
2019-12-03 04:40:47

Diego Seminario De Col
2019-12-03 04:58:16

Alex Vee
2019-12-03 05:07:37

Diego Seminario De Col
2019-12-03 05:08:34

Alex Vee
2019-12-03 05:09:29

Diego Seminario De Col
2019-12-03 05:09:39

Sen Kun
2019-12-03 05:09:55

Sen Kun
2019-12-03 05:10:54

Diego Seminario De Col
2019-12-03 05:11:10

Alex Vee
2019-12-03 05:12:10

Alex Vee
2019-12-03 05:12:46

Sen Kun
2019-12-03 05:13:10

Diego Seminario De Col
2019-12-03 05:13:48

Sen Kun
2019-12-03 05:14:58

Diego Seminario De Col
2019-12-03 05:15:49

Alex Vee
2019-12-03 05:15:58

Diego Seminario De Col
2019-12-03 05:18:19

Diego Seminario De Col
2019-12-03 05:18:42

Alex Vee
2019-12-03 05:20:44

Diego Seminario De Col
2019-12-03 05:21:19

Diego Seminario De Col
2019-12-03 05:22:50

Alex Vee
2019-12-03 05:23:24

Diego Seminario De Col
2019-12-03 05:23:56

Diego Seminario De Col
2019-12-03 05:24:37

原文網址 Diego Seminario De Col
2019-12-02 22:12:00

Hello! I'm starting printing and I want to know if you have an advice for pieces with support, do I use the basic anycubic software or other?


Andrew Sternglass
2019-12-02 22:15:11

Jason Lund
2019-12-03 03:01:49

Diego Seminario De Col
2019-12-03 03:20:10



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