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Anycubic Photon Printer Owners 造訪社團 » 用戶發文

原文網址 Corey Ardwin
2020-03-14 23:46:58

Anycubic photon zero. I’m at about 33% successful prints. I’ve tried tightening the fep, rezeroing, increasing exposure times, and today it failed in the same way, by sticking to the fep instead of the supports... but the supports printed beautifully! Any ideas?


Chef DeSanto
2020-03-14 23:53:49

Kamil Bartosz Bilski
2020-03-14 23:54:54

Christos Boukos
2020-03-14 23:55:22

Corey Ardwin
2020-03-14 23:58:35

Logan Lees
2020-03-14 23:58:36

Corey Ardwin
2020-03-14 23:59:23

Corey Ardwin
2020-03-15 00:00:54

Christos Boukos
2020-03-15 00:01:07

Corey Ardwin
2020-03-15 00:01:54

Logan Lees
2020-03-15 00:02:08

Corey Ardwin
2020-03-15 00:03:14

Logan Lees
2020-03-15 00:04:25

Christos Boukos
2020-03-15 00:05:52

Corey Ardwin
2020-03-15 00:06:06

Logan Lees
2020-03-15 00:06:48

Georgios Kolotouros
2020-03-15 00:09:15

Logan Lees
2020-03-15 00:10:15

Keith Stringer
2020-03-15 00:27:23

Corey Ardwin
2020-03-15 00:28:19

Jeremy Mongoose Harris
2020-03-15 00:34:03

Rigo Arevalo
2020-03-15 00:38:00

Corey Ardwin
2020-03-15 00:39:49

Rigo Arevalo
2020-03-15 00:41:15

Merv Hinton
2020-03-15 01:16:12

Merv Hinton
2020-03-15 01:16:22

Merv Hinton
2020-03-15 01:17:08

Janne Sjöström
2020-03-15 03:20:55

Keith Stringer
2020-03-15 03:30:19

Keith Stringer
2020-03-15 03:31:59

Corey Ardwin
2020-03-15 03:34:31

Keith Stringer
2020-03-15 03:45:58

John Jones
2020-03-15 04:09:16

Corey Ardwin
2020-03-15 04:10:38

Corey Ardwin
2020-03-15 04:18:17

Jolene Sweeney
2020-03-15 04:23:53

Jolene Sweeney
2020-03-15 04:24:27

Jolene Sweeney
2020-03-15 04:24:35

Corey Ardwin
2020-03-15 04:29:01

Jolene Sweeney
2020-03-15 04:30:42

Liam Plotts
2020-03-15 05:31:50

Corey Ardwin
2020-03-15 05:40:10

Liam Plotts
2020-03-15 05:42:46

Tom Sargison
2020-03-15 06:40:34

Steven Molen
2020-03-15 06:50:23

Corey Ardwin
2020-03-15 07:14:00

Dante Domínguez
2020-03-15 07:18:47

Joseph James
2020-03-15 07:26:23

Mark Wardle
2020-03-15 07:50:39

John Jones
2020-03-15 07:52:21

John Jones
2020-03-15 07:52:56

原文網址 Corey Ardwin
2020-03-13 03:31:51

I have yet to get a correct print out of my machine. Failed the test cube, and failed all other prints so far. It keeps misprinting flat segments. I had supports on the slicer program, as you can see that they started in the print, but didn’t continue. There were no pieces in the resin vat when I drained it after the fail. Anycubic black resin, anycubic photon zero. Please assist!


Corey Ardwin
2020-03-13 03:41:17

Mark Wardle
2020-03-13 04:08:59

Corey Ardwin
2020-03-13 04:20:09

Tom Sargison
2020-03-13 07:28:39

Corey Ardwin
2020-03-13 21:27:23

原文網址 Corey Ardwin
2020-03-11 06:00:05

The print is adhering to the resin plate, and is being pulled off of it each time the plate rises. Am I doing some setting wrong, or is it supposed to do that? Anycubic black resin, test print cube.

Update: two prints failed. See photos.

Second update. I did another print with the recommended settings on this spreadsheet, and my print stuck to the fep instead of the print plate. What’s going wrong and how do I fix it?!



Dimas Putro Arnindyo
2020-03-11 06:01:50

Corey Ardwin
2020-03-11 06:03:12

Francois Lozach
2020-03-11 06:03:26

Martin Hallmann
2020-03-11 06:09:17

John Matthew
2020-03-11 06:15:15

John Matthew
2020-03-11 06:17:35

Ben Cox
2020-03-11 06:17:38

William Riker
2020-03-11 07:10:09

Stuart Macmillan
2020-03-11 07:20:45

Kevin Boogaard
2020-03-11 07:21:19

Chad Burleson
2020-03-11 07:27:34

Scott Pavlich
2020-03-11 07:28:17

William Riker
2020-03-11 07:32:59

Scott Pavlich
2020-03-11 07:33:19

Joey Burgett
2020-03-11 07:47:24

John Matthew
2020-03-11 07:52:04

Stuart Macmillan
2020-03-11 07:52:13

Nicolas Tsagarides
2020-03-11 19:57:22

Corey Ardwin
2020-03-12 04:58:14



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