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Anycubic Photon Printer Owners 造訪社團 » 用戶發文

原文網址 Francois Lozach
2020-04-01 03:00:09

Hi guys;) some mini print ? in diorama... just wet blending yet but those mini building /castle are so nice!!

嗨, 夥計們 ;)一些迷你列印 ? 在diorama... 只是濕混合, 但那些迷你建築/城堡真好!!

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Chris Moody
2020-04-01 04:06:42

this looks awesome! Always loved mini-dioramas. Where did you get the files from if I may ask? :)

Francois Lozach
2020-04-01 04:08:46

Chris Moody thanks. The castle is found on thingverse (type castle) and the tiny building are part of a project on thingverse called grebble city

Chris Moody
2020-04-01 04:18:16

Ben Brooks
2020-04-01 05:04:57

Looks awesome!

Francois Lozach
2020-04-01 05:12:31

Ben Brooks thanks... I hope it will be so at the end ?

Ben Brooks
2020-04-01 05:12:54

Francois Lozach keep us posted.

Charles Davenport
2020-04-01 06:38:08

Your paint work is sublime!

Michael Ray
2020-04-01 07:59:05

The paint job is on point!!

Francois Lozach
2020-04-01 14:01:13

Francois Lozach
2020-04-01 14:01:37

Michael Ray not finished yet but thanks!

Francois Lozach
2020-04-01 14:01:47

Ben Brooks of course

Tony Toy
2020-04-01 20:07:34

you can be interessted by this : https://www.facebook.com/GravenGuild

Tony Toy
2020-04-01 20:07:47

nice work !

Francois Lozach
2020-04-01 20:58:35

Tony Toy see that already but look more hexagons for role play ou miniature game campaign. This is also too bad they did not have painted example as it changes all;)

Francois Lozach
2020-04-01 20:58:42

Tony Toy thanks

Tony Toy
2020-04-01 21:08:14

yes ok

Francois Lozach
2020-04-01 22:04:21

Tony Toy but if they want I can paint those for their ks;)

Kelsey Miller
2020-04-01 23:43:06

Prints and painting is beautiful! If you ever did a painting process video or tutorial, I'd be so into that! Tips?

Francois Lozach
2020-04-02 00:36:55

Kelsey Miller got a good news;) our team blog has already tons of tutorials done;)

Jacob Hocken
2020-04-03 05:32:19

What's your method for wet blending?

Francois Lozach
2020-04-03 15:24:22

Jacob Hocken wet blending is very difficult to explain or to teach... it’s a question of feeling... generally I pour directly the colors on the model already wet with water... then I play with the colors

原文網址 Francois Lozach
2020-03-21 04:10:46

Well I should say once primed my photon s has delivered good stuff


原文網址 Francois Lozach
2020-03-10 00:02:58

Hi guys
Following wise advice I have tested the better exposure test;)
Resin : anycubic plant based orange
3-10 seconds test.
Smell is the same I would say... probably less dangerous overall but cannot really say it smells better;) but very thin and smooth... easy to clean very opaque and not longer exposure than other anycubic... bit more expensive still


Alexander Lew
2020-03-10 00:17:55

Francois Lozach
2020-03-10 00:35:20

Mason Chapman
2020-03-10 00:43:44

Francois Lozach
2020-03-10 00:44:45

Francois Lozach
2020-03-10 00:45:33

Francois Lozach
2020-03-10 00:45:56

Alexander Lew
2020-03-10 01:05:29

Francois Lozach
2020-03-10 01:06:20

Francois Lozach
2020-03-10 01:06:50

Alexander Lew
2020-03-10 01:07:29

Francois Lozach
2020-03-10 02:11:59

Mason Chapman
2020-03-10 02:43:10

Jacob Bolton
2020-03-10 03:41:42

Joe Kirkus
2020-03-10 03:50:03

Francois Lozach
2020-03-10 04:09:44

Joe Kirkus
2020-03-10 04:11:31

Francois Lozach
2020-03-10 04:14:20

Joe Kirkus
2020-03-10 04:18:48

Francois Lozach
2020-03-10 04:19:47

Joe Kirkus
2020-03-10 04:20:08

原文網址 Francois Lozach
2020-03-08 04:15:39

Hi guys
Really weird fact... I used anycubic green translucent resin delivered with my photon s since the beginning. 8 sec exposure and all went fine...
I switch to anycubic clear and did the exposure test with both the green old resin and the clear.
You can see the results.
It seems details on the green one is much less good. (I just colored the clear one to see it better)
I just see the old resin is much more dense and viscous...
so considering that I was happy the my old resin but here I see much better resolution with the new one...
How should I interpret that and how much I should expose the clear one?


Nipuna Gunarathne
2020-03-08 12:10:40

Francois Lozach
2020-03-08 15:34:31

Francois Lozach
2020-03-08 16:24:53

Francois Lozach
2020-03-08 16:28:30

Nipuna Gunarathne
2020-03-08 16:32:00

Francois Lozach
2020-03-08 16:40:53

Nipuna Gunarathne
2020-03-08 16:50:47

Francois Lozach
2020-03-08 17:15:11

原文網址 Francois Lozach
2020-03-07 01:32:12

Hi guys, juste received anycubic clear resin... so I run the modified photon s exposure test... runs out very difficult to read with clear resin

Any help would be absolutely appreciated. For info previous green anycubic that came with printer was 8 sec exposure perfect


Michael Martin
2020-03-07 01:43:31

Francois Lozach
2020-03-07 01:44:10

Michael Martin
2020-03-07 02:53:31

原文網址 Francois Lozach
2020-03-03 02:24:29

Hi guys.
Do you have any link of kapton tape you have ordered in amazon? So many references that I would like to avoid errors


Kyle Telechan
2020-03-03 02:26:33

Janus Stark
2020-03-03 02:34:13

Merv Hinton
2020-03-03 02:44:29

Francois Lozach
2020-03-03 03:26:52

原文網址 Francois Lozach
2020-02-29 17:32:22

So fun to print myself and thus changing the scale as I want!!


原文網址 Francois Lozach
2020-02-29 06:37:59

First bust I print on my photon s... reduces from 12 cm talk to 5-6


John Rodriguez
2020-02-29 07:52:07

原文網址 Francois Lozach
2020-02-26 01:49:11

Hi guys
I can’t find over the web à clear procedure concerning the firmware update on my photon s.
Do I have to run one and the other in a correct order? Please could you be so kind to confirm?


Francois Lozach
2020-02-26 02:18:07

Francois Lozach
2020-02-26 02:18:11

原文網址 Francois Lozach
2020-02-25 00:18:59

hi all

quick question about updating firmware photon s

I got 2 files

any order to start print those files?




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