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Anycubic Photon Printer Owners 造訪社團 » 用戶發文

原文網址 Dante Domínguez
2020-03-28 23:51:33

Hello people! What are the best settings for printing with elegoo grey resin in a photon printer? The settings I used (.05 layer height, 6 bottom layers, 12 exposure, 60 bottom exposure, 3light off delay) do not produce crisp details. Picture for reference: supposedly, those are missiles in a pod, and the face has eyes and a respirator...


Lee Fletcher
2020-03-28 23:54:38

I’m currently running 8 bottom layers at 60s, normal exposure 9s at 0.05 layer height. Getting great results.

Lee Fletcher
2020-03-28 23:56:39

Lee Fletcher
2020-03-29 00:01:04

Lee Fletcher
2020-03-29 00:01:31

Lee Fletcher
2020-03-29 00:01:39

Lee Fletcher
2020-03-29 00:04:47

Dante Domínguez
2020-03-29 00:08:55

I'll try your settings. Thanks!

Nathan Kopp
2020-03-29 12:31:50

i found the non trans resins need to be 12-16 seconds usually.

Scott Pavlich
2020-03-29 13:33:16

You are way overexposured at 12secs

Nikola Pijanac
2020-03-29 13:37:25

I would try 8/9 seconds exposure I think 12 is too much as well. I've posted my chitu settings and anycubic photon setting if you search the posts. They should give you a reasonable guide.

原文網址 Dante Domínguez
2020-03-12 10:34:18

Edit: It is set of starting lanes for gaslands (a wargame). It is happening, even when I tilt them to avoid suction. It has also happened with other prints I've done. I:m using elegoo grey. 6 bottom layers, 60 seconds. 0.05 layers 12sec.

After leveling using the Flint method, this is what I got. The raft properly sticks to the plate (it is very thin, though). The issue is with the actual print sticking to the supports. But it only happens towards the front of the build plate. The back is attached to the supports, but flat surfaces are uneven. This is happening now that I'm using elegoo Grey resin. I didn't had this problem with anycubic clear green... Halp!


Oksana Shevchenko
2020-03-12 10:41:26

Michael Underwood
2020-03-12 10:44:51

Dante Domínguez
2020-03-12 10:48:58

Dante Domínguez
2020-03-12 10:49:44

Oksana Shevchenko
2020-03-12 10:58:11

Daniel Faubert
2020-03-12 11:17:12

Scott Pavlich
2020-03-12 11:19:33

Scott Pavlich
2020-03-12 11:20:09

Ryan Tudor
2020-03-12 12:41:08

Merv Hinton
2020-03-12 14:22:44

Merv Hinton
2020-03-12 14:23:16

Dave Antonetti
2020-03-13 03:18:14

Tom Sargison
2020-03-13 07:35:04

原文網址 Dante Domínguez
2020-03-11 19:45:00

Im guessing I have a leveling issue. How do can I ensure my build plate is completely parallel to the screen? I've been having uneven prints lately, and I've leveled the build plate a few times already.
Pictures for reference:
Boeth prints has supports, but were not tilted (inclined a few degrees).
1. The bottom of the print is "flaky". The layers cured, but were not stuck together.
2. Supposedly, a flat end...

I'm using elegoo grey. 6 bottom layers, 60 seconds. 0.05 layers 12sec.
Edit: my 1 in the picture was cropped and the circle is off haha!


Greg Jones
2020-03-11 21:31:02

Dante Domínguez
2020-03-12 08:14:11

Tom Sargison
2020-03-13 17:02:57

原文網址 Dante Domínguez
2020-03-02 11:03:24

Living on the edge!


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Darren Warry
2020-03-02 11:05:55

I still see a few unused mm's

Thomas McConnell
2020-03-02 11:14:42

? Fill it

Dante Domínguez
2020-03-02 11:16:09

Fear got the best of me...

Scott Pavlich
2020-03-02 11:26:42

You have TONS of room left....I see at least .1mm, maybe .2mm to go before the screws ? ? ?

Mark Rhodes
2020-03-02 11:54:14

I did that. Then it started a print and went over ?

Adam Foster
2020-03-02 11:56:35

If I had £1 for everytime I've seen one of these posts I'd have about £34. ? ?

Charles Grigg
2020-03-02 12:02:16

living on the edge

Marie Stevens
2020-03-02 12:05:32

Marie Stevens
2020-03-02 12:06:01

Edward Hill
2020-03-02 13:03:43

These posts need to stop. They encourage bad habits for people just learning how to use their machine, and serve no positive purpose.

Andrew Macias
2020-03-02 13:09:15

Andrew Macias
2020-03-02 13:09:44

There are still a few mm's left

Zeb Christmas
2020-03-02 14:01:04

Bro that's definitely not "a few mm" lol that's like less than half a mm

Bruno Shepard
2020-03-02 14:20:45

What's the recommended amount of resin?

Joel Mendoza
2020-03-02 14:25:57

Tucker Harris
2020-03-02 14:26:18

Thomas Harrell
2020-03-02 14:38:38

Bruno Shepard top of the bevel inside the tank.

David Newton
2020-03-02 14:45:14

Who cares as long as the build plate is under the resin on exposure fill it to what you like, why are people saying bad habits?? It's no where near spilling over the vat

Terence Ang
2020-03-02 15:06:29

Not the outer edge.

Keif Davies
2020-03-02 15:39:19

Bruno Shepard
2020-03-02 15:41:18

Keif Davies thanks mate! But why peiple exaggerate like that?

Keif Davies
2020-03-02 15:42:20

Edward Hill - agree 100%

It’s kind of like posting videos of people driving and doing stupid things like running around the vehicle while no one is driving.

Or eating pods.

This is a productive group, not supposed to be a silly group.

Toby Kirkby
2020-03-02 15:43:54

Keif Davies
2020-03-02 15:48:14

Bruno Shepard - mostly because either they don’t know much resin until the build plate drops in and pushes the liquid up.
Or because they don’t want to babysit the print and fill the vat to the max.

Keif Davies
2020-03-02 16:10:42

Bruno Shepard
2020-03-02 16:18:31

Keif Davies babysitting the print sounds annoying, that's easier

Keif Davies
2020-03-02 16:27:50

Bruno Shepard there is actually info on how much resin it will need for the print. So then calculate that dividend by the time. Then you will know when to add more, or if even you need to add more.
Even filling it over that line, doesn’t guarantee you will have enough resin.

Janus Stark
2020-03-02 16:39:35

its the ball joint and screws getting full of resin is the issue

Benjamin Ryan
2020-03-02 17:01:16

Toby Kirkby
2020-03-02 17:01:38

Keif Davies OR..... people could be doing anything else... like having a life.

Keif Davies
2020-03-02 17:03:30

Toby Kirkby - so how come you are here talking about it? Should be out having a life! Drink a nice pale ale with the boys!

David Newton
2020-03-02 18:17:38

Oh yeah well that's a different matter if it's that high I would worry about overflow, I always fill to the first line of the vat just a tad over but not much more

Braden Wilson
2020-03-02 18:54:27

Keif Davies always ?

John Aldred
2020-03-02 19:30:27

Edward Hill
2020-03-02 21:18:56

You don't need to babysit the print! If your print's going to take eight hours, but you have to leave the house in two, let the print go and just top it off before you leave. You can safely overfill the hell out of your vat, once your plate is safely hovering higher above it!

Sean Smith
2020-03-02 22:16:15

Edward Hill Showing people what NOT to do is just as important as showing them what TO do.

Failure and mistakes are how we learn.

Sean Smith
2020-03-02 22:18:48

Thomas Harrell

Honestly it really depends on what you are printing and how long it takes. Slicers lioe Chitubox calculate how much resin it will need to complete the print. So if the bevel is day 20ml and the build requires 40, well if you leave it too long you will have a failure. Putting in as much as is needed for the prints you are doing is fine as long as it’s not too high as it is in the above pic.

Sean Smith
2020-03-02 22:23:43

Keif Davies So making sure people know that overfilling you’re vat is bad, is a bad thing? Since when is telling people something important a bad thing??

I got one put as much resin as is needed for the print to complete so the print doesn’t fail due to lack of resin.

Yes overfilling can be bad for the machine if it hits those screws and the ball joint, but some of us like to be sure that the print won’t fail and the resin vat won’t end up empty especially on 8-10 hour builds that would normally require filling mid print.

I usually do long prints like that either overnight or while I am out running errands and I put more than enough in that it won’t need filling for at least a few hours if at all.

And after a long/large print is done there is always resin left to immediately start your next print especially if you are printing something in multiple parts.

Christopher Fugate
2020-03-02 23:10:12

And then you bumped table. :P

Keif Davies
2020-03-03 01:42:41

Sean Smith - well. The problem isn’t the filling past the line. You can do that! It’s your printer. Do as you wish.
But the point that we are making here is.... don’t take a picture of it overfilled “living on the edge!!” And show people that it’s a thing you should do.
I mean you can do whatever you want. But try not to encourage new people to do the same.
That was the whole point of the conversation. ?

Dennis M. Burns
2020-03-03 01:52:00

It's not like he's showing it running above the screws. If I bought a Corvette I wouldn't drive it 125mph just because someone posted a video of them doing it.

Dante Domínguez
2020-03-03 02:09:50

Adam Foster if I had 1£ for everytime I've seen a comment like this one, I'd have about £9999999999999999999. ?

Dante Domínguez
2020-03-03 02:11:48

I do what I want with my printer and my resin. Good for all of you with no day job, no need for sleep, no family, and plenty of time to sit next to the printer for 48 hours to refill resin every time it requires.

Dante Domínguez
2020-03-03 02:13:34

Guess you either have no job (besides printing), or you are never going to print something big/dense.

Dante Domínguez
2020-03-03 02:15:50

Dennis M. Burns I even accounted for the resin movement when the plate moves up and down. That's why there is still some space. Guess even that's wrong for some people here who, apparently, pour 5ml max resin in their vats and sit next to the printer for eternity repeating it over and over.

Mike Fatchett
2020-03-03 02:22:14

No big deal even if you go over. Gravity.......... I can't tell you how many times I have gone over and I have leveled my bed once...........Stop believing everything you read in these groups.

Per Bekker-Madsen
2020-03-03 03:32:28

I always fill the vat up to roughly 1mm before it runs out of the vat (with the bed lowered into the VAT :-) )

Alex M Cruz
2020-03-03 04:31:00

Ilove seeing these pics

Edward Hill
2020-03-03 13:08:40

Keif Davies Thank you. This is my issue with these posts in a nutshell. I don't care what other people do with their machines. I care that they're posting on here crowing about how cool they are for getting so close to ruining their build plate and unintentionally encouraging inexperience people new to 3D printing to do the same.

Keif Davies
2020-03-03 13:20:09

Edward Hill - not only that. But say it over flows into the LCD screen and main board.
It’s like playing with the machine’s health and potentially breaking it.

Đinh Hồng Đăng
2020-03-03 15:44:35

Sorry but this is just boring.
Yeah it's fun doing it for the first time.
But then nothing cool, when I'm doing in daily basis.
I have to top off my vat every day. I do not print for fun. It's part of the job. I don't feel anything anymore.

Keif Davies
2020-03-03 15:55:06

Dante Domínguez - someone asked where the mark was, so I posted a pic.

I print with mostly filament. My largest print was the Paris tower 3 feet high adorned with led lights.
As for resin, I have not had a real interest yet. It’s sad, but I don’t want to print figures or baby yoda. I was thinking maybe jewellery and cast.

Dennis M. Burns
2020-03-03 20:43:59

As soon as the plate clears the vat I just dump as much as I feel it should need to finish. Then before the next print when I "home" the plate I hope it doesn't go over.

Adam Short
2020-03-05 01:11:35

ha not even close!

原文網址 Dante Domínguez
2020-01-08 03:47:05

Just to let the new ones know:


Sander van Deijl
2020-01-08 03:57:32

Richard Humble
2020-01-08 03:59:14

Artur Fuste
2020-01-08 04:01:11

Artur Fuste
2020-01-08 04:03:14

Derek Mayhugh
2020-01-08 04:09:05

Sander van Deijl
2020-01-08 04:11:58

RIcardo Castillo
2020-01-08 04:28:30

Neil Castle
2020-01-08 04:38:59

Artur Fuste
2020-01-08 04:46:46

Artur Fuste
2020-01-08 04:48:34

Artur Fuste
2020-01-08 04:51:27

Neil Castle
2020-01-08 04:53:07

Thomas Pasieka
2020-01-08 04:55:58

Richard Rush
2020-01-08 04:57:37

Ben Cox
2020-01-08 05:03:47

Artur Fuste
2020-01-08 05:04:46

Gary Noble
2020-01-08 05:29:13

Sander van Deijl
2020-01-08 05:32:46

Gary Noble
2020-01-08 05:37:05

David Martin Schulze
2020-01-08 05:49:34

Gary Noble
2020-01-08 06:19:36

Ryan Shelvik
2020-01-08 06:20:06

Brett Isaacs
2020-01-08 06:20:16

Anders Scot Hudson
2020-01-08 06:51:06

Dante Domínguez
2020-01-08 08:03:34

Dante Domínguez
2020-01-08 08:04:06

Joseph Prozinski
2020-01-08 09:13:38

Scott Walter
2020-01-08 10:01:48

Kostas Yiatilis MacFarlane
2020-01-14 21:05:32

Joseph Prozinski
2020-01-15 05:12:48

原文網址 Dante Domínguez
2019-10-17 07:58:11

I gotta say I'm getting really really good at printing supports and blobs of resin stuck to the vat!


David Slabbert
2019-10-17 08:37:19

原文網址 Dante Domínguez
2019-10-14 21:18:28

Hello all!
Turns out the problem was with the printer level. Thank you all for your suggestions. I'm sure they will come in handy in the future.


Tomas Salo
2019-10-14 21:23:25

Clifford Schwankner
2019-10-14 22:12:27

Matias Perez Colman
2019-10-15 07:25:55

Dante Domínguez
2019-10-15 07:56:32

Matias Perez Colman
2019-10-15 08:35:19

Francesco Peeters
2019-10-15 14:52:58

Dante Domínguez
2019-10-15 19:48:13

Dante Domínguez
2019-10-15 19:48:39

Francesco Peeters
2019-10-15 22:03:26

原文網址 Dante Domínguez
2019-10-14 10:27:06

Any ideas of what could be causing this? This was supposed to be my second print... Only supports were printed...


Timmy Mate
2019-10-14 10:29:35

Trung Mi
2019-10-14 10:31:01

Steven Raybell
2019-10-14 10:34:46

Elle Heilig
2019-10-14 10:37:32

Michał Urbańczyk
2019-10-14 10:53:43

Tobi Altebaeumer
2019-10-14 11:01:31

Peter Ede
2019-10-14 11:04:33

Peter Ede
2019-10-14 11:05:12

Dante Domínguez
2019-10-14 11:27:04

Stefan J Simons
2019-10-14 11:33:17

Shayne Webb
2019-10-14 11:43:01

Shayne Webb
2019-10-14 11:47:50

Shayne Webb
2019-10-14 11:48:18

Lucas Battani
2019-10-14 11:49:50

Bruce Barton
2019-10-14 11:58:57

Mike Roof
2019-10-14 12:15:37

Timmy Mate
2019-10-14 12:18:04

Matt Olsen
2019-10-14 13:06:06

Enos Rossi
2019-10-14 13:18:21

Matt Olsen
2019-10-14 13:24:10

Enos Rossi
2019-10-14 13:26:15

Stefan Giudici
2019-10-14 13:43:28

Jesse Mouré
2019-10-14 13:53:50

Adam Short
2019-10-14 14:00:43

Steven Raybell
2019-10-14 14:30:09

Danny Lloyd
2019-10-14 15:12:38

David Slabbert
2019-10-14 15:25:09

Trung Mi
2019-10-14 15:39:41

Kevin Lems
2019-10-14 15:52:50

Minghua Kao
2019-10-14 16:49:18

Simon Wilson
2019-10-14 17:34:37

Pascale Ries
2019-10-14 18:42:48

Tobi Altebaeumer
2019-10-14 20:27:45

Chad Elstad
2019-10-14 21:59:03

Ricky Cokely
2019-10-14 22:00:37

Gabriel Brockman
2019-10-15 06:09:09

原文網址 Dante Domínguez
2019-10-11 05:07:38

My first 3d print ever! Thanks you guys, I didn't even know the file validator existed until one of you told me haha!


Steve Ton
2019-10-11 05:13:58

Philip Schifano
2019-10-11 05:33:16

Elle Heilig
2019-10-11 05:47:03

Robert Daubar
2019-10-11 05:48:06

Nathan Inwin
2019-10-11 05:53:08

Dante Domínguez
2019-10-11 05:58:57

Gabe Toth
2019-10-11 06:07:57

George Bulte
2019-10-11 06:16:44

Robert Daubar
2019-10-11 06:20:55

Paul Pazienzo
2019-10-11 06:28:34

Caio Donini
2019-10-11 06:44:41

Ben Cox
2019-10-11 06:54:47

Ben Cox
2019-10-11 06:55:14

Patrick Smith
2019-10-11 07:09:22

Jawad Abuasabeh
2019-10-11 07:19:23

Seth Seth Dyte Dyte
2019-10-11 07:36:03

Caio Donini
2019-10-11 07:56:16

Mariano Loisi
2019-10-11 08:12:04

Mariano Loisi
2019-10-11 08:12:42

Nathanael Picos
2019-10-11 09:25:42

Fifa Mia
2019-10-11 09:48:42

Kevin Genson
2019-10-11 10:04:11

Steve Ton
2019-10-11 10:58:21

Fifa Mia
2019-10-11 11:08:39

Paul West
2019-10-11 11:17:52

Paul West
2019-10-11 11:19:55

Paul West
2019-10-11 11:20:58

Nathanael Picos
2019-10-11 11:24:41

Paul West
2019-10-11 11:25:45

Steve Ton
2019-10-11 11:42:01

Kevin Genson
2019-10-11 12:15:11

Hanson Han
2019-10-11 13:53:20

Paul Pazienzo
2019-10-11 17:54:21

Fernando Garza Walbaum
2019-10-11 22:10:26

Patrick Smith
2019-10-11 22:22:57

Dante Domínguez
2019-10-11 22:31:03

Dante Domínguez
2019-10-11 22:31:36

Cody Frush
2019-10-12 01:23:01

Denis Maddalena
2019-10-12 02:43:27

Paul Mendoza
2019-10-12 15:37:45

Dante Domínguez
2019-10-13 01:23:10

Tuğçe Yücetürk
2019-10-15 20:47:23

Dave Dewees
2019-10-17 21:19:39

原文網址 Dante Domínguez
2019-10-10 07:11:08

Hello! I'm new to the group, and new to 3D printing. I received my Photon today and I was watching youtube videos and searching in Thingiverse and I found a file that I wanted to print. The problem is that I am getting an error in Chitubox, after slicing the file and trying to open it. The error states that the file is too large. See attached pictures for both the error and the file I want to print. I'm using the Chitubox anycubic photon profile. BTW. Any recommendations?



Ben Cox
2019-10-10 07:21:16

Ben Cox
2019-10-10 07:21:42

Dante Domínguez
2019-10-10 07:28:54

Ben Cox
2019-10-10 07:32:25

Dante Domínguez
2019-10-10 07:33:48

Ben Cox
2019-10-10 07:34:45

2019-10-10 18:56:41

Dante Domínguez
2019-10-10 22:33:41

Dante Domínguez
2019-10-10 22:33:44

Ben Cox
2019-10-11 00:31:02



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