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Anycubic Photon Printer Owners 造訪社團 » 用戶發文

原文網址 Kyle Tennant
2020-04-03 04:05:59

So my prints keep freezing.. could it be my usb format? Its NTFS


Chris Crute
2020-04-03 04:07:51

I'm not sure the printer supports NTFS at all so I'm surprised it would print at all.

Kyle Tennant
2020-04-03 04:09:16

It isnt now lol wont even read the drawings.. what format is it?

Wojtek Gierszal
2020-04-03 04:19:40

To be honest, I think you should format your USB to FAT32

Miles Redman
2020-04-03 04:37:47

Yeah FAT32 is basically the standard for USB drives since it's so simple and universally supported

Fred Bey
2020-04-03 04:52:28

FAT32, 16GB and under. USB 2.0 and under.

原文網址 Kyle Tennant
2020-04-02 06:57:11

So quick maintenance question.. if your repeatedly making the same parts with the same resin how often should you strain and clean out your vat


Alexander Lew
2020-04-02 08:39:29

Personal preference honestly. Definitely after any print failures or partial failures.

原文網址 Kyle Tennant
2020-04-01 03:45:16

So first time SLA printer here and I'm learning lots so far but I have a bit question.. my supports are killin me, is there a way to make the fuse less? Its touching all the way up not just at the tip, is that exposure time?


Tim Moulton
2020-04-01 03:46:53

Check out 3D Printing Pro on YouTube. Best videos for resin printing/supports etc.

原文網址 Kyle Tennant
2020-04-01 01:47:14

Twice in a row this has frozen, last time was layer 273, is this a common thing or is there another issue here


Oleksandr Panforov
2020-04-01 01:48:01

Try different USB stick

Alexander Bayerdorffer
2020-04-01 01:51:26

Reslice the same file. Happened to me same thing and that fixed it

Garrett Chapman
2020-04-01 01:57:19

Did you slice with Chitubox? I've heard that will cause crashes unless you're on the right firmware.

Kyle Tennant
2020-04-01 01:58:05

Garrett Chapman I sliced it with chitubox, saved as an stl then realized with photon studio

Kyle Tennant
2020-04-01 01:58:13


Garrett Chapman
2020-04-01 01:58:56

Kyle Tennant that's the same way I do it too, so it's not Chitubox then



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