Help Request!
I've made several successful prints with the guidance of this group and the github page, but now I'm having a mysterious issue.
My printer does not seem to be, well, printing anymore. By that I mean my first clue was not hearing the peel pop from new rafts... so I figured the first layers never adhered. I skimmed the vat and fep and found no debris, so I retried the print and got the same result. Not even a trace of any printing occurring. Then I thought faulty LED, so I had it shine the test pattern. I see blue/violet light through my LCD. I've been running successful prints roughly every day for a week and have just been adding to the vat and carefully stirring/scraping with the spatula.
Thoughts? Thanks!
Aaron McCommon
2020-01-11 12:33:09
Tom Chandler
2020-01-11 12:35:08
Andrew Rosenthal
2020-01-11 12:35:41
Andrew Rosenthal
2020-01-11 12:35:58
Tom Chandler
2020-01-11 12:39:07
Kempster Kevin
2020-01-11 12:44:55
Andrew Rosenthal
2020-01-11 12:46:37
Andrew Rosenthal
2020-01-11 12:48:18
Niall Forrester
2020-01-11 18:07:19