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Anycubic Photon Printer Owners 造訪社團 » 用戶發文

原文網址 Quol-Amin Impcasor
2020-03-09 02:24:01

Light Supports, ist there a trick?
Hi everyone, I'd like to have small support, but those prints always fail, I just got the support standing but no model attached. With mid it almost always works...
Is there some setting that is critical or depends this on exposure time or what?


Daniel Faubert
2020-03-09 02:42:30

Daniel Faubert
2020-03-09 02:42:57

Daniel Faubert
2020-03-09 02:43:19

Daniel Faubert
2020-03-09 02:45:44

Quol-Amin Impcasor
2020-03-09 02:54:10

Michael Pescuma
2020-03-09 06:02:07

Wes Mischke
2020-03-09 12:42:04

Matt Hooton
2020-03-10 00:44:40

Scott Pavlich
2020-03-10 08:59:22

原文網址 Quol-Amin Impcasor
2020-03-04 13:07:43

Hi guys and girls,
I'm looking for resin that has a metallic color or is chatoyant.
Does anybody can give me some advice there?


Janus Stark
2020-03-04 13:48:21

Justin Cupitt
2020-03-04 13:49:04

Luke Pettit
2020-03-04 13:59:17

Quol-Amin Impcasor
2020-03-04 14:45:48

Scott Pavlich
2020-03-04 22:31:11

Quol-Amin Impcasor
2020-03-05 03:32:05

原文網址 Quol-Amin Impcasor
2020-02-23 14:22:07

Hi Guys and girls, i have th issue from the image. Made a test print with one unit that worked well now I've multiplyed it and got that result.... Mid front is ok the rest crap.... Can anybody tell me why this happens and who to avoid? (It a normal photon) with higher exposure time the print got to messy ..
Thank you for any help.


Richard Humble
2020-02-23 14:37:36

Quol-Amin Impcasor
2020-02-23 14:46:53

Robert Mun
2020-02-23 14:49:55

Richard Humble
2020-02-23 14:50:17

Georg Zoeller
2020-02-23 15:12:30

Zäta Doe
2020-02-23 15:19:30

Quol-Amin Impcasor
2020-02-23 15:20:32

Quol-Amin Impcasor
2020-02-23 15:21:21

Quol-Amin Impcasor
2020-02-23 15:22:39

Zäta Doe
2020-02-23 15:23:30

Zäta Doe
2020-02-23 15:25:36

Robert Mun
2020-02-23 16:25:19

Robert Mun
2020-02-23 16:26:23

Scott Pavlich
2020-02-23 21:19:30

原文網址 Quol-Amin Impcasor
2020-02-18 03:06:33

How do I get the parts to not being sticky any more?
I've been cleaning in IPA but that turned the prints from transparent to mat. So I tried curing them directly after printing but they are still sticky. I had also a Silikon mold in the curing apperatus, the mold did curr fully without problems but obviously the much finer and already cure prints are still sticky... I'm still confused.
Are the some non curable leftovers from the reaction of resin an uv-light?


Fabian Ruyters
2020-02-18 03:09:32

Josh Bryzelak
2020-02-18 03:10:07

Baldy Pat
2020-02-18 03:10:35

Quol-Amin Impcasor
2020-02-18 03:10:53

Veda Toys
2020-02-18 03:11:21

Fabian Ruyters
2020-02-18 03:11:37

Janus Stark
2020-02-18 03:12:52

Sean Smith
2020-02-18 11:21:44

Whitey Lancer
2020-02-18 14:49:06

Fabian Ruyters
2020-02-18 15:38:37

Bob Deblier
2020-02-18 15:49:52

Nipuna Gunarathne
2020-02-18 20:35:34

Whitey Lancer
2020-02-20 13:44:39

原文網址 Quol-Amin Impcasor
2020-02-04 02:55:33

Hi guys and Girls,
I'm working on free moving model.
Can someone tell me what a usual clearance a model has to have and/or a test print like for exposure time?
May be also someone has a tip to get this improved? (Like does anti-aliasing helps or hinders?)
Thanks for any help


Jim Monaco
2020-02-04 03:00:08

原文網址 Quol-Amin Impcasor
2020-01-01 23:44:33

Hi at the designers of this group. I'm looking for a way to incribe a ring with a text from a specific font? I would like to make something like the LOTR ring but with the draconic letters from D&D. Does someone have an advices? I hope someone knows a way better than doing it by hand with meshmixer.


Russ Charles
2020-01-02 01:01:01

Quol-Amin Impcasor
2020-01-02 01:07:00

原文網址 Quol-Amin Impcasor
2019-12-29 18:19:32


does anybody know or have a comparssio of the different "non-toxic" resins? (eSun PLA based, Geeetech waterwashebel, Anycubiy ECO ?


Erik Cederberg
2019-12-29 18:22:09

Erik Cederberg
2019-12-29 18:23:24

Quol-Amin Impcasor
2019-12-29 18:54:03

Erik Cederberg
2019-12-29 19:01:07

原文網址 Quol-Amin Impcasor
2019-12-26 01:21:28

Hi, I'm playing aroud nto get the best supports for some models. so i tryed the tip here to use Meshmixer and that export this as a stl. this workflow works. but i have an issue within meshmixer and i cnat finde the setting leadign to it. see the images. recognised this, after a failed print, with nice supports an no model on top.
problem is, that when i ture the support to "solid" it adds up a gap between the model and support, from my poitn of view the death for an resin print.
i player a round with all the seetings and advances setting and get tihs result every time.
has some one a solutuon or hint?

thank you for you help!


原文網址 Quol-Amin Impcasor
2019-12-26 01:02:31

Hi, a question about BIO resin, I have used up my first bottel of eSum BIo Resin White, with very good results, and i like it very much, but amaon does not sell it any more in that color :(
is there someone that has experiance of comparing eSun with Anycubis Bio resin? are there equal or totals differnt products?
oder @ die Deutschen in dieser Gruppe: kennt jemand einen anderen deutschen online shop der eSun Bio vertreibt?
thank you for your advice


原文網址 Quol-Amin Impcasor
2019-12-24 18:45:05

Hi, can someone give me seem advice about Isopropanol for cleaning. i have used for my fist prints soem cheap 95% from supermarked für ~3€, but als read about (and ordered some) 99,9% for ~8€ and als seen some "special Resin cleaning liquied based on isopropanol ~25€.
can someoen tell me what is the risk or benefit for the more expansive ones?
as written i have only test one, and the feeling is ok, the prints fell a bit stick, but arent and are ok after curing.


Haydn Nelms
2019-12-24 18:52:59

Niall Forrester
2019-12-24 20:10:17

Paul West
2019-12-24 20:19:05

Jeff Greenfield
2019-12-24 23:26:41



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