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Anycubic Photon Printer Owners 造訪社團 » 用戶發文

原文網址 Anthony Pham
2019-05-07 14:46:03

Anyone have luck with Epax's Teflon alternative to FEP? It's looking like a few models I have need to be printed solid and I just know trying to print this much solid models on FEP will likely tear it, so I'm looking for alternatives.


Guti Gutmann
2019-05-07 15:08:37

John Fulmer
2019-05-08 04:08:16

Anthony Pham
2019-05-08 04:15:11

原文網址 Anthony Pham
2019-04-21 14:44:04

Alright guys, what's the latest on reducing the dreaded extra resin pooling and curing on the support side, and other similar warping issues? I have some monocure clear that's getting warped on the support side super fierce and I'm about to run through a series of dedicated test prints to try and minimize this. My goal is to create and upload a guide for anyone looking to reduce this.

Some stuff I'm trying:
* Increase wait times
* Increase lift distances
* Increasing distance from the build plate drastically
* Making the resin opaque
* Adding flex
* Reducing lift speed
* Darkening the build plate


Stefan Giudici
2019-04-21 15:53:27

Andrew McKay
2019-04-22 03:49:03

原文網址 Anthony Pham
2019-01-26 09:19:46

Anyone who'd been on Facebook for a while knows that this is not the place for detailed technical discussion. The search sucks, the way threads are displayed is only just functional, a lot of info is missed or repeated, and there's really no way to track issues in the long term

So is anyone interested in a new, modern, web forum and small file repository for all resin 3d printers?


Matt Tilson
2019-01-26 09:27:59

Anthony Pham
2019-01-26 09:31:28

Matt Tilson
2019-01-26 09:34:02

Matt Tilson
2019-01-26 09:35:09

Daniel Sparky Browncow
2019-01-26 11:11:15

Anthony Pham
2019-01-26 11:12:23

Matt Tilson
2019-01-26 11:13:43

Matt Tilson
2019-01-26 11:14:37

Patrick Smith
2019-01-26 11:20:21

Stefan Giudici
2019-01-26 12:20:38

Da Dornta
2019-01-26 14:10:27

Nikola Petrov
2019-01-26 16:05:23

Nikola Petrov
2019-01-26 16:09:00

Amy Baldwin
2019-01-26 16:25:15

Artur Fuste
2019-01-26 16:52:05

Ivan Antharon Antalec
2019-01-26 19:05:17

Nikola Petrov
2019-01-26 20:31:33

Da Dornta
2019-01-27 01:46:17

原文網址 Anthony Pham
2018-08-03 03:46:39

Selling my second generation Photon, still in great condition, to anyone in the US.

Still staying involved in the community and looking forward to anycubic's next printer.


原文網址 Anthony Pham
2018-04-22 04:19:12

Been looking for a high quality resin that has even more plastic like qualities than FTD industrial blends. Been working with a manufacturer to mass produce some prints and the samples I got were amazingly detailed and flexible. I want to find something similar so I can fine tune my models at home before I send them for expensive manufacturing.

I think he uses resin from Solus DLP, their prototype resin. It's $250 a 1L bottle, but it may be worth it to speed production.


原文網址 Anthony Pham
2018-04-17 17:51:12

Do we have settings for things like retraction speeds and lift heights? I'm seeing on the Wanhao group that somewhere in their software these can be set to different values to help with the resin pooling/warping on the build plate side of prints, and around supports.

Supposedly making the movement faster and lift heights higher reduces the extra thickness and warping considerably.


原文網址 Anthony Pham
2018-04-01 07:51:02

Just a larger test print, glued together


原文網址 Anthony Pham
2018-03-30 04:30:44

So what's the verdict on people's various methods for reducing the smell?


原文網址 Anthony Pham
2018-03-25 05:22:35

Quick tip for those with sunny environments, keep the box the printer came with and put it over the printer.

This should work well enough to keep UV out of the printer until you can replace the panels or block them. It's likely I'll be taping something over all my windows for a while.


原文網址 Anthony Pham
2018-03-23 04:47:53

First big print, looks successful so far. The base ended up being thicker than the slicer showed so I need to figure that out.

See if you can figure out what I've printed before I post the cleaned up prints.




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