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Anycubic Photon Printer Owners 造訪社團 » 用戶發文

原文網址 John Yau
2019-09-12 03:18:14

Hey all, has anyone printed anything for their fish tank? Is this viable? Never really tested or read about what a 3D print in resin would do when submerged in water for long periods of time. What kind of coating would I have to use on the print to make it usable in an aquarium?

Thanks in advance for any advice!


Douglas Rector
2019-09-12 03:21:36

Dan Hjulberg
2019-09-12 03:22:12

John Yau
2019-09-12 03:35:57

Niall Forrester
2019-09-12 05:02:52

Sam Taylor
2019-09-12 05:56:20

Robert Jeppesen
2019-09-12 06:21:54

Bob Deblier
2019-09-13 01:19:30

Stefan Giudici
2019-09-13 09:52:37

原文網址 John Yau
2019-02-05 09:38:02

Hope this print turns out fine ?


Emilio Micheletti
2019-02-05 11:58:04

原文網址 John Yau
2019-01-24 12:23:18

What do you guys think of using something like this for a small room to filter out the smell from the resin? I usually have the window open but because it's winter now and -20C outside here in Canada, the temperature is effecting my prints and causing some major warping in my models.

Trying to find an alternative way to remove the smell and keep the window opened as little as possible to save heat from heater.


Jay Gustavo Mclean
2019-01-24 12:24:37

James Cachia-Garrett
2019-01-24 13:25:27

Bard Vanhammer
2019-01-25 00:42:34

John Yau
2019-01-25 01:21:11

Bard Vanhammer
2019-01-25 01:35:36

John Yau
2019-01-25 01:48:28

原文網址 John Yau
2018-09-05 10:26:44

Would there be issues if I placed my models this close to the edges of the build plate? I just ran this and some came out OK, but some around the edges were badly warped :/ . This model at the same settings when printed in smaller quantities came out just fine yesterday.


原文網址 John Yau
2018-08-24 19:47:54

What do you guys use to glue your printed parts together? I bought Tamiya modeling cement but the hold is very weak. Seems like it doesn't bond well with resin. I've been using krazy glue but it's pricey so I'm trying to find other options.


原文網址 John Yau
2018-08-21 13:06:56

Need your advice everyone! On the left is a stem (the + shape) that I printed pretty much the way it's oriented in the picture and the top is perfectly shaped and smoothed. On the right is one where the stem is printed at a 35 degree angle. But the top is all warped as if it's melted...there's more examples of the warping. My settings are 50um/18s exposure/60s x 8 bottom layers. All other details printed fine, it's just this stem part I'm having trouble with.


原文網址 John Yau
2018-08-20 10:30:04


Do you guys think something like this would be useful for filtering out resin fumes in the air and its smell? It seems tiny, but I have a decent enclosure that's venting out air and fumes with two ~68CFM fans. So I'm thinking if I have this within the immediate surrounding area of the printer, it'll take care of the resin particles that leaked out into the air as I'm post processing my print.

On top of this I also have a respirator (but this is just for myself)... I just want to consider everything I can to keep my family healthy.


原文網址 John Yau
2018-08-16 21:33:41


Anyone put their resin in dispensers like this? Seems like an easy way to store and add resin to the vat?


2018-08-16 21:52:26

John Yau
2018-08-16 21:53:31

Thomas Ryan
2018-08-16 22:09:32

Sterling Osment
2018-08-16 22:17:30

John Yau
2018-08-16 22:20:07

John Yau
2018-08-16 22:20:36

Sterling Osment
2018-08-16 22:22:06

Sterling Osment
2018-08-16 22:23:35

John Yau
2018-08-16 22:25:04

Toby Kirkby
2018-08-16 23:04:28

Andrey Shilo
2018-08-17 09:56:00

Sterling Osment
2018-08-17 10:29:56

Sterling Osment
2018-08-17 12:41:26

原文網址 John Yau
2018-08-14 11:02:42

Any suggestions for how to fix these holes in the print? The bottom layer also pokes out a bit any idea why that might be? My bottom exposure is 60s 8 layers. I did check before print that there were no air bubbles visible in the resin.

I actually printed this flat on the bed without supports because having the model at angle with supports gave me undesirable lumps on the bottom of the model. No supports gave me the smoothness I required but I just have these holes and a weird base layer...


原文網址 John Yau
2018-08-13 22:11:27

Someone told me that they leave the resin in the vat for a while before they empty it or swap it with new resin.

Right now, what I'm doing is after every print, I take out the vat with the resin, and just put it in a container without removing the resin until the next print.

Is this something I can do? or should I actually dump the resin back into the bottle? It's kind of a messy procedure that I'd like to avoid as often as possible.

What are you thoughts on this?




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