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Anycubic Photon Printer Owners 造訪社團 » 用戶發文

原文網址 Michael Earley
2020-01-20 11:11:23

3D printing a napoleonic Spanish army


Grant Watts
2020-01-20 11:37:42

Michael Earley
2020-01-20 11:38:01

原文網址 Michael Earley
2019-11-25 21:29:34

Can I have a quick show of hands, what do people use their photon for


Robert Torres
2019-11-25 21:38:54

Michael Earley
2019-11-25 21:50:21

Marko Knezevic
2019-11-25 21:50:39

Richard Humble
2019-11-25 22:03:23

Ryan Neal
2019-11-25 22:03:39

James Witchard
2019-11-25 22:43:13

Tiernan Messmer
2019-11-25 22:49:28

Joel Reid
2019-11-26 00:17:15

Dustin Oliverius
2019-11-26 03:35:32

Rossi Searle
2019-11-26 05:10:55

Rossi Searle
2019-11-26 05:11:02

原文網址 Michael Earley
2019-08-22 21:56:23

Little PSA, this is the single best (and only) "upgrade" I've needed on my photon. One of these and some velcro.

I used to get regular USB errors, which I think is down to the USB port not being great, and constantly removing and replugging in the USB. When I added an extension it was not only easier to access, but there is less wear and tear on the machine. And it seems to mount much better, so I'm no longer getting USB errors. Only cost a couple of dollars and made a huge difference to the success of my prints.


Daniel Worden
2019-08-22 21:59:22

Michael Pescuma
2019-08-22 22:01:47

Michael Earley
2019-08-22 22:02:45

Adam Burch
2019-08-22 22:03:05

Michael Earley
2019-08-22 22:04:35

Vladimir Rabljenovic
2019-08-22 22:34:07

Michael Earley
2019-08-22 22:35:03

Vladimir Rabljenovic
2019-08-22 22:36:19

Jarrod Smith
2019-08-22 23:09:14

Aarón Navarro
2019-08-22 23:22:06

Arnie Locsin
2019-08-22 23:44:36

Alwin Chan
2019-08-23 02:39:35

原文網址 Michael Earley
2019-08-22 20:15:03

I love that the photon allows me to run long retconned abhuman races in my sci fi games, like these ... ahem “space dwarves”


Francesco Madeo
2019-08-23 00:18:46

3D Scanning Guy
2019-08-23 00:21:06

原文網址 Michael Earley
2019-08-17 07:36:33

Yes I know it’s an elegoo Mars, but check out this video and count how many things this reviewer gets wrong about resin printing and how much absolutely idiotic stuff he does. I’ve never seen a more misleading, inaccurate and outright dangerous review of a resin printer.


Anh Hoàng
2019-08-17 07:41:36

Michael Earley
2019-08-17 07:42:31

Ofek Samsonov
2019-08-17 07:47:40

Michael Earley
2019-08-17 07:49:03

Aaron Chambers
2019-08-17 07:50:21

Susan Sioux Mercer
2019-08-17 08:08:01

Nick Williams
2019-08-17 08:11:07

David O'Maolagain
2019-08-17 08:25:19

Amy Baldwin
2019-08-17 08:25:51

Caleb Wise Gray
2019-08-17 08:26:10

Justin Cupitt
2019-08-17 08:30:25

Tori Beckett
2019-08-17 08:49:08

Mike Powell
2019-08-17 09:27:51

Mark Wardle
2019-08-17 10:38:23

Ofek Samsonov
2019-08-17 11:40:40

Sam Farmer
2019-08-17 19:35:02

Mark Wardle
2019-08-17 19:38:39

Chris Gough
2019-08-18 19:11:01

原文網址 Michael Earley
2019-07-28 21:10:56

Any idea why a photon would stop reading any folders/files on a usb except for the hidden Mac files?

Was working fine, then I took usb out to add new files, now not working with any usbs. Have tried formatting them on both pc and Mac.


Richard Humble
2019-07-28 21:11:29

Michael Earley
2019-07-28 21:13:53

Michael Earley
2019-07-28 21:14:15

Derek Reihe
2019-07-28 21:22:35

Michael Earley
2019-07-28 21:22:56

Derek Reihe
2019-07-28 21:23:51

Mike Fatchett
2019-07-29 07:54:52

原文網址 Michael Earley
2019-07-03 19:25:43

So the photon is $299 on the Anycubic Website today. But I saw something interesting in the poorly translated english:

"PerformanceAuto warning if UV resin runs out."

Wait... what?

Is the warning that I have half a print? or have their updated the firmware somehow to detect this, I have no idea how that would work without additional sensors?


Tristram Chapman
2019-07-03 19:31:05

Michael Earley
2019-07-03 19:33:27

Tristram Chapman
2019-07-03 19:35:37

Ines Silva
2019-07-03 19:38:43

Michael Earley
2019-07-03 19:57:54

Chayanin Somton
2019-07-03 20:00:38

Tristram Chapman
2019-07-03 20:05:20

原文網址 Michael Earley
2019-04-18 10:08:07

I love what this thing can do...


Kory Sebby
2019-04-18 10:20:04

Elle Heilig
2019-04-18 15:29:46

Evan Johannigman
2019-04-19 02:50:44

Michael Earley
2019-04-19 03:22:38

原文網址 Michael Earley
2019-03-27 07:23:22

Well, the saga continues, reformatted my usbs again and now it can read the files. New problem, lcd screen isn’t lighting up nor does anything move on the z axis either during a print or in settings. Literally nothing. Can’t reset z, can’t home, can’t go up or down...


Dave Smith
2019-03-27 08:45:15

Richard Humble
2019-03-27 15:35:56

Sen Kun
2019-03-27 17:46:56

原文網址 Michael Earley
2019-03-24 23:49:18

So I went to add some files to a usb, put them back in the drive and now this is all that’s showing, on my laptop it’s showing fine, happening with all usbs.

Tried turning on/off, hard power cycle anything else I should try before dealing with support?


Bob Mack
2019-03-24 23:55:04

Dave Smith
2019-03-24 23:55:13

Michael Earley
2019-03-24 23:58:27

Michael Earley
2019-03-24 23:58:48

Dave Smith
2019-03-25 00:19:51

Michael Earley
2019-03-25 00:21:15

Zena Andreou
2019-03-25 05:19:43

Michael Earley
2019-03-27 07:23:41

Michael Earley
2019-03-27 07:24:10



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