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Anycubic Photon Printer Owners 造訪社團 » 用戶發文

原文網址 Tony Boutwell
2019-01-21 00:20:31

Got tired trying to place supports on my personal sculpt... so I jumped on thingiverse and grabbed something that could at least be printing while I worked on mine. This required no supports. :)


Tony Boutwell
2019-01-21 00:54:25

David Bedford
2019-01-21 02:09:26

Tony Boutwell
2019-01-21 02:10:06

David Bedford
2019-01-21 02:17:25

Kyle Hall
2019-01-21 03:17:33

Tony Boutwell
2019-01-21 03:18:39

Kyle Hall
2019-01-21 03:19:20

Tony Boutwell
2019-01-21 03:20:10

Scott Young
2019-01-21 16:07:45

原文網址 Tony Boutwell
2019-01-19 23:13:12

Cool... time to update for ChiTuBox. :)


Michel Laplante
2019-01-19 23:25:37

Tony Boutwell
2019-01-19 23:35:11

2019-01-19 23:41:31

Robert Maefs
2019-01-20 01:15:32

Michael Earley
2019-01-20 03:01:49

Chris Schmuck
2019-01-20 04:26:46

Will Oliver
2019-01-20 04:47:45

Chris Schmuck
2019-01-20 04:48:37

Ryan Lamvohee
2019-01-20 09:29:50

Peter Ede
2019-01-20 09:38:17

Tony Boutwell
2019-01-21 10:39:56

Peter Ede
2019-01-21 12:25:13

Scott Young
2019-01-21 16:05:58

Michel Laplante
2019-01-23 01:43:45

Michel Laplante
2019-01-23 02:21:36

Michel Laplante
2019-01-23 02:22:49

原文網址 Tony Boutwell
2019-01-19 10:19:47

Going to give this heroforge character I did a try with a new resin I have never used... fingers crossed. :)


Susan Sioux Mercer
2019-01-19 10:23:07

Scott Avis
2019-01-19 11:27:40

Jaco Norchie Nortje
2019-01-19 14:59:08

原文網址 Tony Boutwell
2019-01-19 10:09:34

Was about to a try out a new resin now that I am running low on the green. I got the anycubic aqua blue but there is no setting (on our resin cheat sheet) for .02 mm only .05 mm. Anyone tried it at .02 mm?


Mark Wardle
2019-01-19 10:26:20

Stefan Giudici
2019-01-19 11:11:45

Tony Boutwell
2019-01-21 01:22:45

原文網址 Tony Boutwell
2019-01-13 13:50:02

Eiffel Tower is looking good so far. 7 hours left to finish. :)


Tony Boutwell
2019-01-14 03:54:27

Tony Boutwell
2019-01-14 04:08:57

Guy Whiteing
2019-01-14 04:40:51

Steve Rawley
2019-01-14 13:24:44

Tony Boutwell
2019-01-14 20:53:28

Steve Rawley
2019-01-14 23:04:24

Tony Boutwell
2019-01-15 12:01:52

Tony Boutwell
2019-01-15 12:07:07

Tony Boutwell
2019-01-15 12:07:20

原文網址 Tony Boutwell
2019-01-12 11:35:00

Is one of the Eiffel towers on Thingiverse the one everyone is printing with their photon (without supports)?


Vinicius Silva
2019-01-12 13:13:56

Jeffrey Seymore
2019-01-14 15:24:57

原文網址 Tony Boutwell
2019-01-07 03:29:50

Yep this printer rocks. Me... not so much because I accidentally removed some tips of the sculpture while trimming the supports but the printer nailed everything.


Fred Breton
2019-01-07 03:34:53

Tony Boutwell
2019-01-07 03:46:11

Tony Boutwell
2019-01-07 03:47:56

Tony Boutwell
2019-01-07 03:48:18

Tony Boutwell
2019-01-07 03:49:26

Amy Liao
2019-01-07 11:45:01

Tony Boutwell
2019-01-07 12:59:57

Aaron C Plante
2019-01-08 00:52:26

Tony Boutwell
2019-01-08 11:17:58

原文網址 Tony Boutwell
2019-01-06 07:08:17

For ChiTuBox V1.2.0 - In the PRINT dialogue Is Bottom Light-off Delay the same as Light-off Delay? I didn't see that variable in our docs-google file. Setting it up to print my first sculpture using the anycubic green at .02 layer height.


Sean Poeschl
2019-01-06 07:21:45

Tony Boutwell
2019-01-06 07:44:58

原文網址 Tony Boutwell
2019-01-06 06:30:12

About to give this dragon a go... unless you see anything weird that I missed in the supports. :) Now I just need to pull the resin numbers for anycubic green.


Tyler Patterson
2019-01-06 06:50:06

Tony Boutwell
2019-01-06 07:29:22

Wesley Dowell
2019-01-06 07:50:48

Tony Boutwell
2019-01-06 08:43:20

Rafael Anthony Acevedo
2019-01-06 12:45:04

Tony Boutwell
2019-01-06 13:18:31

Tony Boutwell
2019-01-06 13:18:55

Tony Boutwell
2019-01-06 13:19:15

Tony Boutwell
2019-01-06 13:19:34

Tony Boutwell
2019-01-06 13:19:47

Tony Boutwell
2019-01-06 13:21:21

Sam Rowan
2019-01-06 15:22:12

Danny Murphy
2019-01-06 19:58:20

Jeffrey Seymore
2019-01-09 03:09:02

Tony Boutwell
2019-01-09 10:12:24

Tony Boutwell
2019-01-09 10:29:00

Tony Boutwell
2019-01-09 10:29:37

Jeffrey Seymore
2019-01-09 13:32:18

Tony Boutwell
2019-01-09 13:44:34

原文網址 Tony Boutwell
2019-01-06 02:42:50

Any users of Formware 3D here? It says it supports the Photon format and I don't mind paying for the slicer if it will make a difference in the model setup.


Tony Boutwell
2019-01-06 02:50:38

Stuart Radmore
2019-01-06 02:54:38

Carla Birch
2019-01-06 02:54:55

Ettore Maria Bar
2019-01-06 03:09:49

Rafael Anthony Acevedo
2019-01-06 03:46:19

Kristian Domingo
2019-01-06 05:25:33

Tony Boutwell
2019-01-06 05:27:19

Rafael Anthony Acevedo
2019-01-06 05:31:47

Kristian Domingo
2019-01-06 05:37:05

Tony Boutwell
2019-01-06 05:38:19

Kristian Domingo
2019-01-06 05:39:22

Rafael Anthony Acevedo
2019-01-06 06:51:54

Rafael Anthony Acevedo
2019-01-06 06:52:16

Tony Boutwell
2019-01-06 06:52:57

Rafael Anthony Acevedo
2019-01-06 07:20:30



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