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Anycubic Photon Printer Owners 造訪社團 » 用戶發文

原文網址 Marvin Tomizzi
2020-02-14 07:17:08

I decided to buy another printer but not a photon this time, the two candidates are Epax x1 and LD-002R the problem is that the first one seems out of stock pretty much everywhere (I'm from Italy btw) and the second I can't find opinions about it online, so maybe some of you have this printer and can say something about it or them


John Chrapkowski
2020-02-14 08:29:07

Dan Hjulberg
2020-02-14 12:22:02

Marvin Tomizzi
2020-02-14 19:06:29

原文網址 Marvin Tomizzi
2020-02-12 22:00:36

Z wobble problem here, my print has start to have z wobble problem from a certain hight aprox 5cm from the lcd, while I was testing the Z rail slide I noticed that at the top and the bottom of the rail is considerably more tight than in the middle (where the problem start), is this normal?


Richard Humble
2020-02-12 22:36:07

Scott Pavlich
2020-02-12 23:03:09

Marvin Tomizzi
2020-02-13 00:15:21

Marvin Tomizzi
2020-02-13 00:15:58

Richard Humble
2020-02-13 00:17:57

Marvin Tomizzi
2020-02-13 00:20:50

Dan Elent
2020-02-13 04:22:14

Marvin Tomizzi
2020-02-13 05:16:26

Dan Elent
2020-02-13 05:27:49

Marvin Tomizzi
2020-02-13 05:32:29

Dan Elent
2020-02-13 05:32:43

Dan Elent
2020-02-13 05:45:34

Marvin Tomizzi
2020-02-13 05:46:31

Dan Elent
2020-02-13 05:48:43

Dan Elent
2020-02-13 05:50:02

Marvin Tomizzi
2020-02-13 05:55:22

Jeff Greenfield
2020-02-13 11:11:09

Dan Elent
2020-02-13 11:37:03

Marvin Tomizzi
2020-02-13 20:11:10

原文網址 Marvin Tomizzi
2020-02-03 05:16:48

Hi everyone, random problem outta nowhere here. After a perfect print I put another one (file already printed countless times). The only problem is that at around 7cm from the bluid plate it print like this, even with other files, and I can't understand the reason. Below 7cm everything comes out perfect


Carl White
2020-02-03 06:38:19

Marvin Tomizzi
2020-02-03 07:19:54

Carl White
2020-02-03 07:27:24

原文網址 Marvin Tomizzi
2019-09-15 20:05:20

And here it comes a new problem outta nowhere, jellified resin all over the print, I always shake the resin really well before put it into the vat and mixing with spatula the remain resin in the vat, the printer is close and far from any source of light. Now my last 2 prints comes out like this, as you can see from the photos it starts printing well and after a while come the jelly shieeeeet ?


Ian Gill
2019-09-15 20:06:59

Scott Pavlich
2019-09-15 20:30:22

Richard Flanagan
2019-09-15 20:39:13

Marvin Tomizzi
2019-09-15 20:43:48

Marvin Tomizzi
2019-09-15 21:02:53

Scott Pavlich
2019-09-15 21:30:52

Marvin Tomizzi
2019-09-15 21:32:14

Scott Pavlich
2019-09-15 21:35:44

Marvin Tomizzi
2019-09-15 21:48:19

Scott Pavlich
2019-09-15 21:55:42

Marvin Tomizzi
2019-09-15 22:00:29

Scott Pavlich
2019-09-15 22:35:15

Marvin Tomizzi
2019-09-15 22:36:36

Scott Pavlich
2019-09-15 22:39:04

Marvin Tomizzi
2019-09-15 22:57:34

Jake Campos
2019-09-15 23:00:36

Scott Pavlich
2019-09-15 23:58:25

Joel Mendoza
2019-09-16 00:48:27

Marvin Tomizzi
2019-09-16 01:18:48

Scott Pavlich
2019-09-16 21:00:54

Marvin Tomizzi
2019-09-19 04:42:09

原文網址 Marvin Tomizzi
2019-09-06 06:34:27

Guys I don't know if it's just me but I find that print with anycubic gray resin gives more problems in term of warping and deformation than trasparent green resin, I raised the print parts to 18mm to avoid warped pieces. I wanna know your experiences with these two resins maybe I can find where I do wrong


John Rodriguez
2019-09-06 06:42:21

Lorenzo Castolo Melizza
2019-09-06 08:27:40

Marvin Tomizzi
2019-09-06 14:06:28

Marvin Tomizzi
2019-09-06 14:08:22

原文網址 Marvin Tomizzi
2019-08-22 21:11:11

I need some help here, I don't know why the angle near the build plate end up like this, the rest of the print is perfect. Anycubic gray resin with 16 second


Justin Colson
2019-08-22 21:16:35

Marvin Tomizzi
2019-08-22 21:19:58

Jose Guerra
2019-08-22 21:44:13

Marvin Tomizzi
2019-08-22 21:54:38

Jose Guerra
2019-08-22 21:56:17

Pietro Malaguti Abbate
2019-08-22 21:58:23

Marvin Tomizzi
2019-08-22 21:59:50

Justin Colson
2019-08-22 22:02:33

Marvin Tomizzi
2019-08-22 22:03:36

Justin Colson
2019-08-22 22:35:05

Marvin Tomizzi
2019-08-22 22:37:18

Jarrod Smith
2019-08-22 23:11:58

Marvin Tomizzi
2019-08-23 01:47:28

Marvin Tomizzi
2019-08-23 01:47:44

Jarrod Smith
2019-08-23 02:08:26

Marvin Tomizzi
2019-08-23 19:34:51

Pietro Malaguti Abbate
2019-08-23 20:19:47

Rohan O'Rourke
2019-08-27 07:22:51

Ced Ric
2019-08-27 13:58:44

Marvin Tomizzi
2019-08-27 19:04:30

Ced Ric
2019-08-27 20:16:34

Marvin Tomizzi
2019-08-27 21:02:39

原文網址 Marvin Tomizzi
2019-08-08 19:52:55

guys I need some help with this kind of shape basically a box without top and bottom, do you have any advise to print it without deformations, maybe thicker wall or a specific orientation, I tried with 45 degree with a semi fail as a result


Craig Tinerella
2019-08-08 19:55:10

Marvin Tomizzi
2019-08-08 19:57:23

Craig Tinerella
2019-08-08 19:59:31

Giorgio Tonegato
2019-08-08 20:01:25

Marvin Tomizzi
2019-08-08 20:03:18

Marvin Tomizzi
2019-08-08 20:04:34

Giorgio Tonegato
2019-08-08 20:10:07

Marvin Tomizzi
2019-08-08 21:16:58

Giorgio Tonegato
2019-08-08 23:39:58

原文網址 Marvin Tomizzi
2019-06-26 02:13:25

Hi guys, here's a commission of a scale model (1:43)
This is the Volvo used by italians firemen. I "only" modeled (fusion 360) and printed the parts with a photon ? , the refining and painting part was done by the committent. For more images: https://www.artstation.com/artwork/aR8G80 翻譯年糕

Harald Thingbø
2019-06-26 02:22:22

Marvin Tomizzi
2019-06-26 02:23:38

Patrick Short
2019-06-26 02:26:44

2019-06-26 03:01:26

David Toth
2019-06-26 03:20:44

Marvin Tomizzi
2019-06-26 03:36:19

Jarrod Smith
2019-06-26 03:40:54

Brad Morris
2019-06-26 04:43:07

David Toth
2019-06-26 04:47:18

David Toth
2019-06-26 04:49:21

Eros Benjamin
2019-06-26 04:53:22

Marvin Tomizzi
2019-06-26 05:40:24

Marvin Tomizzi
2019-06-26 06:33:27

Jarrod Smith
2019-06-26 06:51:59

Arri Merenda
2019-06-26 11:07:56

Marvin Tomizzi
2019-06-26 14:24:17

Marcel Meralai
2019-06-26 16:23:59

Marvin Tomizzi
2019-06-26 16:56:00

Tom Stern
2019-06-26 17:13:16

Serkan Salah
2019-06-26 18:30:28

Marco Toni
2019-06-26 18:36:46

Jao Au Pinto
2019-06-26 18:42:27

Marvin Tomizzi
2019-06-26 21:52:58

Marvin Tomizzi
2019-06-26 21:54:33

Marvin Tomizzi
2019-06-26 21:54:46

David Toth
2019-06-27 00:54:45

原文網址 Marvin Tomizzi
2019-05-29 03:14:20

Hi guys,
here's a fan art sculpt of 2B from Nier Automata, my first project with this printer

For more images and better rez: https://www.artstation.com/artwork/XlnOR

Here is a link where you can download the model for free, if you wanna try it: https://skfb.ly/6Kqvo


Daniel Ignacio Perez
2019-05-29 03:18:51

Marvin Tomizzi
2019-05-29 03:20:41

Andy Chung
2019-05-29 03:26:08

Simone Bob Riolo
2019-05-29 03:35:06

Giorgio Tonegato
2019-05-29 03:39:05

Adam Green
2019-05-29 03:40:00

George Bulte
2019-05-29 04:02:35

Andy Huffer
2019-05-29 04:07:28

Rodrigo Peixoto
2019-05-29 04:11:24

Marvin Tomizzi
2019-05-29 05:09:53

Marvin Tomizzi
2019-05-29 05:10:22

Marvin Tomizzi
2019-05-29 05:10:36

Marvin Tomizzi
2019-05-29 05:11:07

Simone Bob Riolo
2019-05-29 05:11:58

Giorgio Tonegato
2019-05-29 05:30:12

Marvin Tomizzi
2019-05-29 06:31:21

Marvin Tomizzi
2019-05-29 06:32:04

Giorgio Tonegato
2019-05-29 06:54:46

Giorgio Tonegato
2019-05-29 07:02:38

Ethan John Hainey
2019-05-29 07:18:06

Andy Chung
2019-05-29 11:50:13

Marvin Tomizzi
2019-05-29 14:03:21

Marvin Tomizzi
2019-05-29 14:03:36

Ced Ric
2019-05-29 14:03:42

Marvin Tomizzi
2019-05-29 14:11:25

Marvin Tomizzi
2019-05-29 22:48:23

Giorgio Tonegato
2019-05-29 23:18:05

Marvin Tomizzi
2019-05-30 00:31:00

Giorgio Tonegato
2019-05-30 00:43:05

Zäta Doe
2019-05-30 04:54:29

Marvin Tomizzi
2019-05-30 14:15:26

Andy Chung
2019-05-30 14:39:34

Zäta Doe
2019-05-30 16:23:26

Marvin Tomizzi
2019-05-30 17:12:37

Marvin Tomizzi
2019-05-30 17:16:37

Zäta Doe
2019-05-30 20:29:44

Marvin Tomizzi
2019-05-30 20:38:04

Zäta Doe
2019-05-30 20:38:30

Migel Rivera
2019-05-31 07:53:31

Alejandro Salinas
2019-06-01 01:39:23

Alejandro Salinas
2019-06-01 01:39:31

Alejandro Salinas
2019-06-01 01:39:42



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