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Anycubic Photon Printer Owners 造訪社團 » 用戶發文

原文網址 Chris Wood
2020-04-03 03:31:56

OK so I changed the photon screen and didn't realise you needed to put the 90* ribbon cable in. Long story short does anyone have the guide to how you can try re-soldering parts. I'm that bored and skint I think I am going to have to fix it rather than just buy a new one.


原文網址 Chris Wood
2020-02-24 01:49:41

Any ideas why I’m still getting the pure purple screen and not the rectangle?


Paul Beechey
2020-02-24 01:57:29

Janus Stark
2020-02-24 02:48:44

Janus Stark
2020-02-24 02:54:26

Chris Wood
2020-02-24 03:35:37

Chris Wood
2020-02-24 03:50:00

Chris Wood
2020-02-24 03:55:02

Chris Wood
2020-02-24 04:29:49

Chris Wood
2020-02-24 04:30:21

Janus Stark
2020-02-24 13:18:51

César Fernández
2020-02-25 15:46:32

Chris Wood
2020-02-25 15:48:35

César Fernández
2020-02-25 15:51:08

Janus Stark
2020-02-25 15:53:21

Chris Wood
2020-02-25 15:57:51

Janus Stark
2020-02-25 15:59:25

Chris Wood
2020-02-25 16:00:38

Janus Stark
2020-02-25 16:03:27

原文網址 Chris Wood
2020-02-23 18:48:45

Just changed the screen for the first time and thought it had gone well.
When I went to test it this is what is showing. I am sure it is usually a square I used to see but thought I would ask before wasting a load of resin.

Anyone with any idea of this is correct or ideas where I have cocked up would be greatly received thanks in advance.


Leon Skopilianos
2020-02-23 18:53:12

Chris Wood
2020-02-23 18:54:05

Leon Skopilianos
2020-02-23 18:54:56

Chris Wood
2020-02-23 18:55:25

原文網址 Chris Wood
2019-06-08 15:47:41

Hi guys,

I've had a couple of fails in a row so I re-levelled the bed again,

I pushed home, set it so the paper can be pulled out but not pushed back in. I set z=0.

I've noticed now that when I press home it isn't gripping the paper any more. Is this intentional so it doesn't break the clear sheet, or have I got a problem?

Also is the general consensus I should upgrade my firmware?

Thanks in advance,


Eric Wilfreesboro
2019-06-08 15:52:35

Jason Howe
2019-06-08 15:52:43

Jason Howe
2019-06-08 15:57:42

Chris Wood
2019-06-08 15:57:59

Chris Wood
2019-06-08 15:58:20

Ryan Turner
2019-06-08 19:49:07

Neil Ramsay
2019-06-08 21:43:12



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