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Anycubic Photon Printer Owners 造訪社團 » 用戶發文

原文網址 Andrew Mills
2019-12-18 10:34:26

Hello Photonsters,

Ive been running into this issue lately and Im not sure whats causing it. The base of the supports on the left side of my plate keep partially coming off, but right side is solid. Ive re-leveled and re-zerod the plate, and also grinded the plate a little to make sure it wasnt too smooth. Resin is a fairly new bottle of anycubic black, and my tests are 6 bottom layers at 70 then 90 seconds, and printing at 0.04 with 8, then 12 seconds.


Mark Anderson
2019-12-18 10:37:59

Michal Powierza
2019-12-18 10:43:10

Andrew Mills
2019-12-18 10:49:07

Michal Powierza
2019-12-18 11:06:47

Michal Powierza
2019-12-18 11:10:40

Andrew Mills
2019-12-18 11:28:21

Stefan Giudici
2019-12-18 11:48:52

Mark Anderson
2019-12-18 12:31:40

Michal Powierza
2019-12-18 13:04:47

Michal Powierza
2019-12-18 13:06:43

Jacob Maxwell Grandstaff
2019-12-18 14:57:13

Paul West
2019-12-18 23:26:59

Ali Al-Qrimli
2019-12-19 00:15:05

Andrew Mills
2019-12-19 00:21:03

Paul West
2019-12-19 00:26:46

Andrew Mills
2019-12-19 00:33:04

Paul West
2019-12-19 00:46:56

原文網址 Andrew Mills
2019-08-07 10:02:37

Kevin Schneider
2019-08-07 10:04:33

Christopharius Cruzantium
2019-08-07 10:16:10

Andrew Mills
2019-08-07 10:16:52

Jeremy Babcock
2019-08-07 10:24:59

Joe Broggio
2019-08-07 10:26:06

Andrew Mills
2019-08-07 10:27:32

Clayton Keller
2019-08-07 11:04:14

Andrew Mills
2019-08-07 11:04:48

David Bieganek
2019-08-07 11:59:56

Keif Davies
2019-08-07 14:53:22

Mike Liebke
2019-08-07 17:27:53

James Robinson
2019-08-08 05:24:26

Samantha Robinson
2019-08-08 05:33:02

James Robinson
2019-08-08 05:33:24

Samantha Robinson
2019-08-08 05:36:50

Andrew Mills
2019-08-08 08:31:48

Mike Liebke
2019-08-08 12:22:20

Andrew Mills
2019-08-08 13:52:47

Mike Liebke
2019-08-08 13:54:35

Britt Johnson
2019-08-08 23:10:04

Mike Liebke
2019-08-09 18:45:29

Andrew Mills
2019-08-09 20:07:43

原文網址 Andrew Mills
2019-08-04 12:09:57

So I just update the firmware today to 4.2.19 and I started a print and noticed that my fan is randomly increasing and decreasing in speed. Any body else experience that?


Andy Eakin
2019-08-04 21:15:39

原文網址 Andrew Mills
2019-08-03 15:34:59

So something a little different, tried printing a model super small at 0.015. Had some minor issues but overall, was pretty successful.


原文網址 Andrew Mills
2019-08-02 01:26:49

Stefan Lukus
2019-08-02 01:27:44

Andrew Mills
2019-08-02 01:29:11

Aaron Marino-Drake
2019-08-02 01:29:21

Andrew Mills
2019-08-02 01:30:42

Ludo Eksel
2019-08-02 01:34:55

Aaron Marino-Drake
2019-08-02 01:35:33

Arthur Withier
2019-08-02 01:36:46

Clifford Schwankner
2019-08-02 01:40:57

Evan Hedges
2019-08-02 01:46:57

Melecio Guzman
2019-08-02 04:45:41

Andrew Mills
2019-08-02 05:22:03

Melecio Guzman
2019-08-02 05:30:27

Tony Gooderham
2019-08-02 08:22:48

Joel Bernstein
2019-08-02 22:42:26

Charles Grigg
2019-08-02 23:52:31

Marcus Como
2019-08-03 00:21:39

Thomas Wright
2019-08-04 06:34:07

原文網址 Andrew Mills
2019-07-29 13:08:05

I find smoothing low-poly models to be kind of relaxing. Anyone else agree?


Alex Hines
2019-07-29 13:10:45

Adam Foster
2019-07-29 13:12:03

Erik Osmera
2019-07-29 13:16:48

Andrew Mills
2019-07-29 13:19:01

Ike O'Ohiocaigh
2019-07-29 15:58:09

Aaron Marino-Drake
2019-07-30 00:26:13

Mark Wardle
2019-07-30 05:12:32

Andrew Mills
2019-07-30 10:31:45

Andrew Mills
2019-07-30 10:33:31

Mark Wardle
2019-07-30 10:42:44

Andrew Mills
2019-07-30 10:44:54

原文網址 Andrew Mills
2019-07-29 09:40:47

Any ideas on what might be causing this? Im using Anycubic Gray, with 15 second exposure at 0.06 with 50 second bottom exposure / 8 layers. I printed the deadpool bust before and it has the same result. Im using chitubox, and medium supports with default settings except cube as the base and sphere for the top with 0.7 depth. This print is a cookie cutter and the bust was hollow so I feel like weight shouldn't be an issue.


Andrew Mills
2019-07-29 09:41:48

Ethan Brown
2019-07-29 09:46:24

Mike Fatchett
2019-07-29 09:52:40

Ethan Brown
2019-07-29 09:54:35

Andrew Mills
2019-07-29 09:55:12

Matt Hockenheimer
2019-07-29 10:02:47

Gregory RG
2019-07-29 10:47:55

Andrew Gott
2019-07-29 10:52:26

Andrew Mills
2019-07-29 10:53:05

Andrew Gott
2019-07-29 10:59:24

Bob Deblier
2019-07-29 12:20:45

Bob Deblier
2019-07-29 12:22:42

James Turner
2019-07-29 12:23:50

Peter Ede
2019-07-29 12:41:23

Jonathan Bollon
2019-07-29 13:18:50

Andrew Mills
2019-07-29 13:21:11

Andrew Mills
2019-07-29 14:00:03

Matt Mason
2019-07-29 14:24:36

Aarón Navarro
2019-07-29 15:14:32

Keif Davies
2019-07-29 16:10:54

Ethan Brown
2019-07-29 16:13:45

Keif Davies
2019-07-29 16:13:47

Keif Davies
2019-07-29 16:14:38

Ethan Brown
2019-07-29 16:20:27

Andrew Mills
2019-07-29 20:42:30

Jason Turner
2019-07-29 20:50:08

Andrew Mills
2019-07-29 20:51:55

Jason Turner
2019-07-29 20:56:10

Ruth Suehle
2019-07-29 20:58:34

Andrew Mills
2019-07-29 21:04:19

Andrew Mills
2019-07-29 21:07:29

Aaron Marino-Drake
2019-07-29 22:15:15

Andrew Mills
2019-07-29 23:30:26

Julio Mata
2019-07-30 00:42:09

Klaus Hoffegger
2019-07-30 01:24:23

Daniel Ignacio Perez
2019-07-30 02:38:42

Nicholas Storms
2019-07-30 03:34:21

Leonard Seeney
2019-07-30 14:16:37

Chandler Krisowsky
2019-07-30 18:17:26

Tej Joshi
2019-07-30 18:28:57

Mantas Versulis
2019-07-31 01:00:07

Mantas Versulis
2019-07-31 01:01:20

Mantas Versulis
2019-07-31 01:02:01

Rod Williams
2019-07-31 10:34:02

Peter Atothem
2019-08-01 05:36:46

Ruben Haris Lukito
2019-08-02 02:07:33

原文網址 Andrew Mills
2019-07-25 10:41:26

I am by no means an artist, but I just bought some paint today and figured why not learn!


Spencer Bartley
2019-07-25 10:43:42

Andrew Mills
2019-07-25 10:44:34

Robert Galvez
2019-07-25 21:17:04

Jeff Johnson
2019-07-26 03:37:22

原文網址 Andrew Mills
2019-07-24 20:30:08

Alright, my dudes. I, again, seek your guidance. I'm trying to print a miniature using light supports, and they like to snap off during the print, and I can't for the life of me seem to find any good settings online. Anyone willing to post a link/pic to their settings that have worked? (All 3 preferably) The only one that really seem to stick are the heavies.


Justin Cupitt
2019-07-24 20:32:20

Andrew Mills
2019-07-24 20:32:52

Justin Cupitt
2019-07-24 20:36:18

Andrew Mills
2019-07-24 20:37:02

Justin Cupitt
2019-07-24 20:37:44

Dan Jay
2019-07-24 20:38:08

Dan Jay
2019-07-24 20:38:41

Justin Cupitt
2019-07-24 20:39:54

Justin Cupitt
2019-07-24 20:40:39

Andrew Mills
2019-07-24 20:43:00

Justin Cupitt
2019-07-24 20:44:57

Bob Deblier
2019-07-24 21:03:39

原文網址 Andrew Mills
2019-07-21 22:23:19

I found a model of a character from one of my favorite games. His cape cracked when I was removing the supports, but a little dabbing, curing, and sanding patched it right up.


John Humphries
2019-07-21 22:45:25



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