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Anycubic Photon Printer Owners 造訪社團 » 用戶發文

原文網址 Bryan Maenz
2020-03-24 09:38:39

Nitrile Glove allergy.

My hands have always been itchy after taking out a print and I had just assumed it was from the resin. (any cubic eco)

Well, today I used 1 hand with a glove and one hand naked and ended up getting lazy and using both hands to break supports and whatnot, however now that I am done only the hand that was gloved is itchy my hand that was naked feels fine.

Wondering what everyone's thoughts are ongoing gloveless with this resin as that appears to be much less irritating to my skin then using the gloves I have.... as you can imagine getting any kind of other glove atm is not very easy.

I am assuming that I have an allergy to something in the nitrile gloves I have. (obviously, I have no professional assessment of that.)


我拿掉指紋後手一直很癢, 我還以為是樹脂. (任何立方體生態)

好吧, 今天我用1只手手套和一隻手赤裸, 最後變得懶惰, 用雙手來打破支撐, 但現在我手套的手癢的手好癢 感覺很好.

想知道每個人的想法是如何用這種樹脂保持手套, 因為這似乎比我的面板的煩惱要少得多.... 因為你可以想象得到任何其他手套atm都不是很容易的.

我假設我對手套里的東西過敏. (顯然, 我對此沒有專業的評估.) 你知道嗎?

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Samuel Colt
2020-03-24 09:40:22

maybe coat your hands with baby powder before you slip on the gloves ???

Miles Redman
2020-03-24 09:43:38

definitely don't handle wet resin with bare hands, it causes anaphylactic reactions, or eventually will once your body begins to recognize its presence in your skin, that's unfortunate you have some latex-like allergy to the nitrile gloves unfortunately, definitely look for alternatives once the pandemic settles down

Cameron Lee Johnson
2020-03-24 09:44:01

The resin used to print is called an "accumulative toxin". Meaning the more you are around it, the worse your reaction will be. This applies to touching and breathing.

Right now you may be able to get some on your skin and wash it off no problem. But eventually it may leave burns or rashes.

How safe you wanna be is up to you. But I would recommend finding alternative gloves over barehanded

Luke Mason
2020-03-24 09:46:13

That’s bad luck with the gene pool ?

Miles Redman
2020-03-24 09:46:42

but he might be alright with latex, which are usually cheaper, but again it comes down to finding any currently

Bryan Maenz
2020-03-24 09:47:24

I can keep using the nitrile it's just a bit itchy afterward if that's safer then the resin until I can get new gloves.

Just kind of sad that protecting myself leaves me with irritated skin and not leaves me feeling fine.

Bryan Maenz
2020-03-24 09:47:50

Miles Redman latex is fine... this would be my first allergy.

Miles Redman
2020-03-24 09:48:24

thank goodness it's such a specific and easy to avoid one for the future!

Ed Beheler
2020-03-24 09:48:30

Switch to a different type of gloves? Maybe vinyl would work better for you? https://amzn.to/2xVFoUb

Miles Redman
2020-03-24 09:49:36

if you have any other gloves, even leather, winter, or work gloves, you could put the nitrile over those to protect your skin from the nitrile while you work, not ideal but it would help out in a pinch

Cameron Lee Johnson
2020-03-24 09:49:45

Bryan Maenz yea thats rough.... If it makes you feel better, i poop blood sometimes...

Bryan Maenz
2020-03-24 09:49:46

out of stock... thats the issue. would love to switch but not a great time for buying gloves. I also should probably leave gloves to people who need them for medical reasons at the moment.

Ed Beheler
2020-03-24 09:50:14

I figure almost any suggestion is going to be out of stock right now :)

Andrew Dunbar
2020-03-24 09:51:34

Reackon it would work if you used latex gloves under the nitrite ones?

Alexander Bayerdorffer
2020-03-24 09:52:02

Mcmastercarr.com has everything

Bryan Maenz
2020-03-24 09:53:04

Cameron Lee Johnson a little bit, thanks.

Tim Borschel
2020-03-24 09:53:32

I've seen other people say vinyl gloves dont keep the resin out, not sure how true that is.

Michael Pescuma
2020-03-24 09:54:34

Tim Borschel Yes, but nitrile over the vinyl may help alleviate the itching.

Miles Redman
2020-03-24 09:55:54


Something like these may be an option also and they don't really contend with medical supply chains at the moment as they're more janitorial in nature, just rinse them off in your alcohol bath and set them outside to dry when you're done using them

Tim Borschel
2020-03-24 09:56:59

Good info here https://www.yourglovesource.com/....../39714689...... try a different brand or look for accelerator free nitrile gloves

Aaron Strome
2020-03-24 10:04:07

i use dollar store kitchen gloves and they work great..

Michael Maxwell
2020-03-24 10:27:01

I first started with itches and then went to looking like my skin was burned,glossy like
I started to use lotion on my hands before the gloves are put on and it works ok. I use now the Neoprene gloves which are better

Stefan Giudici
2020-03-24 11:21:00

Get better gloves. Do not handle acrylate monomers without gloves

Stefan Giudici
2020-03-24 11:22:24

This isn't true at all. It's a sensitizer certainly, but not because it bioaccumulates, our bodies actually process and expel acrylates very quickly.

Neal Conway
2020-03-24 11:51:27

Use a Barrier Cream before putting the gloves on.

Joshua DeBoe
2020-03-24 12:20:35

I get a little itchiness if I need to wear gloves for more than 5 mins or so.

Benjamin Cole
2020-03-24 15:32:59

I'm allergic to nitrile, latex and vinyl (I know, shit luck). Best thing I've found is either barrier cream, or wear cotton gloves as a buffer between your skin and the glove.
Having worked in an industry where gloves are mandatory, cotton liners were a godsend.

Dave Dewees
2020-03-24 16:23:24

Haven't used gloves since I'm grown-up and can remove my prints from the plate and get them in and out of the IPA... All without touching any resin!

Joshua Mahan
2020-03-25 14:28:13

As someone with multiple friends/aquaintances who have developed rather serious resin allergies from working with it for years (one who's allergy started while we were on a job together...and he is quite careful) and another who breaks out in full body rash if she's even near the stuff now, I'd maybe rethink your approach.

Yam Gazmic
2020-03-25 14:36:57

Try latex if anything.

Marcel Biermans
2020-03-25 17:30:39

Latex gloves don't protect against resin sadly, and since you probably have a nitrile allergy, I would suggest trying vinyl gloves. They are a bit finicky, since they don't really stretch, but I have never met anyone allergic to vinyl.

Chris Wolfe
2020-03-26 06:47:47

Yep PPE is no joke.

Johnny Johnsen
2020-03-26 06:57:57

try use talcum on your hands before u put the gloves on... it might work

Johnny Johnsen
2020-03-26 06:58:14

also gloves comes on and off easier

Andrew Steel
2020-03-26 18:18:49

Get some barrier cream, coat hands b4 using gloves or buy some actual chem resistant rubber gloves

原文網址 Bryan Maenz
2020-03-10 16:34:27

Looking for some advice.

Trying to print this with the Anycubic eco-resin blue (love this stuff)

Exposure base layers: 12.5s (3layers)
Exposure other layers: 7s

As you can see in the pictures the arms are supposed to be moveable but when I print its fusing to the main body.

I keep dropping my exposure times but I still can't get it to work properly. Should I keep trying and dropping my exposure times? or should I adjust base layers? really any ideas beyond raising it and supporting it as I want to print it directly on the bed. (i hate the surface that creates I want this nice and flat)

This is on my Photon.

Thanks in advance.


Benjamin Cole
2020-03-10 16:41:09

Benjamin Cole
2020-03-10 16:41:58

Andy Johnny Young
2020-03-10 16:46:25

Bryan Maenz
2020-03-10 16:47:09

Andy Johnny Young
2020-03-10 16:48:01

Bryan Maenz
2020-03-10 16:49:25

Andy Johnny Young
2020-03-10 17:23:14

Bryan Maenz
2020-03-10 17:38:35

Andy Johnny Young
2020-03-10 17:47:28

Xavi Ferrer
2020-03-10 17:59:48

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2020-03-10 18:02:47

Xavi Ferrer
2020-03-10 18:04:32

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2020-03-10 19:44:35

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2020-03-10 20:08:47

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Clifford Schwankner
2020-03-10 20:17:35

Stephen Hill
2020-03-10 21:05:54

Отто Сандер
2020-03-10 21:16:43

Charles Lease
2020-03-10 22:03:31

Bryan Maenz
2020-03-10 22:48:48

Clifford Schwankner
2020-03-10 22:51:15

Bryan Maenz
2020-03-10 22:51:53

Andy Johnny Young
2020-03-10 22:52:17

Tomasz Dudziak
2020-03-11 01:58:03

Rob Robertson
2020-03-11 03:53:54

Jasper Breur
2020-03-11 05:59:09

Milton Maxson
2020-03-11 06:21:18

Bryan Maenz
2020-03-11 06:44:16

Jasper Breur
2020-03-11 13:47:56

Denlee Paddy Rhodes
2020-03-11 14:47:17

Xavi Ferrer
2020-03-11 17:09:12

Denlee Paddy Rhodes
2020-03-11 18:12:20

Clifford Schwankner
2020-03-11 20:11:01

Xavi Ferrer
2020-03-12 04:54:04

原文網址 Bryan Maenz
2019-09-03 09:10:26

Hello everyone.

I am 80% done my first print on my new photon (using the plant-based resin and printing the sample that came with it)

I plan to wash it with 99% ipa and then I have a UV station set up with a nail drying light.

What my question comes down to is what do I do with the machine itself after the print is done, do I need to drain it out and then wash it? (if so what is the best method for washing it?). Or can I leave the resin in and start a new print?

Thanks in advance.


Clifford Schwankner
2019-09-03 09:15:47

Bryan Maenz
2019-09-04 06:50:17



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