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Anycubic Photon Printer Owners 造訪社團 » 用戶發文

原文網址 Charles Lease
2020-03-27 11:04:24

This is the rock base for the mineral dragon.

What would cause a crease in the bottom to form?


Charles Lease
2020-03-27 11:05:41

My only thought is that it's hollow, but i didn't add drain holes?

Mark Wardle
2020-03-27 11:09:11

model will be full of resin. and not enough supports to hold the model steady whilst the model is full of resin :) add vent holes close to the build plate. ie they need to print first. add more supports or use larger supports

Charles Lease
2020-03-27 11:10:34

Mark Wardle wierd that its a dead straight line though

Mark Wardle
2020-03-27 11:25:53

suction can do things like that :)

Thomas Holm
2020-03-27 16:12:52

Your liquid surface is a straight line. Thus the crease is too.

Question: I usually pepper the flat underside of hollow bases with holes. Is there such a thing as 'too many holes' as long as the structural integrity is intact?

Brian King
2020-03-28 01:47:18


原文網址 Charles Lease
2020-03-23 22:09:23

Ok, trying my first big print. have some questions -

Open in prusaslicer - right click - optimize orientation. Done

Add supports - i seem only to be able to auto add support in prusaslicer by slicing, which then makes an SL1 file, which chitubox can't open.

What am i doing wrong?


Alex Rallis
2020-03-23 22:11:03

You need to export the file with supports and it will create a new stl file. Open that in slicer of choice.

Charles Lease
2020-03-23 22:11:53

i can only export as a *.sl1 file, which chitubox can't open.

Paul Soucy
2020-03-23 22:12:39

Export as stl with supports

Alex Rallis
2020-03-23 22:13:10

Charles Lease under file there is a export with supports choice

Charles Lease
2020-03-23 22:13:56

export with supports is grayed out. and no supports show on the model. but pad/supports show on the right...

Charles Lease
2020-03-23 22:14:51

Alex Rallis
2020-03-23 22:14:59

I believe once you have supports showing the choice will be available.

2020-03-23 22:15:06

When in Prusaslicer, select what you want to Support, then on the left at the bottom you can select supports.
You can auto support or add manually. remember to select apply if you do manually.

Then the supports should be visible, you can choose file -> export -> export plate with support.

2020-03-23 22:15:26

Charles Lease there are no supports added yet.

Alex Rallis
2020-03-23 22:16:02

Charles Lease
2020-03-23 22:16:40

that's what i was missing, it was processing and i dind't realize it. thanks!

2020-03-23 22:17:06

the supports are not yet on your model

Charles Lease
2020-03-23 22:17:15

this communit is the best! it was slicing to create supports and i was impatient/didn't see the processing bar. took it only like 5s...guess too much coffee this morning...

Alex Rallis
2020-03-23 22:17:21

Alex Rallis
2020-03-23 22:18:31

Xi-Sheng Luo lol thanks, i was sending the pic for the poster.

原文網址 Charles Lease
2020-02-05 04:11:11

What the hell is this white stuff on my print? Lol

我列印上的白色東西到底是甚麼? 哈哈哈

· 查看原文 · 為此翻譯評分

Mike Tate
2020-02-05 04:11:50

Charles Lease
2020-02-05 04:15:09

Mike Tate
2020-02-05 04:15:30

Jeffery Nelson
2020-02-05 04:15:36

Adrian Walle
2020-02-05 04:16:27

Michael Van Fossen
2020-02-05 04:18:09

Blaine Tsukayama
2020-02-05 04:18:18

Nate Nelson
2020-02-05 04:19:32

Douglas Guerra Dos Santos
2020-02-05 04:23:55

Eric Wilfreesboro
2020-02-05 04:26:38

Andrew J. Tucker
2020-02-05 04:29:18

Charles Lease
2020-02-05 04:29:34

Kyle Telechan
2020-02-05 04:29:45

Charles Lease
2020-02-05 04:32:19

Ben Brooks
2020-02-05 04:32:28

Marc Richards
2020-02-05 04:33:21

Christopher Barnes
2020-02-05 04:34:40

Brendan Wood
2020-02-05 04:35:59

Ron Staton
2020-02-05 04:37:45

Himsky Massaoka
2020-02-05 04:42:39

David Collinson
2020-02-05 04:42:58

Paul Carress
2020-02-05 04:44:02

Will Koehler
2020-02-05 04:49:34

Derek Reihe
2020-02-05 04:49:42

William Neal
2020-02-05 04:57:51

Nate Nelson
2020-02-05 05:10:05

Robin Elliott
2020-02-05 05:33:28

Walter Policelli
2020-02-05 05:47:42

Caio Donini
2020-02-05 05:48:05

Joseph Wright
2020-02-05 05:54:39

Charlie Yoshi Locke
2020-02-05 06:06:32

Micke Askernäs
2020-02-05 06:17:47

Shawn O'Hara
2020-02-05 06:18:53

Steven Howland
2020-02-05 06:39:15

Lee Perry
2020-02-05 06:47:15

John Palmer
2020-02-05 06:52:43

Darek Wójtów
2020-02-05 07:04:25

Don Newman
2020-02-05 07:24:37

John Goodrich
2020-02-05 08:59:54

Laurie Sinclair Muenchow
2020-02-05 09:44:39

David Johnson
2020-02-05 10:12:38

Deb Longoria
2020-02-05 10:32:50

Colton Wilkins
2020-02-05 11:21:32

Joel Reid
2020-02-05 16:02:47

Pete Kratsch
2020-02-05 22:38:21

Sean Smith
2020-02-05 22:45:24

Tim Moulton
2020-02-06 06:31:45

Travis McGeathy
2020-02-06 07:28:11

Keith Barnett
2020-02-06 12:41:20

Travis McGeathy
2020-02-06 13:10:51

Joseph Brancik
2020-02-08 00:46:30

原文網址 Charles Lease
2020-02-03 23:47:35

My printer has been working great. But my current print causes the printer the shutdown. Any ideas what would cause that?


Marius V. Dumitrașcu
2020-02-03 23:48:26

Niall Forrester
2020-02-04 00:02:52

Charles Lease
2020-02-04 00:03:10

Charles Lease
2020-02-04 00:03:15

Niall Forrester
2020-02-04 00:03:49

Charlie Yoshi Locke
2020-02-04 00:05:12

Charles Lease
2020-02-04 00:05:52

Charles Lease
2020-02-04 00:06:19

Niall Forrester
2020-02-04 00:12:05

Niall Forrester
2020-02-04 00:13:06

Alexander Bayerdorffer
2020-02-04 00:20:35

Marius V. Dumitrașcu
2020-02-04 00:57:43

Victor Organek
2020-02-04 01:39:17

原文網址 Charles Lease
2020-01-28 23:18:47

Took me 3 tries to get it (1st 2 times the print didnt stick to the build plate).

But damn this looks good!


Pablo Coralio Ballester Pla
2020-01-29 00:01:07

Charles Lease
2020-01-29 00:02:37

Pablo Coralio Ballester Pla
2020-01-29 00:03:40

Charles Lease
2020-01-29 00:04:01

Charles Lease
2020-01-29 00:04:31

Pierre Eichel
2020-01-29 00:06:11

Pablo Coralio Ballester Pla
2020-01-29 00:07:14

Charles Lease
2020-01-29 00:08:24

Pablo Coralio Ballester Pla
2020-01-29 00:12:37

Pablo Coralio Ballester Pla
2020-01-29 00:13:53

Steven Leitz
2020-01-29 00:14:03

Charles Lease
2020-01-29 00:14:35

Charles Lease
2020-01-29 00:15:52

Charles Lease
2020-01-29 00:16:34

Charles Berman
2020-01-29 01:20:30

Charles Lease
2020-01-29 02:44:15

Pierre Eichel
2020-01-29 13:18:36

原文網址 Charles Lease
2020-01-28 10:16:14

ok, so my 2x monk print turned out beautiful. now i'm trying something more ambitious, and getting errors at the beginning. tried 2x so far, and both times, nothing was stuck to the build plate. just had a mass of "cured" resin in the vat.

from my reading - that means i should use higher base layer cure times?


Paul West
2020-01-28 11:42:12

原文網址 Charles Lease
2020-01-27 10:57:30

So...uh...holy shit. This is my first print on the printer (got it this morning). Im amazed at the quality. Hard to photo clear resin, but this is awesome.


Tucker Edward Loper
2020-01-27 10:59:20

Charles Lease
2020-01-27 11:00:23

Michael Gonzalez
2020-01-27 11:00:30

Charles Lease
2020-01-27 11:00:49

Michael Ray
2020-01-27 11:04:35

George Graves
2020-01-27 11:10:57

Charles Lease
2020-01-27 11:12:31

Michael Gonzalez
2020-01-27 11:16:13

Charles Lease
2020-01-27 11:18:04

Michael Gonzalez
2020-01-27 11:22:28

Jason Archuleta
2020-01-27 11:46:06

Lisa Perkins
2020-01-27 13:18:26

Charles Lease
2020-01-27 13:19:07

Maciej Krajniak
2020-01-27 16:59:27

Brian T Patterson
2020-01-27 23:04:20

Charles Lease
2020-01-27 23:28:48

Logan Laborde
2020-01-28 06:11:31

Bekah Bill
2020-01-28 10:20:22

Charles Lease
2020-01-28 10:21:29

原文網址 Charles Lease
2020-01-25 06:41:24

Well, my photon arrived and it was a piece of junk. Got errors 88 and 100, the 2k LCD screen wasn't plugged in...while trying to plug it in i found that the top portion of the ribbon cable was ALSO unplugged.

thankfully, amazon is super awesome. so new one should be here sunday and this pile of trash gets sent back.


Nate Nelson
2020-01-25 06:43:56

Charles Lease
2020-01-25 06:44:14

Nate Nelson
2020-01-25 06:44:39

Charles Lease
2020-01-25 06:45:16

Nate Nelson
2020-01-25 06:53:48



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