Scrolled through quite a bit looking for posts that discuss the use of threaded inserts in resin prints. The little doohickies that you can press into a hole of an FDM print to give you proper threads. Usually a brass alloy.
Question is, will this sort of thing work in a resin print as well as it does in an FDM print. Ease of insertion, holding power, etc.
Followup questions are:
How well do printed threads work inside holes?
How well does tapping a hole work?
Thanks in advance.
Derek Reihe
2019-10-11 02:16:35
Chris Kaczmarczyk
2019-10-11 02:22:34
Rob Young
2019-10-11 02:27:50
Nipuna Gunarathne
2019-10-11 02:52:51
Gabe Snooks
2019-10-11 04:30:41
Chris Kaczmarczyk
2019-10-11 07:17:47
Stefan Giudici
2019-10-11 08:27:53
Chase Wichert
2019-10-11 10:44:22
Nipuna Gunarathne
2019-10-11 11:09:42
Nipuna Gunarathne
2019-10-11 11:10:34
Lane Shutt
2019-10-11 12:47:37