Ok. I love this printer so far. I’m new with it, but it’s been fairly trouble free and fun. I had to open it up on day one and reseat the usb cable inside, and I’ve had the usual learning curve with exposure times and settings. This group has been a great resource. Right now this is my biggest frustration.
I level this thing after every print. I have to. It’s been usual for my bottom layers to be uneven, but not enough To throw off prints. If I don’t relevel every time, prints fail.
This plate was leveled before tho print. WTF is happening? Is it possible it’s hitting the resin vat? I don’t see any indication of it, but I don’t know what else could be causing that. I level it using the sheet of paper method. Hold it down evenly. Tighten it firm enough to be tight but not worry about tripping issues. Every time it’s pushed out of level.
Thoughts? Should I run it down to home with the vat in after leveling? Halp!
Tiernan Messmer
2019-11-22 00:08:56
Cam Erasmus
2019-11-22 00:09:53
Joe Brislane
2019-11-22 00:19:14
Tiernan Messmer
2019-11-22 00:27:00
Joe Brislane
2019-11-22 00:28:22
Shreyo Bagchee
2019-11-22 00:59:59
Larry Watson
2019-11-22 02:46:34
James Cachia-Garrett
2019-11-22 08:03:36
Franz Meriles
2019-11-22 09:21:24
John Chrapkowski
2019-11-22 10:46:15
Nipuna Gunarathne
2019-11-22 11:21:46
Joe Brislane
2019-11-22 12:51:37
Robert Nisson
2019-11-22 14:05:51