Any advice for filtering your IPA? This is what I'm doing currently:
* Curing IPA under UV light for 2-3 hours in my curing chamber (covered in clingfilm to prevent evaporation)
* Filtering once using a paint filter (which tends to get the bigger clumps out)
* Trying to use a coffee filter to filter it again (this is where it gets annoying, the IPA never drips through the coffee filter, it just sits inside) using regular #4 filters inside a funnel. The IPA just sits there evaporating for hours.
Right now I'm going through liters of fresh IPA since my wash becomes so muddy after a few prints and I can never really filter it well since it just ends up sitting in the coffee filter or making a huge mess.
People say that they should let the IPA "settle" into the bottom but it never settles, I can leave it untouched for weeks and it's still a murky liquid.
Keith Barnett
2019-05-30 01:07:40
Matt Wessel
2019-05-30 01:08:19
Matt Wessel
2019-05-30 01:08:20
Shreyo Bagchee
2019-05-30 01:10:35
Robert Silvers
2019-05-30 01:32:20
Jared Zadorozny
2019-05-30 01:42:56
Jared Zadorozny
2019-05-30 01:43:10
Hoffman Panameño
2019-05-30 01:43:49
Kyle Urban
2019-05-30 01:56:16
Eric Jorgensen
2019-05-30 02:32:30
Anthony Fennell
2019-05-30 02:38:02
Gary Houser
2019-05-30 03:11:18
Ron Luttrull
2019-05-30 03:39:01
Gary Houser
2019-05-30 03:55:11
Ryan Cook
2019-05-30 03:56:25
Andrew McKay
2019-05-30 04:08:38
Mark Wardle
2019-05-30 04:10:42
Keith Barnett
2019-05-30 09:54:14
Eric Jorgensen
2019-05-31 05:13:02
Hamza Doğan
2019-06-02 08:52:24
Nicolas Tsagarides
2019-06-02 19:02:44
Nicholas Taylor
2019-06-03 22:10:32
Shreyo Bagchee
2019-06-03 22:14:57
Gary Houser
2019-06-04 04:21:51
Gary Houser
2019-06-04 04:23:23