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Anycubic Photon Printer Owners 造訪社團 » 用戶發文

原文網址 Paul Carter
2019-11-28 09:14:43

This is my first test print off my PhotonS, Decided on this instead of the Lattice cube on the flash drive. I'm running my second print now. The printer is making a noticable thumb like noise just a it raises the print platform, I noticed this on the this print but it went away as the print progressed, have another print running now & the thump has returned. Is this normal? I can't see it has any effect on print quality. Thanks in advance


Georg Zoeller
2019-11-28 09:16:01

Lex Toother
2019-11-28 09:16:07

Billy Emmons
2019-11-28 09:17:16

Scott Bez Brew
2019-11-28 09:17:21

Kevin Whiteside
2019-11-28 09:17:32

Paul Carter
2019-11-28 09:19:03

Peter Ede
2019-11-28 09:19:23

Paul West
2019-11-28 09:20:25

Kelli Lubeley
2019-11-28 09:20:29

Paul Carter
2019-11-28 09:20:34

John Hernandez
2019-11-28 09:22:42

Dennis Hurlburt
2019-11-28 09:35:04

Michael Earley
2019-11-28 10:18:25

Paul Carter
2019-11-28 10:44:45

James Harrod
2019-11-28 12:04:06

Henrik Thermansen Møller
2019-11-28 14:14:31

André Nettermann
2019-11-28 15:30:21

Gabrielle Underhill Lucas
2019-11-28 16:03:55

Joel Reid
2019-11-28 16:58:23

Pataki Ábris
2019-11-28 17:14:36

Stevo Hill
2019-11-28 17:17:45

Henrik Thermansen Møller
2019-11-28 19:40:26

Mark Wardle
2019-11-28 19:51:09

Doug Bowman
2019-11-28 20:16:53

Nipuna Gunarathne
2019-11-28 20:39:37

Dominick Trascritti
2019-11-28 21:23:50

Paul Carter
2019-11-29 01:00:16

Gabe E. Nydick
2019-11-29 08:04:41

Wm Kuch
2019-11-29 10:51:57

Ross Graham
2019-11-29 11:47:14



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