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Anycubic Photon Printer Owners 造訪社團 » 用戶發文

原文網址 Dennis Barr
2020-03-24 23:40:08

Where is the best place to sell miniatures you printed


Richard Humble
2020-03-25 00:05:37

Check the license conditions on the STLs unless they are your own designs ;)

Alex Clarke
2020-03-25 00:35:16

I would recommend selling them on the internet

原文網址 Dennis Barr
2020-02-24 23:06:58

I got in Siraya Tech White Resin and havent had a bad print yet!!! This is the first time this has ever happened and it feels amazing. Has anyone else used this Resin also?


Kelly Leyonois McLaughlin
2020-02-24 23:10:52

Richard Rush
2020-02-24 23:27:22

Janus Stark
2020-02-24 23:52:46

Dennis Barr
2020-02-25 02:39:34

Janus Stark
2020-02-25 02:41:06

Jeremiah Chetwood
2020-02-25 15:43:14

原文網址 Dennis Barr
2020-02-23 00:34:20

Any one had this happen when they came in to look at a print


Corey Morrison
2020-02-23 00:40:35

Merv Hinton
2020-02-23 01:18:22

Merv Hinton
2020-02-23 01:19:18

Janus Stark
2020-02-23 01:56:04

Janus Stark
2020-02-23 01:56:54

Merv Hinton
2020-02-23 02:37:22

Joey Molnar
2020-02-23 12:28:51

原文網址 Dennis Barr
2020-02-21 00:53:32

This is my first time to print a pedestal for my bust and this is what happen. Wall thickness when hallowed at 8mm. Bottom exposure time at 90. Does this really need a raft at the bottom? PLEASE HELP

這是我第一次為我的胸部列印底座, 這就是這樣. 在8毫米的時候, 牆厚度. 底部曝光時間90. 點, 這真的需要一個木筏在底部嗎? 請幫幫我

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Handrez Pintubola
2020-02-21 00:55:18

Ryan Tupper
2020-02-21 00:56:24

Jason Pedersen
2020-02-21 00:59:33

Dustin Skye
2020-02-21 01:04:29

Jason Pedersen
2020-02-21 01:04:42

John Chrapkowski
2020-02-21 01:05:47

Jason Pedersen
2020-02-21 01:06:25

Jason Pedersen
2020-02-21 01:07:22

Dustin Skye
2020-02-21 01:07:43

Marcin Smoliński
2020-02-21 01:14:38

Jason Pedersen
2020-02-21 01:18:29

Jason Pedersen
2020-02-21 01:25:21

Joel Reid
2020-02-21 01:28:23

Nicolai Lorenzen
2020-02-21 01:44:27

Nicolai Lorenzen
2020-02-21 01:46:50

Peter Ede
2020-02-21 04:57:51

Keith Yinger
2020-02-21 05:11:07

Keith Yinger
2020-02-21 05:13:05

Sam Skellern
2020-02-21 10:41:32

Jason Pedersen
2020-02-21 11:14:16

Dennis Barr
2020-02-21 11:44:45

Bob Deblier
2020-02-21 15:23:11

Simon Wilson
2020-02-21 15:27:18

原文網址 Dennis Barr
2020-02-17 10:00:39

So I had a arm printed out and of course it is missing a finger. I dont want to waste resin on a whole arm just for a finger. Is there a type of material to add. to kind of sculpt in a finger.


Toby Kirkby
2020-02-17 10:02:32

Christopher Carlson
2020-02-17 10:02:36

Mark Pontius
2020-02-17 10:02:48

Joe Tacconelli
2020-02-17 10:09:35

Charles Berman
2020-02-17 11:39:20

原文網址 Dennis Barr
2020-02-17 08:13:36

Can anybody have pics of some sculptures and maybe put into ZBrush. Where I can 3d print? I have a lot of people ask for one but it cost a lot of money to cast and they really are too large for people to put anywhere. Also I cant afford a good 3d scanner. Can anyone do it. For a fee? It's a bust. Then a torso bust. Only thing the torso bust needs a crown of thorns and hair.


Roger Munguia
2020-02-17 08:18:03

Dennis Barr
2020-02-17 09:57:07

Roger Munguia
2020-02-17 10:22:15

原文網址 Dennis Barr
2020-02-15 10:37:31

Printed my son out an eagle for his school project. Turned out pretty good. Going to prime and let him paint. It seems I always get more crisp prints with translucent colors. Anybody else get that?


Fifa Mia
2020-02-15 10:39:15

Vincent Balmont
2020-02-15 10:46:05

Scott Pavlich
2020-02-15 10:48:01

Yannik Tillmann
2020-02-15 12:42:01

Scott Pavlich
2020-02-15 12:51:24

Mario Grösser
2020-02-15 17:31:48

Scott Pavlich
2020-02-15 21:14:12

原文網址 Dennis Barr
2020-02-03 05:36:09

I have a couple of prints that will be bigger than the build volume. What is the best software to cut them in smaller piece to fit


Paul Krzywdik
2020-02-03 05:39:49

James Forder
2020-02-03 05:58:22

原文網址 Dennis Barr
2020-02-03 05:06:30

What is the biggest thing you have printed on a photon


Doc Hogan
2020-02-03 05:06:42

Doc Hogan
2020-02-03 05:06:55

Toby Kirkby
2020-02-03 05:09:41

Sander van Deijl
2020-02-03 05:12:34

Yannik Tillmann
2020-02-03 05:14:50

Brendan Wood
2020-02-03 05:27:52

Adam Horton
2020-02-03 05:32:08

Dennis Barr
2020-02-03 05:33:57

James Cachia-Garrett
2020-02-03 05:42:54

James Cachia-Garrett
2020-02-03 05:42:59

James Cachia-Garrett
2020-02-03 05:43:05

Dennis Barr
2020-02-03 05:59:29

James Cachia-Garrett
2020-02-03 06:01:34

Felix Flauta Jr.
2020-02-03 06:12:08

Adam Horton
2020-02-03 06:12:34

Felix Flauta Jr.
2020-02-03 06:13:44

Felix Flauta Jr.
2020-02-03 06:14:50

Felix Flauta Jr.
2020-02-03 06:16:22

Timothy White
2020-02-03 06:56:01

Mata Mac Gille Fhionntain
2020-02-03 08:00:31

Daniel Kottmair
2020-02-03 08:10:43

Daniel Kottmair
2020-02-03 08:11:58

James Cachia-Garrett
2020-02-03 08:13:09

Daniel Kottmair
2020-02-03 08:14:16

Dennis Barr
2020-02-03 09:34:12

Clark Paints
2020-02-03 10:46:03

Robert Small
2020-02-03 11:43:03

Yannik Tillmann
2020-02-03 12:05:49

Htun Nay Myo Aung
2020-02-03 15:40:06

原文網址 Dennis Barr
2020-01-31 05:40:12

So it was my first print and my printer printed the first 1 mm layer and that was all. PLEASE HELP!!!!


Kris Leon
2020-01-31 07:20:05

Dennis Barr
2020-02-02 01:36:05

Kris Leon
2020-02-02 03:14:38

Dennis Barr
2020-02-02 03:26:24

Kris Leon
2020-02-02 03:29:24

Dennis Barr
2020-02-02 08:05:03

Kris Leon
2020-02-02 08:05:34

Dennis Barr
2020-02-02 08:09:08

Kris Leon
2020-02-02 08:11:01

Dennis Barr
2020-02-03 01:15:08

Kris Leon
2020-02-03 01:45:01



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