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Anycubic Photon Printer Owners 造訪社團 » 用戶發文

原文網址 Michael Martin
2020-02-18 11:44:03

Has anyone had issues with Kapton tape affecting the spacing between their LCD, FEP and build plate and causing print failures? (Planning to remove it when I have free time this weekend)


Will Koehler
2020-02-18 11:46:20

Robert Maefs
2020-02-18 11:48:51

Mike Nellis
2020-02-18 11:51:54

Scott Pavlich
2020-02-18 12:15:53

Jeff Greenfield
2020-02-18 12:28:53

原文網址 Michael Martin
2020-01-22 10:45:56

What version is the "best" firmware update? (Orginal Photon)


Robert Jeppesen
2020-01-22 12:09:51

Mark Anthony Vasquez
2020-01-23 09:34:28

原文網址 Michael Martin
2019-11-01 05:47:44

What is the "best" software for 3D modeling? [I need a new desktop computer and I am trying to spec out the hardware based on software requirements.]


Joseph Daniels
2019-11-01 05:48:39

Robert Daubar
2019-11-01 05:49:16

Brittany Herring
2019-11-01 05:53:33

Jeff Greenfield
2019-11-01 06:05:47

Mark Rayner
2019-11-01 06:07:04

2019-11-01 06:41:57

Jeff Greenfield
2019-11-01 06:47:31

Scott Pavlich
2019-11-01 06:50:02

Mark Wardle
2019-11-01 08:41:39

Gibson Elliot
2019-11-01 08:44:16

Marvin Tomizzi
2019-11-01 09:07:41

Peter Csaki
2019-11-01 09:34:08

Raymond Mowder
2019-11-01 10:03:54

Stefan Giudici
2019-11-01 10:17:36

Luke Mason
2019-11-01 10:40:04

Stefan Giudici
2019-11-01 11:26:32

Brian Todoroff
2019-11-01 12:54:07

Minghua Kao
2019-11-01 20:52:17

Minghua Kao
2019-11-01 20:53:55

原文網址 Michael Martin
2019-10-22 09:20:01

I need to update my firmware. Which version should I use? (Haven't updated in ~ 5 months)


Jorge Reyes
2019-10-22 13:30:14

Chayanin Somton
2019-10-22 14:14:18

Michael Martin
2019-10-22 18:17:38

Evan Miller
2019-10-22 23:10:56

Evan Miller
2019-10-22 23:11:20

Jorge Reyes
2019-10-22 23:36:38

Jorge Reyes
2019-10-22 23:36:59

Sen Kun
2019-10-22 23:41:32

原文網址 Michael Martin
2019-08-09 00:03:54

So the Photon is now on sale for $279 USD.... I am beginning to wonder what's going on at AnyCubic. (New product coming out soon, overstocked, etc.)


Michael Earley
2019-08-09 00:05:28

Michael Martin
2019-08-09 00:06:38

Chasen Harris
2019-08-09 00:07:20

Ronan Tully
2019-08-09 00:08:54

Joshua Collins
2019-08-09 00:09:09

Tony Healey
2019-08-09 00:10:16

Tony Healey
2019-08-09 00:13:15

Darrell Schwark
2019-08-09 00:14:40

Steve Nottingham
2019-08-09 00:15:49

Vince Nobucks
2019-08-09 00:17:41

Michael Earley
2019-08-09 00:28:54

Garret Bertrand
2019-08-09 00:30:23

Ronan Tully
2019-08-09 00:46:24

Garret Bertrand
2019-08-09 00:47:10

Sean Croteau
2019-08-09 00:48:51

Garret Bertrand
2019-08-09 00:51:58

Michael Martin
2019-08-09 01:06:52

Jamie Hayden
2019-08-09 01:12:00

Richard Allsebrook
2019-08-09 01:15:56

Dennis Juel Jørgensen
2019-08-09 01:46:12

Kempster Kevin
2019-08-09 02:15:46

Fredrik Hjelm
2019-08-09 03:50:57

Fredrik Hjelm
2019-08-09 03:52:22

Fredrik Hjelm
2019-08-09 03:56:55

Ric Watts
2019-08-09 04:40:14

Ron Luttrull
2019-08-09 05:04:33

Mark Wardle
2019-08-09 05:18:57

Mark Wardle
2019-08-09 05:28:48

Michael Fox
2019-08-09 05:50:38

Garret Bertrand
2019-08-09 05:51:38

Scott Pavlich
2019-08-09 07:36:44

Mike Fatchett
2019-08-09 08:03:27

Kelly Wilkins
2019-08-09 08:16:57

原文網址 Michael Martin
2019-07-27 22:33:54

The last 2-3 layers of my prints keep delaminating (peeling up from the edges). Any ideas? I suspect layer time but all the other layers seem solid.


Richard Flanagan
2019-07-27 22:53:01

Michael Martin
2019-07-28 00:36:57

Michael Martin
2019-07-28 00:39:44

原文網址 Michael Martin
2019-07-09 23:45:42

Was there ever a "valid" AA hardware update issued? (Sorry to ask but been traveling the last few weeks) Thanks!


Sargon Smith
2019-07-09 23:48:46

Michael Martin
2019-07-09 23:49:08

Sargon Smith
2019-07-10 02:17:28

原文網址 Michael Martin
2019-04-29 10:48:12

Any ideas why the Photon File Validator freezes about 1/3 the way through a file? (all files, not just one)


原文網址 Michael Martin
2019-04-25 03:08:59

If I am reading my "Resin Exposure Test - Improved" time correctly for AnyCubic Black, it suggest a 14 sec exposure. Does this sound reasonable?


Michael McElrath
2019-04-25 09:23:02

原文網址 Michael Martin
2019-04-18 06:46:17

I tried to print two files today: first the "Rear Vent to 4" Adapter for Anycubic Photon" file from Thingiverse, it failed almost immediately. Is even really possible to print this file on the Photon? My next failed print were "name plates" the frames printed just fine but the initials printed very faintly and then oddly across the top of the frame in a different plane. Any ideas? The slice and the stl all are "right".


Bob Deblier
2019-04-18 15:01:22

Michael Martin
2019-04-18 19:46:50

Bob Deblier
2019-04-18 19:49:47

Bob Deblier
2019-04-18 20:02:32

Bob Deblier
2019-04-18 20:03:29

Michael Martin
2019-04-18 20:04:23

Bob Deblier
2019-04-18 20:06:42

Nick Thompson
2019-04-21 01:14:14

Michael Martin
2019-04-21 01:29:22



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