3 failed prints in a row, and the fep got a small hole after the third failure
I used anycubic grey
74°f room temp
Edit the first layer or so of the print sticks to the build plate, and the rest sticks to the fep
Printed off the photon s
Edit 2
1st failed print
Bottom exposure 60
Normal exposure 7
2nd failed print
Bottom exposure 60
Edit 3
I've had over 30 or so successful prints with the settings I was using
Layer height.05
Normal exposure 7-10 depending on how big the model is
Off time 4
Normal exposure 10
Bottom exposure 70
Bottom layer 3
Stephen Colin Richie
2020-03-16 11:49:10
Mark Wardle
2020-03-16 12:45:33
failing how. not sticking to the build plate no supports forming. or supports forming but no models. ? if not sticking to the bed. and you printed the test model ok. then dial up the base exposure by 10. and repeat if you need to. model not forming but base sticking to plate. dial up exposure by 2. remember resin settings are just a starting point you still need to raise or lower depending on printer.
Mark Wardle
2020-03-16 12:46:36
if you have a hole in the fep and resin is leaking best to change the fep sheet. and clean up any resin. filter the resin as you pour it back into the bottle incase of bits in the resin from failed prints.
Eric Causeway
2020-03-16 18:17:14
Mark Wardle
the base layer sticks to the plate, then there seems to be an issue with he following layers sticking onto the fep
Eric Causeway
2020-03-16 18:17:27
Tom Sargison
2020-03-16 19:48:01
Darko Miljak
2020-03-16 19:57:00
Normal exposure time is waaaaaay too much, bottom exposure increase and bottom layer increase. It should be printable on the supports u made, IMHO resin settings are problematic
Eric Causeway
2020-03-16 19:57:20
I appreciate the guide, but it seems to be more trouble shooting and I don't have the time or read through all of that. I work a full time job, run my own business, and go to college full time. So I sorta need an answer that can be given to me in quick forum time or YouTube video.
Eric Causeway
2020-03-16 19:58:29
Darko Miljak
my normal exposure for the first two prints that failed were 7 and 10 as per the resin anycubic resin guide. I bumped it up to the max that has had success per the guide and it failed again
So I don't think it's exposure time cause I've been playing with jt
Tom Sargison
2020-03-16 20:00:59
Eric Causeway
Well we are all busy people) same full time job 3d printing busines, no collage (thanks god). But Solving issues needs time. Want it solved - find time. 3d printing troubleshooting is time consuming. In quick form i can onlyname 4 things: 1) Plate Leveling 2) Support settings 3) exposure settings 4) Slicer bugs (lost or currupt layers.)
Eric Causeway
2020-03-16 20:04:51
I level the plate after every print cause I'm paranoid like that
I manual support, and have been using the same setting for 30 or so prints. So I'm not sure that's the issue because I have had success each time prior
The tuning of the exposure has been changed after the first fail. I originally using settings from the resin guide. Then went to 10 normal 3xpisure. Failed. Then went 15 normal exposure and cranked bottom exposure up by 10
Tom Sargison
2020-03-16 20:05:58
Also i see that you got 2 types of heads but same heads have different supports patterns. And main problem that it is listed in my guide - You start suporting incorrectly! the ball joint is lowest point and it has only one support! You must have atleast 3 point near first object layers for a nice sturdy start
Tom Sargison
2020-03-16 20:06:51
Anycubic grey 60\7sec is correct. use 8-10 base layers count.
Eric Causeway
2020-03-16 20:13:14
So here are the settings I've used so far
Print 1 failed
Layer height.05
Normal exposure 7
Off time 4
Normal exposure 10
Bottom exposure 70
Bottom layer 3
Print 2 fail
Layer height.05
Normal exposure 10
Off time 4
Normal exposure 10
Bottom exposure 70
Bottom layer 3
Print 3 fail
Layer height.05
Normal exposure 7
Off time 4
Normal exposure 15
Bottom exposure 80
Bottom layer 3
Eric Causeway
2020-03-16 20:15:41
Why would it suddenly give me problems now? I've printed over 50 heads exactly like this
Stephen Colin Richie
2020-03-16 20:18:12
So, what's changed since your last successful print?
Eric Causeway
2020-03-16 20:20:05
Stephen Colin Richie
nothing, same settings, I keep my house at the same temp, set the heads up like I always do with bits like this, same resin
Eric Causeway
2020-03-16 20:20:57
Is why this issue is annoying the snot out of me oh and I do the same exact dance that I always do what I'm shaking my resin bottle
Tom Sargison
2020-03-16 20:41:09
Eric Causeway
a cant answer that. But 3D printing is a technology that doesnt come with any Guarantee
It can work out this time but fail another time. Just a mater of case.
Chris Crute
2020-03-17 06:49:56
Eric Causeway
2020-03-17 06:51:28