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Anycubic Photon Printer Owners 造訪社團 » 用戶發文

原文網址 Daniel McCarthy
2020-03-27 01:11:11

Hi everyone, I just wanted to show some photos of a project I've been working on. All printed using the Anycubic Photon S.

If you like the look of it please give https://www.facebook.com/GravenGuild/ a follow for additional information including news on our upcoming kickstarter campaign :)

An extra big thanks to the Anycubic community for always being helpful!

大家好, 我只是想展示一些我一直在做的項目的照片. 全部使用anycubic光子s列印.

如果你喜歡它的外觀, 請關注https://www.facebook.com/GravenGuild/以獲取更多資訊, 包括我們即將推出的kickstarter活動的訊息 :)


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Cemal Kucuk
2020-03-27 01:13:42

Very cool project

Rodrigo Castelo Branco Mello Mir
2020-03-27 01:15:25

Now I wanna play civilization

Daniel McCarthy
2020-03-27 01:15:49

but which one? :O

David Challoner
2020-03-27 01:16:12

Very cool

Andrew Pawley
2020-03-27 01:18:46

These are rad!

Nathaniel Cooper
2020-03-27 01:22:24

What resin/settings are you using? I've been wanting to see how detailed I can do prints with this printer

Thomas Holm
2020-03-27 01:22:25

Wow! Looks great!

Adam Wells
2020-03-27 01:22:50

Absolutely stunning!

Shawn Gealow
2020-03-27 01:23:22

Urge to play Catan intensifies

Jared Rushton
2020-03-27 01:29:40

Brandon Ward
2020-03-27 01:31:04


Katherine Hubis
2020-03-27 01:31:16

Sign. Me. Up!!!!

Daniel McCarthy
2020-03-27 01:40:10

5microns to 2microns (mostly testing at 2) using elegoo 3d rapid resin. I reduced the lift speed to 45 to take the pressure of each layer.

Nathaniel Cooper
2020-03-27 01:44:10

awesome thanks! I may have to try those settings out on some small prints

Patrick Morin
2020-03-27 01:52:34

Very cool

Francois Lozach
2020-03-27 02:05:18

Cool ... you should paint all of that;)

Daniel McCarthy
2020-03-27 02:09:50

I started!

Daniel McCarthy
2020-03-27 02:14:12

Brandon Ward , Ah, I see you're a man of culture as well. ?

Thomas Kragh
2020-03-27 02:21:08

What´s it for? :D Looks great!

Daniel McCarthy
2020-03-27 02:31:22

Hi Thomas , we designed the project for a broad scope of uses but primarily its for use with tabletop role-playing games and war-gaming campaigns. We'll have more information here:

Jonathan Kwak
2020-03-27 02:31:40

That looks nice.

Daniel McCarthy
2020-03-27 02:31:59


Jonathan Kwak
2020-03-27 02:32:20

Daniel McCarthy Are you guys selling the files?

Daniel McCarthy
2020-03-27 02:34:18

Jonathan , we'll be launching a Kickstarter campaign for it in early April. You can follow www.facebook.com/GravenGuild/ to stay updated ?

Jonathan Kwak
2020-03-27 02:34:46

I will be doing that

Jonathan Kwak
2020-03-27 02:34:54


Denlee Paddy Rhodes
2020-03-27 02:46:18

Awesome work! ? ? ?

Luis Maroto
2020-03-27 02:59:02

Un trabajo alucinante, felicidades ... ? ? ? ?

Daniel McCarthy
2020-03-27 03:20:32


Rodolphe Destombes
2020-03-27 06:13:11

Looks amazing!

Stephan Mccoll
2020-03-27 06:17:42

This is one of the most impressive things I've seen in a while!!!

Daniel McCarthy
2020-03-27 07:05:27

Thanks that means a lot! :D

Jairo Ledesma
2020-03-27 07:33:50

I would totally print that, if had friends to play dnd with

Fernando Gómez Galloso
2020-03-27 07:40:02

Piotr Kuśmierski
2020-03-27 08:24:19

When those will be avalible to buy?

Jens Verwaest
2020-03-27 15:28:21


Daniel McCarthy
2020-03-27 17:44:25

We'll be providing regular updates via our facebook page:


We plan to launch early April ?

Daniel McCarthy
2020-03-27 17:45:50

let the hexes be your friends!

Ky Lane
2020-03-27 19:05:54

Thats too cool

Jorge Salazar
2020-03-27 23:32:22

Is that like civilizations but real life?

Nicholas Corea
2020-03-28 08:56:57

This looks fabulous!!!

Scott Slenders
2020-03-30 02:11:39

very cool

原文網址 Daniel McCarthy
2019-11-17 19:44:14

What’s the best method for ensuring a successful print with a very large surface area? (Therefore high forces of suction)

Is it as simple as upping the initial layers and layer times? Or do standard layer times need to be increased to compensate too?


Jamie Osborne
2019-11-17 19:47:59

Daniel McCarthy
2019-11-17 20:26:03

Fred Bey
2019-11-17 22:09:24

Daniel McCarthy
2019-11-18 00:16:21

Stefan Giudici
2019-11-18 00:51:41

原文網址 Daniel McCarthy
2019-11-16 10:16:30

Pretty straight forward question here, how should I expect the cold to effect my prints?
I’m assuming it effects the viscosity of the resin but how would that look after ‘finishing’ a print? For example, no print, trouble sticking to plate, lumpy mess.etc?
I’m just looking for issues to watch out for as the temperature starts to drop ? Wouldn’t want to confuse issues caused by the cold for other potential problems.


Alan Brown
2019-11-16 16:13:23

Daniel Schwarz
2019-11-16 17:48:12

Ben Gill
2019-11-16 21:07:50

Daniel McCarthy
2019-11-17 00:40:07

Ben Gill
2019-11-17 00:47:43

Daniel McCarthy
2019-11-17 01:17:43

原文網址 Daniel McCarthy
2019-11-01 19:10:57

Got some funky stuff going on with my prints. Is this likely an issue with cleaning the print or the resin itself? Using Elegoo grey , 20 micron, 8 sec exposure on the Photon S.

Could this be related to temperature? I’ve been printing overnight in my garage where I expect it’s been getting quite cold.


Alex Vee
2019-11-02 02:22:36

Daniel Kelly
2019-11-02 11:52:05

Daniel McCarthy
2019-11-02 17:34:55

Daniel McCarthy
2019-11-02 17:38:52

原文網址 Daniel McCarthy
2019-10-26 04:20:27

Hey all, does anyone know what direction to go in to fix this? I hadn’t experienced this when printing using my 50micron profile but I’ve dropped down to 20micron to get higher quality versions done.

The image is from my second attempt at 20 microns using Elegoo grey on the Photon S. My first being 8 bottom layers at 60 secs. 6.5 sec normal exposure time.

This current print is 16 bottom layers at 80 secs. 8 sec normal exposure time.

I thought it was likely insufficient underexposed bottom layers (something I’ve fixed by upping the bottom exposure and layer count in the past) but this second attempt actually seems to have pealed more than the first. Should I just up it further?

Also I re-levelled by build plate before starting the 20micron versions. Could it being slightly ‘off’ cause this?


Scott Schwoppe
2019-10-26 04:26:57

Daniel McCarthy
2019-10-26 04:33:41

原文網址 Daniel McCarthy
2019-10-20 16:22:59

I’m at my wits end when dealing with this problem and anycubic support seems completely clueless. The problem comes and goes, normally frustratingly disappearing once I’ve opened the machine up. Switching power outlet snapped it out of it last night (but not today) and unplugging and replugging the internal usb has temporarily fixed it. The fan has also started sounding rather bad, although this is more recent..

Pulling my hair out! Any ideas?


Darron Rodrigues
2019-10-20 16:47:09

Jason Croft
2019-10-20 17:04:29

Steve Marshall
2019-10-20 17:18:48

Nipuna Gunarathne
2019-10-20 17:22:12

Simon Leclerc
2019-10-20 20:11:27

Daniel McCarthy
2019-10-20 20:40:58

Daniel McCarthy
2019-10-20 20:42:46

Nipuna Gunarathne
2019-10-20 21:46:40

Daniel McCarthy
2019-10-21 00:42:38

Daniel McCarthy
2019-10-21 00:44:54

Steve Marshall
2019-10-21 00:45:45

Fred Davis
2019-10-21 10:42:17

原文網址 Daniel McCarthy
2019-10-13 21:54:30

So my photon S has started sounding pretty bad.. I’m assuming it’s the fan? It’s also been switching itself off when starting prints and performing exposure tests. Any ideas what the problem might be?


Ivan Biotech Conte
2019-10-13 21:59:49

Angelus Nox
2019-10-13 22:00:23

TC Cramer
2019-10-13 22:01:04

Daniel McCarthy
2019-10-13 22:04:28

George Wall
2019-10-13 22:16:51

Simon Leclerc
2019-10-13 22:20:26

Dan Andersson
2019-10-13 23:04:05

Daniel Randle
2019-10-13 23:14:12

TC Cramer
2019-10-13 23:23:04

Daniel Randle
2019-10-13 23:33:40

TC Cramer
2019-10-13 23:38:02

Conor Tanji
2019-10-13 23:49:05

Nicolas Tsagarides
2019-10-14 00:45:02

Charles Rieken
2019-10-14 02:23:05

Manolito Mendez
2019-10-14 06:22:18

Nicolas Tsagarides
2019-10-15 06:38:08

Charles Rieken
2019-10-15 07:27:42

Ed Tannenbaum
2019-10-15 07:44:16

原文網址 Daniel McCarthy
2019-10-10 16:39:10

Does anyone know of any reliable settings for printing at 20 microns with Elegoo grey?


Mike Foreman
2019-10-10 19:53:35

原文網址 Daniel McCarthy
2019-10-04 06:51:02

Hey all, I’m hoping someone can point me in the right direction. I’ve been printing some tiles but lately the prints have been coming out all a bit .. warped/melty? Is this most likely a support issue or exposure time?

Older versions had different supports although I didn’t think they were THAT different. As far as I remember exposure times were the same.

Melty tile and old ‘good’ tile for comparison.


Smith Hayward
2019-10-04 06:53:47

Bruno Baronet
2019-10-04 07:01:13

Evan Boone
2019-10-04 07:07:37

Tobi Altebaeumer
2019-10-04 07:49:51

Evan Boone
2019-10-04 08:03:21

Tobi Altebaeumer
2019-10-04 08:10:09

Daniel McCarthy
2019-10-04 15:36:58

Daniel McCarthy
2019-10-04 15:39:29

原文網址 Daniel McCarthy
2019-08-20 19:15:06

Hello everyone! So my quest to print some little board-game hex pieces continues but this time I'm facing a new problem. I've added some detail to the underside of the tile which means I can no longer print supportless. This is fine by me but my model doesn't seem to be printing past the support stage. The supports remain on the buildplate while whats left of the model is fixed firmly to the fep.

At first I didn't think I had enough supports so I added lots more but it still failed.

Is this likely an issue with the support settings? or perhaps the exposure settings? Is it likely I need to increase the bottom layer amount so that they reach passed the supports and to the first few layers of the model?

Cleaning the vat after every fail is getting tedious :P

Using anycubic clear resin. 8 bottom layers, 50sec bottom layer exposure, 7sec normal exposure.


Cam Erasmus
2019-08-20 19:55:23

Daniel McCarthy
2019-08-20 20:04:58

Cam Erasmus
2019-08-20 20:06:43

Daniel McCarthy
2019-08-20 20:07:54

Cam Erasmus
2019-08-20 20:11:17

Daniel McCarthy
2019-08-20 20:11:49

Niall Forrester
2019-08-21 00:11:19



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