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Anycubic Photon Printer Owners 造訪社團 » 用戶發文

原文網址 Nard Janssens
2019-09-21 21:20:23

Is it possible to have a flat print bed but a warped lcd/protector?

When leveling the bed using the paper pull/push method, I find it impossible to get the same bed-paper-lcd friction on all corners. Always the left lower and right upper corner have lowest friction. So today I releveled and turned my 180 degrees. Still same result! To me, this rules out a warped print bed.

Anyone with the same problem and maybe a solution?


Jarrod Smith
2019-09-21 23:13:46

原文網址 Nard Janssens
2019-09-05 21:32:17

How to combine multiple Photon files in 1 Photon file? Is there a tool for this?

I have some presliced models and for speed reasons want to print them simultaneously. Therefore I want to combine them into 1 new photon file.


Johannes Weis
2019-09-05 21:37:13

Nard Janssens
2019-09-05 21:38:57

Johannes Weis
2019-09-05 21:39:23

Michael McElrath
2019-09-05 21:41:22

Evan Boone
2019-09-05 21:42:03

Vinicius Silva
2019-09-06 00:06:39

Nard Janssens
2019-09-06 02:34:19

Nard Janssens
2019-09-06 02:36:20

Vinicius Silva
2019-09-06 02:56:18

Vinicius Silva
2019-09-06 02:57:44

Nard Janssens
2019-09-06 03:06:39

Vinicius Silva
2019-09-06 03:16:20

Nard Janssens
2019-09-06 14:03:05

Nard Janssens
2019-09-08 17:20:51

Vinicius Silva
2019-09-08 22:48:39

原文網址 Nard Janssens
2019-08-21 23:15:51

What is currently the best resin(combi) for D&D mini’s and available in Europe?


Bob Deblier
2019-08-21 23:17:00

Michael Horn
2019-08-21 23:17:34

Alexis Kalpakis
2019-08-21 23:25:19

Tomas Salo
2019-08-21 23:36:53

Michael Horn
2019-08-21 23:39:02

Michael Horn
2019-08-21 23:39:05

Michael Horn
2019-08-21 23:39:05

Alexis Kalpakis
2019-08-21 23:42:17

Michael Horn
2019-08-21 23:56:01

Michael Horn
2019-08-22 00:28:34

Fahrid van Uitert
2019-08-22 02:15:13

Charlie Anderson
2019-08-22 02:33:43

Caleb Custer
2019-08-22 06:07:57

Michael Horn
2019-08-22 07:22:31

Alex Vee
2019-08-22 16:15:48

Minghua Kao
2019-08-22 16:41:28

Bob Deblier
2019-08-22 16:43:41

Minghua Kao
2019-08-22 16:44:25

Justin Colson
2019-08-22 23:19:10

Alex Vee
2019-08-23 00:46:38

Bob Deblier
2019-08-26 19:27:38

Bob Deblier
2019-08-26 19:34:14

Bob Deblier
2019-08-27 15:25:49

原文網址 Nard Janssens
2019-08-19 15:41:30

Trying Monocure Rapid Grey and the Exposure Finder for the first time. I am unsure how to read this.

Col 9 is the first column with a nicely formed first circle (A). Col 5 has the first negative graph (B) fully formed, in column 6 and further this graph gets eaten away. Col 8 has the most crisp positive graph (C) and col 8 is the first column with the dots on the right fully formed up until the bottom.

Using rapid grey and the Artus Fuste resin exposure table, I would expect 11-12 sec so somewhere between col 5 and 7.

第一次嘗試單一療法快速灰色和曝光器. 我不確定該怎麼讀這個.

Col 9是第一個有著良好的第一個圓圈(a)的欄目. Col 5有第一個負圖(b)完全形成, 在第6欄中, 而且這個圖表被吃掉了. Col 8擁有最脆的正圖(c), col 8是第一列, 右側的點完全形成到底部.

使用快速灰色和artus fuste樹脂曝光表, 我預計11-12秒, 所以在col 5到7. 之間.

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Zena Andreou
2019-08-19 16:16:52

Nard Janssens
2019-08-19 17:26:08

Zena Andreou
2019-08-19 17:27:44

Vinicius Silva
2019-08-19 17:31:34

Nard Janssens
2019-08-19 17:41:37

Vinicius Silva
2019-08-19 18:13:14

Vinicius Silva
2019-08-19 18:14:03

Nard Janssens
2019-08-19 18:59:19

Vinicius Silva
2019-08-19 19:03:25

Nard Janssens
2019-08-20 00:34:50

Vinicius Silva
2019-08-20 02:11:13

Nard Janssens
2019-08-20 02:36:21

Vinicius Silva
2019-08-20 02:53:18

Vinicius Silva
2019-08-20 02:54:01

Artur Kawa
2019-08-20 07:11:17

Nard Janssens
2019-08-20 17:26:44

Vinicius Silva
2019-08-20 19:22:47

Artur Kawa
2019-08-20 22:07:58

Vinicius Silva
2019-08-20 23:08:25

Vinicius Silva
2019-08-20 23:09:49

Plamen Penev
2019-09-06 13:11:01

Nard Janssens
2019-09-06 13:46:20

原文網址 Nard Janssens
2019-08-18 19:00:22

Print stays slimie after curing. What went wrong? Not long enough in ResinAway/TEK1969/IPA?

Btw. I used Monocure 3D Rapid Grey as resin, TEK1969 to clean, ResinXPFinder as model.


Vinicius Silva
2019-08-18 19:13:28

Nard Janssens
2019-08-18 19:31:26

Nard Janssens
2019-08-18 19:35:55

Vinicius Silva
2019-08-18 19:43:13

Nard Janssens
2019-08-18 20:02:24

Sean Poeschl
2019-08-19 02:18:29

Adam Burch
2019-08-19 08:37:23

原文網址 Nard Janssens
2019-08-10 23:42:50

Bug in ChiTuBox? Shouldn't there be a sphere connecting the top and middle of supports? Is this a bug or a user-error (and a way to fix this)?


Nard Janssens
2019-08-11 00:00:22

Nard Janssens
2019-08-11 01:37:18

原文網址 Nard Janssens
2019-06-08 23:25:09

Unboxing and first prints on the Photon by the Fugatech youtube channel:


原文網址 Nard Janssens
2018-12-22 18:32:21

Alpha version of Photon slicer plugin for MeshMixer.


Vinicius Silva
2018-12-23 02:18:15

Nard Janssens
2018-12-23 02:38:39

Nard Janssens
2018-12-23 04:21:39

Vinicius Silva
2018-12-23 07:46:14

Vinicius Silva
2018-12-23 11:05:27

Vinicius Silva
2018-12-23 11:07:15

Zena Andreou
2018-12-29 03:27:39

Vinicius Silva
2018-12-29 03:38:14

Zena Andreou
2018-12-29 03:54:06

Vinicius Silva
2018-12-29 03:58:18

Zena Andreou
2018-12-29 04:05:01

Vinicius Silva
2018-12-29 04:32:05

Ivan Antharon Antalec
2018-12-29 06:08:18

David Holloway
2018-12-29 06:14:05

David Holloway
2018-12-29 06:14:17

David Holloway
2018-12-29 06:14:52

Nard Janssens
2018-12-30 00:57:42

Zena Andreou
2018-12-30 01:55:59

Ian Dorrington
2018-12-30 02:01:05

Nard Janssens
2018-12-30 04:05:05

Zena Andreou
2018-12-30 04:13:21

Nard Janssens
2018-12-30 04:19:33

Zena Andreou
2018-12-30 04:24:47

Zena Andreou
2018-12-30 04:25:11

2018-12-30 11:28:47

Vinicius Silva
2018-12-30 11:29:42

Nard Janssens
2018-12-30 19:32:39

Nard Janssens
2018-12-30 19:35:02

Nard Janssens
2018-12-30 19:41:31

2018-12-30 19:43:53

Zena Andreou
2018-12-30 21:00:35

Ian Dorrington
2018-12-30 21:02:08

原文網址 Nard Janssens
2018-10-20 15:26:46

Is there a model orientation chart available to show beginners which models print succesfull in which orientation?


原文網址 Nard Janssens
2018-09-15 00:16:23

Which resin to choose from a health perspective?

For the Github/Anycubic-Photon-docs (and myself), I am writing a text about how to determine the safety hazards of different resins using Safety Data Sheets.

So my question to you is: How do you determine which resins you want/dare to use and which have unwanted health hazards? Do you read SDS's and if so what to watch out for? Or do you have another method of determining what is safe enough?




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