Ok, so typically as soon as someone says "my print didn't stick to the plate" the answer is "sand the buildplate" and yes there are a few other thingsthat affect it. But my prints have never had this problem. If something fails it's always been something i've done with the supports or such... Until just now. So... Seeing as how this isn't a new setup, and the buildplate has never needed sanding and that's not something that wears down. Should I sand it anyway?
I've also had the thought that it may have been too cold. It's around 40F in my garage. I did keep the resin in the house so it was warm, but the plate was cold. Could there be an interaction there?
Thanks in advance, You guys are always the best.
Stephen Lewis
2019-02-02 13:37:34
Robert Maefs
2019-02-02 13:41:58
Robert Silvers
2019-02-02 13:52:35
Gabriel Brockman
2019-02-02 19:07:16
Per Bekker-Madsen
2019-02-02 20:58:50
Bob Heron
2019-02-02 21:52:26
Stefan Giudici
2019-02-02 22:31:21
Michael Earley
2019-02-02 22:37:15
Jason Odegard
2019-02-02 22:59:22
Jeremy Hartman
2019-02-03 16:17:12
Martin Da Costa
2019-02-03 16:22:28