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Anycubic Photon Printer Owners 造訪社團 » 用戶發文

原文網址 Sam Cunningham
2019-05-15 10:53:29

How do you all print tanks? Sometimes I have trouble with orientation/supports due to the treads.


Rod Williams
2019-05-15 11:02:02

Sam Cunningham
2019-05-15 11:06:22

Michael J Morris
2019-05-15 11:09:03

Rod Williams
2019-05-15 11:15:08

Rod Williams
2019-05-15 11:15:38

Sam Cunningham
2019-05-15 11:17:49

Michael J Morris
2019-05-15 11:18:34

Rick Gonzales
2019-05-15 11:29:16

Michael J Morris
2019-05-15 11:32:05

Rick Gonzales
2019-05-15 11:50:12

Michael Szita
2019-05-15 11:56:37

Michael J Morris
2019-05-15 11:56:40

Rick Gonzales
2019-05-15 11:57:49

Greg Chapman
2019-05-15 12:16:35

Michael J Morris
2019-05-15 18:47:26

Sean Poeschl
2019-05-15 20:42:07

Sean Poeschl
2019-05-15 20:42:54

Derek Reihe
2019-05-15 22:35:54

Michael Szita
2019-05-15 22:41:19

Greg Chapman
2019-05-16 01:56:55

原文網址 Sam Cunningham
2019-03-07 05:24:16

Hey all, some of you may remember my recent posts about the Dental Castable resin mixup. Anycubic, Amy, and Zoe have been great with customer service.

The situation was I had ordered the Regular Green Resin and received a bottle with the Dental Castable Green Resin. I didn't open it in hopes of returning, but after getting the correct replacement I opened one today. The Dental Castable bottle appears to have the transparent regular green in it. Once I print with it I'll know for sure.

So it looks like the labels are wrong, not the resin. Has anyone else had this mixup and checked out the resin inside?


Clayton Keller
2019-03-07 05:27:29

Jeremy Indelicato
2019-03-07 05:38:13

Michael M Thompson
2019-03-07 05:59:33

Sean Poeschl
2019-03-07 06:15:59

Evan Carothers
2019-03-07 06:40:13

Oliver Milbradt
2019-03-07 18:28:35

Oliver Milbradt
2019-03-07 18:29:20

Oliver Milbradt
2019-03-07 18:29:48

Oliver Milbradt
2019-03-07 18:30:18

原文網址 Sam Cunningham
2019-01-24 09:01:40

Dental Castable is still being sent out instead of Green.


El Ner Endem
2019-01-24 09:03:56

Sam Cunningham
2019-01-24 09:04:09

Sean Poeschl
2019-01-24 10:08:44

Seth Hmw Dahl
2019-01-24 10:15:55

Robert Silvers
2019-01-24 10:22:34

Camden Dyfrig Watts
2019-01-24 10:43:32

Jess Dempsey
2019-01-24 11:46:12

Sen Kun
2019-01-24 13:33:27

Sam Cunningham
2019-01-24 14:23:44

Sen Kun
2019-01-24 14:27:25

Amy Liao
2019-01-24 16:55:06

Sam Cunningham
2019-01-25 02:09:10

Sen Kun
2019-01-25 02:14:34

Matthew Barnes
2019-01-25 05:56:39

Sam Cunningham
2019-01-25 07:57:42

Sam Cunningham
2019-01-25 07:58:20

Amy Liao
2019-01-25 11:06:59

Sam Cunningham
2019-01-25 23:18:21

Nicholas J. Costa
2019-01-26 06:56:19

Sam Cunningham
2019-01-27 07:22:29

Diego Moisés Zinkete
2019-02-06 15:16:28

Sen Kun
2019-02-06 16:22:35

Diego Moisés Zinkete
2019-02-06 16:31:07

Sen Kun
2019-02-06 19:00:27

Sam Cunningham
2019-02-07 02:14:30

原文網址 Sam Cunningham
2018-12-15 05:26:44

I'm going to a party tomorrow that is having a secret Santa event, and I'd like to print something as one of the gifts I'm bringing.

What are some things that would be good as a gift? Every list online is for fdm printing bigger stuff. The group is people in their 20's


Jon-paul Blinston
2018-12-15 05:31:26

Sam Cunningham
2018-12-15 05:32:44

Mikko Asikainen
2018-12-15 05:39:26

原文網址 Sam Cunningham
2018-12-12 09:23:26

A friend's screen, what could cause this. There is no FEP on this and the glass feels smooth to touch


Dallas Walker
2018-12-12 09:36:11

Sam Cunningham
2018-12-12 12:32:38

Sen Kun
2018-12-12 16:06:42

原文網址 Sam Cunningham
2018-11-15 09:50:21

I want to print this Time Turner for a friend and having trouble understanding the setup.

I think I remember people in here printing things with moving parts. Do I need to bridge rings manually or do the holes already have something in there. I can't zoom in far enough to check>>


Sam Cunningham
2018-11-16 11:45:16

Zena Andreou
2018-11-16 18:20:26

Sam Cunningham
2018-11-17 00:49:32

原文網址 Sam Cunningham
2018-11-14 09:46:14

Is it better to turn the machine off between prints or leave it on, does it even matter?


Josh Norris
2018-11-14 10:12:35

Chad Elstad
2018-11-14 12:04:50

原文網址 Sam Cunningham
2018-11-11 13:03:43

Does the light panel wear faster the larger the layer?


Matt Tilson
2018-11-11 13:54:38

Derek Reihe
2018-11-11 20:43:04

原文網址 Sam Cunningham
2018-11-06 04:37:58

$6 fix to block UV light

Magnet sheets



David Paquette
2018-11-06 05:40:45

Carlos Villamar
2018-11-06 05:52:05

Dodo Kovacs
2018-11-06 06:03:42

Sf Yip
2018-11-06 06:03:56

Derek Reihe
2018-11-06 06:05:14

Dodo Kovacs
2018-11-06 06:06:12

David Paquette
2018-11-06 06:10:36

Sam Cunningham
2018-11-06 08:05:38

Pietro Malaguti Abbate
2018-11-06 08:59:28

Sam Cunningham
2018-11-06 09:23:38

Joe Broggio
2018-11-06 09:30:52

Dodo Kovacs
2018-11-06 14:11:56

Sam Cunningham
2018-11-06 15:03:09

Dodo Kovacs
2018-11-06 15:04:13

Christopher Judson Jones
2018-11-06 21:40:54

Dodo Kovacs
2018-11-06 21:45:08

Mika Mannonen
2018-11-06 23:34:50

Dodo Kovacs
2018-11-06 23:54:01

Sam Cunningham
2018-11-07 00:03:57

Dodo Kovacs
2018-11-07 00:04:53

Sam Cunningham
2018-11-07 00:06:05

Dodo Kovacs
2018-11-07 00:07:52

Robert Silvers
2019-01-01 22:01:28

Vinicius Silva
2019-01-02 01:01:59

原文網址 Sam Cunningham
2018-10-27 03:16:11

I noticed this misalignment this morning when I was cleaning the machine.

It seems the left tank bracket is off, and the platform bar off to the left too. Looking at the back where it connects it appears to be off there.




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