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Anycubic Photon Printer Owners 造訪社團 » 用戶發文

原文網址 Mark Ohnsman
2019-10-06 04:02:24

I noticed my z axis was not raising and lowering mid print. Any thoughts on what might cause This?


Gavin Paull
2019-10-06 04:12:46

David Collinson
2019-10-06 04:13:07

Mark Ohnsman
2019-10-06 04:15:55

Jari Ivanoff
2019-10-06 04:39:20

Mark Ohnsman
2019-10-06 04:40:09

Jari Ivanoff
2019-10-06 04:41:24

Juli Forthewin
2019-10-06 04:58:41

Mark Ohnsman
2019-10-06 05:09:13

Mark Ohnsman
2019-10-06 05:09:16

Chris Gough
2019-10-06 05:22:52

Mark Ohnsman
2019-10-06 05:23:39

Matthew Allen
2019-10-06 06:07:34

Mark Ohnsman
2019-10-06 08:42:54

原文網址 Mark Ohnsman
2019-09-23 04:10:43

Looking at ordering some new resin that has minimum temp requirement of 25° C (siraya tenacious)

So would pre-warming the resin then having room temp ambient at closer to 20 be alright. Or do I need to leave the more of the crazy-hacky solution to it warm inside the printer?


Andrew Burton
2019-09-23 04:19:33

Mark Ohnsman
2019-09-23 04:20:40

Andrew Burton
2019-09-23 07:41:41

原文網址 Mark Ohnsman
2019-09-02 01:55:44

Getting back into the groove after some time.

Is mixing normal resin with flex resin still the best solution to prevent brittle fragile minis?


Mark Ohnsman
2019-09-02 02:00:31

原文網址 Mark Ohnsman
2019-04-21 00:14:58

Any clever ideas of what to do with the leftover base pieces?


Michael Van Kesteren
2019-04-21 00:30:33

Marcin Kudzia
2019-04-21 05:41:16

原文網址 Mark Ohnsman
2019-01-07 07:27:35

Where do you guys get your hi-rez high detailed Mini files from. Most of the stuff I find on thingiverse is pretty low poly and fairly bland when it comes to details


Tony Boutwell
2019-01-07 07:32:13

Joel Dawson
2019-01-07 07:41:37

Erik Moan
2019-01-07 07:42:06

Christian Plösser
2019-01-07 07:42:19

Fred Breton
2019-01-07 07:47:12

Fred Breton
2019-01-07 07:47:31

Fred Breton
2019-01-07 07:47:43

Jeremy Lauzon
2019-01-07 07:51:46

Michael Fox
2019-01-07 07:58:49

Tristan Snow
2019-01-07 08:12:28

Kyle Bachman
2019-01-07 08:18:32

Kaile Riser
2019-01-07 12:09:05

Tristan Snow
2019-01-07 12:21:48

Boon Kheng Tang
2019-01-07 12:57:01

Philippe Maegerman
2019-01-07 16:40:15

Fabio Rizzo
2019-01-07 18:12:43

Ian James
2019-01-07 19:59:53

原文網址 Mark Ohnsman
2018-12-31 11:27:52

Looking for some parts printed in the elegoo grey, or any thoughts feedback on it. Typically printing minis as I imagine many of us are


Dave Corbett
2018-12-31 11:35:11

Nick Santana
2018-12-31 11:58:10

Josh Norris
2018-12-31 12:55:19

Scott Young
2018-12-31 15:26:20

Scott Young
2018-12-31 15:26:36

原文網址 Mark Ohnsman
2018-12-27 06:33:15

How are some of you getting beta-test resin? How does one become a resin tester?


Guajolote Messias
2018-12-28 03:32:01

原文網址 Mark Ohnsman
2018-12-20 09:24:33

How long have you left unused resin in a tank and had no issues?


Jason Pook
2018-12-20 09:25:30

Erdian Madskin
2018-12-20 09:35:44

Gabriel Holmes
2018-12-20 09:36:47

J Pow
2018-12-20 09:37:27

Mark Wardle
2018-12-20 09:57:51

Mark Wardle
2018-12-20 09:58:36

Mark Ohnsman
2018-12-20 10:00:30

Mark Wardle
2018-12-20 10:04:09

Mark Ohnsman
2018-12-20 10:05:04

Peter Ede
2018-12-20 10:11:00

Chad Elstad
2018-12-20 11:19:23

Andrew McKay
2018-12-20 12:13:50

Amy Baldwin
2018-12-20 12:30:44

Rachel Woolford
2018-12-20 12:35:14

Fred Breton
2018-12-20 12:42:40

Chad Elstad
2018-12-20 13:01:29

Andrew McKay
2018-12-20 13:02:45

Guy Vagman
2018-12-20 14:34:36

Ian Geronimo Brumby
2018-12-20 14:35:21

Alwin Chan
2018-12-20 16:07:55

Gustaf Sjögren
2018-12-20 18:49:56

Rolf Arne Beck
2018-12-20 20:59:30

Aaron Albert
2018-12-21 03:22:52

Sen Kun
2018-12-21 03:34:07

原文網址 Mark Ohnsman
2018-12-17 15:04:57

Read a ton of people's issues and solutions, model formatting tips, calibration settings etc. Before starting my first print. And I am happy to say it was a great success! Nothing special yet, and a crappy cell phone pic, but working well!


Sen Kun
2018-12-17 19:54:56

Michael Friesen
2018-12-18 01:12:07

Nick Santana
2018-12-18 03:40:07

Mark Ohnsman
2018-12-18 06:03:35

Mike Karolow
2018-12-18 06:57:28

原文網址 Mark Ohnsman
2018-12-16 11:15:57

Has anyone given a pet name to their printer? I named our cube 3d Qbert but can't decide on a name for this one


Hosung Kim
2018-12-16 11:21:27

Lehe Born
2018-12-16 13:04:59

Sen Kun
2018-12-16 13:48:56

Chris Hunt
2018-12-16 15:26:18

Chris Crute
2018-12-16 16:37:59

Marcin Kudzia
2018-12-16 16:39:59

Andrew J. Tucker
2018-12-16 16:46:08

Mantas Aus
2018-12-16 18:17:27

Ingo Strohmenger
2018-12-16 18:57:03



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