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Anycubic Photon Printer Owners 造訪社團 » 用戶發文

原文網址 Jure Slokar
2020-01-19 18:59:20

question: i just flashed epax firmware on to my photon, do i need to level it again?


Marcel Biermans
2020-01-19 19:58:55

Jure Slokar
2020-01-19 20:06:36

Janne Sjöström
2020-01-19 20:08:19

Jure Slokar
2020-01-19 20:27:02

Janne Sjöström
2020-01-19 21:16:36

Jure Slokar
2020-01-19 21:54:09

Marcel Biermans
2020-01-20 00:41:55

Richard Humble
2020-01-20 14:45:11

Bob Deblier
2020-01-20 15:27:51

原文網址 Jure Slokar
2020-01-14 00:21:23

does anyone order resin from aliexpress? what is the best you've found on it?


Denlee Paddy Rhodes
2020-01-14 00:24:16

Evan Boone
2020-01-14 00:25:23

Jure Slokar
2020-01-14 00:27:13

Nipuna Gunarathne
2020-01-14 00:27:27

Jure Slokar
2020-01-14 00:27:39

Chayanin Somton
2020-01-14 00:29:13

Chayanin Somton
2020-01-14 00:30:49

Evan Boone
2020-01-14 00:32:23

Marc de Hoogh
2020-01-14 00:35:38

Nipuna Gunarathne
2020-01-14 00:36:15

Jure Slokar
2020-01-14 00:45:52

Evan Boone
2020-01-14 00:48:13

Max Morris
2020-01-14 00:50:48

Arnar Helgi Adalsteinsson
2020-01-14 01:44:02

Milton Maxson
2020-01-14 02:13:39

Jure Slokar
2020-01-14 02:17:55

John Aldred
2020-01-14 04:23:21

Milton Maxson
2020-01-14 21:22:50

原文網址 Jure Slokar
2019-05-23 03:34:45

any perticular reason why a (quite thick) film of semy cured resin would set on the bottom of the vat on the FEP but not get stuck to it and be in the exact shape of the LED light? i swear it got thicker overtime since i left the printer sitting for a month or so now..... the resin in the vat was anycubic green that gave me some issues in the past similar to this, but i at that point assumed it was due to print failure or some sort but now im starting to think its something else
any1 got any insight or ideas about it?


Nick Williams
2019-05-23 03:36:38

Jure Slokar
2019-05-23 03:38:33

Danny Lloyd
2019-05-23 03:39:18

Jure Slokar
2019-05-23 03:39:40

Jure Slokar
2019-05-23 03:39:46

Jure Slokar
2019-05-23 03:40:48

Nick Williams
2019-05-23 03:40:49

Danny Lloyd
2019-05-23 03:41:19

Jure Slokar
2019-05-23 03:42:36

Jure Slokar
2019-05-23 03:43:09

Jure Slokar
2019-05-23 03:46:28

Nick Williams
2019-05-23 03:47:12

Jure Slokar
2019-05-25 18:53:15

Jure Slokar
2019-05-25 18:53:19

Jure Slokar
2019-05-25 18:54:24

Jure Slokar
2019-05-25 19:00:10

Nick Williams
2019-05-26 01:02:02

Jure Slokar
2019-05-26 01:02:49

Nick Williams
2019-05-26 01:04:12

Jure Slokar
2019-05-26 01:05:38

Jure Slokar
2019-05-26 01:09:04

Nick Williams
2019-05-26 01:11:17

Jure Slokar
2019-05-26 01:14:00

原文網址 Jure Slokar
2019-05-20 03:55:53

any1 can look into this?


Christopher Botha
2019-05-20 03:59:12

Christopher Botha
2019-05-20 03:59:48

原文網址 Jure Slokar
2019-03-18 00:31:55

yaaay just had my 1st unexplained failed print, the top part of the model, top few mms is simply missing.... not in the vat not anywhere..... yaaay


Jure Slokar
2019-03-18 00:35:14

Stefan Giudici
2019-03-18 00:40:04

Jure Slokar
2019-03-18 00:48:30

Stefan Giudici
2019-03-18 00:49:13

Sen Kun
2019-03-18 00:50:30

Jure Slokar
2019-03-18 01:08:12

Jure Slokar
2019-03-18 01:08:52

Jure Slokar
2019-03-18 01:26:03

Jure Slokar
2019-03-18 01:37:03

Sen Kun
2019-03-18 01:49:48

Jure Slokar
2019-03-18 02:00:59

Jure Slokar
2019-03-18 02:10:40

Sen Kun
2019-03-18 02:14:21

Jure Slokar
2019-03-18 02:16:11

Sen Kun
2019-03-18 02:31:15

Jure Slokar
2019-03-18 02:32:36

Sen Kun
2019-03-18 02:42:51

Sebastian Finke
2019-03-18 02:43:29

Sen Kun
2019-03-18 02:48:09

Sebastian Finke
2019-03-18 02:48:43

原文網址 Jure Slokar
2019-03-01 23:52:52

has anyone managed to source siraya blu resin in europe? not counting having it shipped from USA...


原文網址 Jure Slokar
2019-02-24 16:59:33

I've seen a link going around for a stl file of a "cap" used to properly tighten the photon FEP film after replacing it but i cant find it now, can anyone share the link?


Zena Andreou
2019-02-24 17:32:34

Sen Kun
2019-02-24 17:38:43

Jure Slokar
2019-02-24 17:55:06

原文網址 Jure Slokar
2019-02-16 16:43:58

the feeling when you print 5 exactly same minis with exactly same supports.... and 2 come out perfect, 2 are missing their left wings and 1 is missing half of its right... and you just dont know what the shit is going on... xD


Regan Fairbanks
2019-02-16 21:18:59

原文網址 Jure Slokar
2019-02-15 03:43:46

i would love if chitubox would tell me why the hell its not placing a support where im clicking....


El Ner Endem
2019-02-15 04:19:54

Jure Slokar
2019-02-15 04:25:42

Zena Andreou
2019-02-15 04:30:04

Obe Bradford
2019-02-15 18:30:06

2019-02-15 18:42:18

Jure Slokar
2019-02-15 19:05:14

Jure Slokar
2019-02-15 23:30:08

Sen Kun
2019-02-16 00:47:06

2019-02-16 14:32:57

原文網址 Jure Slokar
2019-02-15 03:23:44

anyone has a good idea on how to recycle the resin used for supports and failed prints? anything anyone does with that?


Rob Elwell
2019-02-15 03:56:00

Jure Slokar
2019-02-15 03:57:21

Guti Gutmann
2019-02-15 05:38:00

Ron Luttrull
2019-02-15 05:50:17

Susan Sioux Mercer
2019-02-15 21:39:15



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