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Anycubic Photon Printer Owners 造訪社團 » 用戶發文

原文網址 Robert Schmidt
2019-12-25 21:54:39

So the other day I changed the FEP on my vat. I finished a print over night and when I looked at it this morning there are blisters in the FEP. By blisters I mean bulged FEP not air bubbles.

I watched a YouTube video from 3D Print Farm on changing the FEP. His sheet was .1 thick, while mine is .15. I tuned my FEP using a sound frequency app similar to what was used in the video. He had a iPhone, while I have a droid so the same app wasn't available to me. I tuned my FEP to just under 333 khz just like in the video, I got mine to 328 khz. Thinking with the thicker FEP this would be a good idea. Now I am not sure because of the blisters.

Can anyone help me with giving me the correct frequency that I should be tuning to with the thicker FEP sheet.

Thanks in advance!


Adam Burton
2019-12-25 21:56:46

Richard Webb
2019-12-25 22:07:31

Jannick Langfahl
2019-12-26 07:18:53

Robert Schmidt
2019-12-26 07:22:56

Robert Schmidt
2019-12-26 07:23:15

Robert Schmidt
2019-12-26 07:42:58

原文網址 Robert Schmidt
2019-12-23 06:03:19

I know this is a resin group, but does anyone have experience with the FDM printers form Anycubic? Such as the Chiron, 4Max Pro, or Mega series.

I am thinking about getting a FDM printer after the new year to start making terrain. Not trying to be brand specific or loyal, just looking at the moment. I am aware that most love the Ender3, but I am seeing far too many upgrades seem necessary.

Thanks in advance!


Tim Moulton
2019-12-23 06:05:00

Tim Moulton
2019-12-23 06:05:31

Richard Webb
2019-12-23 06:07:47

Paul Holmes
2019-12-23 06:09:30

Dave Green
2019-12-23 06:12:07

Robert Fliege
2019-12-23 06:26:24

Robert Fliege
2019-12-23 06:28:13

Martin Philip Lammers
2019-12-23 07:38:24

Mark Wardle
2019-12-23 07:55:36

Bryce Eden
2019-12-23 09:33:06

Darren Donovan
2019-12-23 09:47:32

John Chrapkowski
2019-12-23 12:45:18

John Chrapkowski
2019-12-23 12:45:58

John Chrapkowski
2019-12-23 12:47:49

Jerry Brown
2019-12-23 12:54:15

Robert Guest
2019-12-23 13:04:33

Haydn Nelms
2019-12-23 13:22:38

Haydn Nelms
2019-12-23 13:23:26

Richard Clinton
2019-12-23 14:53:16

Clint B. Kauffman
2019-12-23 15:24:37

Francesco Peeters
2019-12-23 15:31:11

David Brighton
2019-12-23 15:50:21

Robert Fliege
2019-12-23 18:29:27

Dane Bennett
2019-12-23 18:44:37

原文網址 Robert Schmidt
2019-11-27 10:43:43

Found this in another group, I would hate to support it.


Jeff Miller
2019-11-27 10:50:36

Ryan Henke
2019-11-27 10:51:00

Ocie Ward
2019-11-27 10:54:43

Johnny Johnsen
2019-11-27 11:11:54

Tauri Icenogle
2019-11-27 11:14:37

Chris Koonce
2019-11-27 11:17:56

Ramiro Montes De Oca
2019-11-27 11:27:46

Robert Sakaluk
2019-11-27 11:39:36

Christian Sargent
2019-11-27 11:49:52

Adam Smith
2019-11-27 11:51:10

Darren Wade
2019-11-27 11:55:38

Robert Maefs
2019-11-27 11:56:25

Stefan Giudici
2019-11-27 12:15:47

Mark Ocampo
2019-11-27 12:23:05

Rizalf Noir
2019-11-27 12:45:21

Adam Andrew Budmirovich
2019-11-27 12:45:48

Will Hawkes
2019-11-27 12:46:53

Elle Heilig
2019-11-27 12:52:30

Mike Brumback
2019-11-27 13:06:24

Damjan Ketükil
2019-11-27 14:33:02

Werner W Waage
2019-11-27 15:57:16

Rodrigo Jesús Lozano
2019-11-27 16:08:48

Alex Vee
2019-11-27 16:49:07

Alex Vee
2019-11-27 16:49:53

Bernhard Redlich
2019-11-27 16:50:25

Alex Vee
2019-11-27 16:50:59

Bernhard Redlich
2019-11-27 16:56:06

Tibi Sucuturdean
2019-11-27 17:18:54

Emilio DiMa
2019-11-27 17:37:32

Krunoslav Zlomislic
2019-11-27 17:38:14

Bernhard Redlich
2019-11-27 17:45:42

Angus Davidson
2019-11-27 19:31:55

Patryk Socha
2019-11-27 19:38:57

Gazsó Péter
2019-11-27 20:54:42

Tyler Kutz
2019-11-27 21:02:45

Nicolas Belin
2019-11-27 21:42:13

Travis King
2019-11-27 22:23:08

Travis King
2019-11-27 22:25:55

Tibi Sucuturdean
2019-11-27 22:35:43

Jon Lamkin
2019-11-27 22:37:42

David Ainlay
2019-11-27 23:09:01

Bernhard Redlich
2019-11-27 23:19:43

Danny Lloyd
2019-11-27 23:54:10

Allan Palmer
2019-11-28 00:48:56

Alison Friedlander
2019-11-28 21:55:43

Joe Broggio
2019-12-02 07:19:51

原文網址 Robert Schmidt
2019-11-24 13:53:35

My growing miniature collection. I love this printer.


Paul Tucker
2019-11-24 18:45:37

原文網址 Robert Schmidt
2019-11-12 10:49:31

Is this Z wobble or something in the stepper motor? Every time I print a miniature on it's back this happens to the base.


Ricardo Contreras
2019-11-12 10:51:47

Noah Lothes
2019-11-12 10:53:43

Robert Schmidt
2019-11-12 10:58:40

Stefan Giudici
2019-11-12 12:41:49

Richard Humble
2019-11-12 16:28:52

Rose Stumpwater
2019-11-12 18:15:50

Jarrod Smith
2019-11-12 21:19:25

Smith Hayward
2019-11-13 00:02:54

Jarrod Smith
2019-11-13 01:05:24

原文網址 Robert Schmidt
2019-11-09 23:47:18

I do love the ability of the Photon, without a doubt.


原文網址 Robert Schmidt
2019-11-09 02:43:34

Does anyone else have issues running back to back prints on there machine? I can't print the same file twice in a row without the machine freaking out and failing the print.

When I print a file the entry in the print file is red while others are the normal blue. This seems like a odd feature with no reason. So I figured it is a glitch, but I am wanting to know if I am the only person with this problem or are there others.


John Chrapkowski
2019-11-09 02:52:26

Simon Rees
2019-11-09 02:57:50

Charlie Brett
2019-11-09 02:58:39

Simon Rees
2019-11-09 03:02:47

Evan Boone
2019-11-09 04:23:07

Paul West
2019-11-09 21:03:28

原文網址 Robert Schmidt
2019-11-06 10:41:51

So with resins, is it okay to run any brand 405nm curing resin in a Phonton? I ran a test model in the gray from AC and it is rather blue. So can I run the Elegoo resin in a Photon?


Tim Moulton
2019-11-06 10:43:48

Martin Forsyth
2019-11-06 10:46:31

Tauri Icenogle
2019-11-06 10:48:38

Fred Bey
2019-11-06 10:55:06

Paul West
2019-11-06 11:00:23

Jason DeGonia
2019-11-06 11:00:52

Scott Pavlich
2019-11-06 11:13:12

Robert Schmidt
2019-11-06 11:37:03

Stefan Giudici
2019-11-06 12:06:04

原文網址 Robert Schmidt
2019-10-31 19:57:26

So I got the 64GB drive for my Photon so I can have back my gaming 16GB drive. Well when I went to print a file from my new drive the machine printed 3 layers and then crashed and restarted. I didn't have problems with my old drive when printing. Is there maybe something about the 64g drive that the printer wasn't able to handle?


Amy Baldwin
2019-10-31 20:05:20

Mathieu Tremblay
2019-10-31 20:05:34

Sean Croteau
2019-10-31 20:07:35

Chad Elstad
2019-10-31 20:12:54

Patrick Haeflinger
2019-10-31 20:17:16

Dave Williams
2019-10-31 20:55:22

Bob Deblier
2019-10-31 21:33:45

Hugh Jeriolas
2019-10-31 23:58:52

Robert Schmidt
2019-11-01 01:39:30

原文網址 Robert Schmidt
2019-10-30 12:07:05

So I got a file off of thingiverse for a chess set. Well, all the peices are one drawing. So ChiTuBox shows all 16 pieces but the Photon's build plate is not big enough for all. Plus I would like to scale them up a little bit. How can I split the forms in the file so I can then batch print them?


Smith Hayward
2019-10-30 12:09:13

Smith Hayward
2019-10-30 12:10:03

Stefan Giudici
2019-10-30 12:11:14

Andy Macdonald
2019-10-30 12:19:04

Minghua Kao
2019-10-30 17:50:26

Smith Hayward
2019-10-31 09:22:00

Robert Schmidt
2019-11-01 01:41:37

Smith Hayward
2019-11-01 06:13:24



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