Just finished printing the test cube and it came out perfectly!
Been setting up my first actual print, I'm doing truescale Astartes of my own design. I've watched alot of 3DPrintingPro's videos regarding supports, but I'm worried about a few of the supports i've done here, mostly the ones under the boltgun. Is it likely for them to fail? I've tried to 'support the supports' as much as I can for these lengthy ones.
Also am I in the right ballpark with these settings? I'm using the Anycubic Green that comes with the printer.
Daniel Feeney
2019-09-19 05:27:03
Floyd Kayser
2019-09-19 05:27:08
Derek Reihe
2019-09-19 05:27:23
Daniel Feeney
2019-09-19 05:29:49
Derek Reihe
2019-09-19 05:30:27
Christian Whiting
2019-09-19 05:32:31
Christian Whiting
2019-09-19 05:32:46
Art Barrow
2019-09-19 05:34:46
Daniel Feeney
2019-09-19 05:38:39
Art Barrow
2019-09-19 05:41:11
Daniel Feeney
2019-09-19 05:41:15
Daniel Feeney
2019-09-19 05:43:39
Derek Reihe
2019-09-19 05:44:33
George Bulte
2019-09-19 05:44:40
Ric Watts
2019-09-19 06:09:15
Daniel Feeney
2019-09-19 06:14:58
Daniel Feeney
2019-09-19 06:45:28
Danny Collins
2019-09-19 06:45:49
Fred Bey
2019-09-19 06:45:55
Daniel Feeney
2019-09-19 06:47:01
Daniel Feeney
2019-09-19 06:51:48
Danny Collins
2019-09-19 06:56:51
Danny Collins
2019-09-19 06:57:34
Daniel Feeney
2019-09-19 06:58:07
Danny Collins
2019-09-19 07:04:18
Danny Collins
2019-09-19 07:10:00
Danny Collins
2019-09-19 07:15:27
Christian Whiting
2019-09-19 07:38:20
Christian Whiting
2019-09-19 07:39:01
Christian Whiting
2019-09-19 07:42:41
Daniel Feeney
2019-09-19 08:00:18
Daniel Feeney
2019-09-19 08:00:32
Daniel Feeney
2019-09-19 08:00:43
Daniel Feeney
2019-09-19 08:01:03
Jonathan Alvarado
2019-09-19 08:24:35
Arthur Withier
2019-09-19 09:25:21
Smith Hayward
2019-09-19 09:45:04
George Bulte
2019-09-19 14:36:56
Baldy Pat
2019-09-19 15:40:31
Kevin Lems
2019-09-19 21:02:39