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Anycubic Photon Printer Owners 造訪社團 » 用戶發文

原文網址 Petr Osipov
2019-12-12 00:43:57

I got a small problem - I designed a set of torpedo tubes in 1/700, and printed them on my photon using eSun PLA Resin Grey, then primed it. Comparing it to the original model, the small details all grew thicker! What could be the problem? The part is 10,7mm long, so really tiny..... Spaces between tubes are missing, and the compressed air bottles grew by around 0.5mm in diameter and about 1 mm in length


Tobi Altebaeumer
2019-12-12 00:48:42

Niall Forrester
2019-12-12 00:49:02

Petr Osipov
2019-12-12 00:52:19

Niall Forrester
2019-12-12 01:07:47

Petr Osipov
2019-12-12 01:11:31

Niall Forrester
2019-12-12 03:55:36

原文網址 Petr Osipov
2019-11-26 15:51:53

Ultrasonic cleaner - how do I use this one for clean up? Would you just fill the cleaner tank directly with alcohol, and drop in the parts? Or is it too corrosive? Or would you put the parts in a bag with alcohol, seal it, and place it into the water? Would you still need to use brush and soaking?


Stephen Boulton
2019-11-26 15:55:16

Petr Osipov
2019-11-26 15:56:19

Michael Harvey
2019-11-26 15:57:55

Stephen Boulton
2019-11-26 16:00:08

Rose Stumpwater
2019-11-26 16:01:49

Petr Osipov
2019-11-26 16:03:09

Karel Svoboda
2019-11-26 16:27:44

Jeff Greenfield
2019-11-26 22:31:06

Evan Boone
2019-11-26 23:18:52

原文網址 Petr Osipov
2019-11-26 15:50:11

A question - how much energy does the photon consume while printing? I am considering to use it for printing some print on demand stuff, and need to know, how to calculate energy for it - i suppose in Germany energy would be more expensive then resin.


Snorri Grissomson
2019-11-26 15:55:24

Sjefke Poulussen
2019-11-26 16:02:02

Petr Osipov
2019-11-26 16:03:31

Joel Reid
2019-11-26 16:04:57

Petr Osipov
2019-11-26 16:09:28

Joel Reid
2019-11-26 16:10:43

Petr Osipov
2019-11-26 16:14:23

Sjefke Poulussen
2019-11-26 16:14:34

Joel Reid
2019-11-26 16:15:43

Petr Osipov
2019-11-26 16:15:54

Petr Osipov
2019-11-26 16:17:12

Petr Osipov
2019-11-26 16:18:34

Yannik Tillmann
2019-11-26 16:30:55

Nipuna Gunarathne
2019-11-26 16:55:05

Cristian Cozma
2019-11-26 19:29:25

Terry Andrews Jr.
2019-11-27 09:49:23

Petr Osipov
2019-11-27 14:15:58

Tiernan Messmer
2019-11-27 22:50:19

Terry Andrews Jr.
2019-11-27 23:44:23

Petr Osipov
2019-11-28 03:07:25

原文網址 Petr Osipov
2019-11-26 06:31:20

原文網址 Petr Osipov
2019-11-18 22:34:35

A question - I am using a mask provided with photon by now, but consider to get something serious, integral mask+glasses. Do you think this one (gas mask version) makes sense? https://www.aliexpress.com/item/32866949857.html?spm=a2g0o.productlist.0.0.167859dfO0UAFo&algo_pvid=1b82227b-63d5-4801-ba52-7483e6287a3d&algo_expid=1b82227b-63d5-4801-ba52-7483e6287a3d-20&btsid=c847ee34-9810-43d1-898d-36d510b55470&ws_ab_test=searchweb0_0,searchweb201602_1,searchweb201603_52 翻譯年糕

Audrey Col
2019-11-18 22:35:55

Petr Osipov
2019-11-18 22:37:26

Audrey Col
2019-11-18 22:38:38

David Collinson
2019-11-18 22:39:21

Ben Cox
2019-11-18 22:39:38

Petr Osipov
2019-11-18 22:41:15

Audrey Col
2019-11-18 22:42:26

Petr Osipov
2019-11-18 22:43:07

Petr Osipov
2019-11-18 22:44:15

Dominick Trascritti
2019-11-18 22:45:07

Dominick Trascritti
2019-11-18 22:46:39

Ben Cox
2019-11-18 22:47:58

Eric Becker
2019-11-18 22:49:44

Ben Cox
2019-11-18 22:49:59

Chris Shipman
2019-11-18 22:59:00

Petr Osipov
2019-11-18 22:59:49

Bruce Greenleaf
2019-11-19 00:26:35

Ioan Flerr
2019-11-19 00:38:02

Paul West
2019-11-19 01:20:38

Mike Roof
2019-11-19 01:31:23

Ike O'Ohiocaigh
2019-11-19 01:32:32

Lane Shutt
2019-11-19 02:51:07

Scott Pavlich
2019-11-19 06:00:56

Devin Wallace Simonsen
2019-11-19 17:18:58

原文網址 Petr Osipov
2019-11-17 18:57:43

Hi, I got a problem when printing. I wanted to print a master model of my kit, and for first time, I went down to 0.01 layers. I left the settings as they were for 0.03 layers (Anycubic plant based resin, normal exp 12, off time 5, bottom exposure 70). All parts except the ship printed very well, but the ship went strange - thin wobbly flat strings appered, and a big blob of resin (not solid, with gaps and strings). What could that be?


Paolo Maurini
2019-11-17 19:09:49

Petr Osipov
2019-11-17 19:11:53

Paolo Maurini
2019-11-17 19:15:34

Fred Bey
2019-11-17 19:18:22

Petr Osipov
2019-11-17 19:56:55

Paolo Maurini
2019-11-17 19:57:43

Petr Osipov
2019-11-17 19:59:32

Robert Jeppesen
2019-11-17 22:32:18

Petr Osipov
2019-11-17 22:39:59

Étienne Dré Landry
2019-11-18 01:14:38

Petr Osipov
2019-11-18 01:56:10

原文網址 Petr Osipov
2019-11-15 04:14:18

I am still learning to make better prints. I printed a railroad wagon of own design in 1/350 scale overnight. Cleaned it up in the morning, and cured in the winter sun. When placed on the table, the "upper" end (far from raft) looks very crisp and nice. The end near the raft and supports is however very soft and swollen, details are lost. What did I do wrong? I had a support on a coupler, in the middle of the end, and on both steps (one broke off while cleaning).

Did I clean badly (Ethanol 97%, about 3 mins in first clean tank, let it swell, then shake the part inside for 30 secs while holding the raft with pliers, then move to second tank, swell 2 mins, shake 20 seconds). Am I over or underexposing (Anycubic eco blue, layer 0,03, table settings)? Bad support positioning? Bad angles (angled at 32.4' on one axis, 0 on another).


Edward Nelson
2019-11-15 04:27:39

Edward Nelson
2019-11-15 04:29:20

Andrew Gott
2019-11-15 04:31:30

Petr Osipov
2019-11-15 04:45:46

Petr Osipov
2019-11-15 04:47:15

Petr Osipov
2019-11-15 04:48:08

Richard Syuge
2019-11-15 05:05:37

Brian Todoroff
2019-11-15 10:35:26

Petr Osipov
2019-11-16 00:34:47

Petr Osipov
2019-11-16 00:35:39

Andrew Gott
2019-11-16 01:01:19

Andrew Gott
2019-11-16 01:02:21

Andrew Gott
2019-11-16 01:04:11

Petr Osipov
2019-11-16 01:06:36

原文網址 Petr Osipov
2019-11-13 23:58:21

Following question... Even with Anycubic plant based resin, I feel the smell of resin in the room I print. Should I disconnect the extractor fan? Or should I better make an adapter for exhaust to use a flex pipe from my old vacuum cleaner, which I would just hang out of tipped window? Or maybe someone already has a 3D model for such adapter? I could then print it on my Creality Ender 3.


Ben Cox
2019-11-14 00:00:19

Stefan Giudici
2019-11-14 00:39:19

Petr Osipov
2019-11-14 18:59:53

Petr Osipov
2019-11-16 00:46:30

Petr Osipov
2019-11-16 04:21:41

原文網址 Petr Osipov
2019-11-13 15:49:15

So, my second print. It is a 1/350 scale railroad wagon master model, a 42ft 1930 made US tank car. This would be cleaned up, sent to the casters, and be available as a resin kit for modelers in a while. The design is custom, done on order. In scale, it is about 38mm long.


原文網址 Petr Osipov
2019-11-13 05:37:32

My very first print with Photon! A tiny triceratops dino for my daughter. I used Anycubic Eco Plant based Macaron Blue resin, and cleaned with 97% Ethanol. Even the ultra-thin horns came out fine. It is still wet in ethanol on the photos - now drying on the balcony, as my UV lamp is not yet there. The 3D model is from Thingiverse, scaled to around 2 cm long.


Joseph Blumka
2019-11-13 07:21:00

Petr Osipov
2019-11-13 15:37:47

Kevin Boogaard
2019-11-13 15:42:46

Petr Osipov
2019-11-13 15:47:15

Kevin Boogaard
2019-11-13 15:47:48

Petr Osipov
2019-11-13 15:49:39



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