原文網址 Ethan Zachary 2020-04-01 15:56:22
Hey so thanks for the help earlier, everyone is so helpful here. My prints are sticking to my plate, however the supports aren't sticking to the base, I used prusa slicer to orientate and support the model and then hollowed and sliced in chitubox. The main bottom section is stuck to the buildplate but i don't see any supports and theirs half cured stuff on the FEP. This is the model i'm trying to slice at 0.05mm height, 80 s bottom exposure 8 bot layers, 8sec norm exposure and everything else standard. Am i doing something really wrong here?
Francois Lozach 2020-04-01 16:00:19
Depends on your resin... did you run any exposure test to see correct exposure? Does your level is perfect? Does the fep tension is correct? I do not use prusa for support but chitubox
Gordon Cochran 2020-04-01 16:06:43
Use a skate raft?
罗西晟 2020-04-01 16:11:58
If the bottom of the supports are sticking to the Buildplate and the supports are not built, your normal exposure is most likely too low. If you do not want to up the exposure, you could try lowering the lift speed as that will result in slower applic ation of force of pulling the print off the FEP... (slower application equals less force in this case) Though it is generally better to up your exposure, since at this point if you would lower the lift speed and your supports build, your model could be torn off the supports as that resin has not cured enough and therefor isn't strong enough yet. Edit: If you have a FLIR, check the temperature of your printer surroundings, and your resin.... Ideally your resin should be at least 20C (68Farenheit) but preferrably higher than 25C (77F)....
Aaron Strome 2020-04-01 16:16:30
you could also check your support depth and make sure it is in far enough to hold the print.
Ethan Zachary 2020-04-01 16:17:15
The supports aren't even there though all that's on the plate is the raft :/
Ethan Zachary 2020-04-01 16:17:51
Ok so i have it at 8 seconds, is there a list online of exposure times for anycubic resins? Or do i need to just test it myself for each bottle i get?
Aaron Strome 2020-04-01 16:18:57
yeah then i would work on your normal exposure. have you used the chart as a starting point.. https://docs.google.com/....../1crvzMnt....../htmlview......
Aaron Strome 2020-04-01 16:20:47
you can only use this as a starting point as there are many variables that come into play for even print let alone every resin..
Ethan Zachary 2020-04-01 16:22:18
Aaron Strome Ok cool thanks, yea it's weird, i printed a chaos warrior like just last night and came out nearly perfectly with 30 sec bot layer and way less exposure, i don't get why suddenly its not happy. I'll try more exposure time.
Aaron Strome 2020-04-01 16:23:34
yeah like i said a lot of variables including shaking it enough, waiting for bubbles to clear.
Daniel Rønning 2020-04-01 16:39:25
Considered using a raft?
罗西晟 2020-04-01 16:50:16
Ethan Zachary each bottle can be different. There is a big reference sheet out there, but that does not account for the UV-LED strength/quality of YOUR printer... Each color definately is different. In example: Anycubic Translucent Green is (much) easier to print than Anycubic Black. (for me the Green prints on 6 seconds, I mixed black and white and need 8 seconds already for my custom "grey"... and that is borderline as I've seen some of my prints just barely succeed/fail due to under-exposure. )
Ethan Zachary 2020-04-01 16:54:15
Xi-Sheng Luo So i've gotten pretty good at diagnosing FDM failure, but is there a way to tell what's failing with my resin? Like what shows its underexposure rather than say a levelling issue?
罗西晟 2020-04-01 17:56:09
Leveling issues are shown with the print not sticking to your buildplate. However that sometimes is also partially underexposure of the base layers but then we are talking about baselayer exposures under 30seconds... You need something solid to pull the print off the FEP. Delamination/support breakage is due to the force needed to pull layer off the FEP exceeded what the layers could handle. That is orientation to reduce force or higher curetimes to increase strengths or lower peel speed. Since your print failed at the thick part of the support, the force was too high for a simple "dot" to adhere to the base layer. Orientation is not a factor on a "dot", it is on surfaces that run parallel to FEP, as it sticks to more FEP surface. So then there is curetime and peel speed left. If you lower your peel speed now, you might have breakage at the tips of your support. When do you change your peel speed then: when you go into extreme thin layers and/or fine detail, as higher curetimes also mean that your cured layer expands a fraction more, resulting in fine detail loss. But you would first need to have a successful print which you then can measure/check for loss of detail/expansion etc.
Ethan Zachary 2020-04-01 18:21:46
Xi-Sheng Luo Can you have levelling issues between two prints within an hour of each other? I had a print stick to the plate, then changed exposure to 12 seconds and then suddenly nothing sticks.
Nikola Pijanac 2020-04-01 19:17:12
use a raft and that will eliminate your issues
罗西晟 2020-04-01 20:32:51
Ethan Zachary yes, that's possible, you've held the plate wrong and torqued it a little when taking print off and ruined your levelling but usually it means you might have some resin in the ball joint and you want to disassemble that and clean the ball, slightly sand the top while you have it open to give the screw that pushes down a bit more grip. But there is a difference between "nothing" sticking to the plate and only the base of your supports sticking to the plate.
Dante Domínguez 2020-04-02 00:26:36
I only use manual orientation and auto support in chitubox. And check for islands in the file validator, and I've had no issues since I was told I had to reduce surface tension (I didn't do it before). My only recurring problem is exposure for new resins...
Ethan Zachary 2020-04-02 07:55:23
Xi-Sheng Luo Yea it went from the base sticking, to suddenly nothing between prints, even after i increased the exposure time, and theres nothing stuck on the FEP either, I'll disassemble the ball joint and try to clean it. Do you have any good videos you would recommend? Or just google it and any work well? Also Do you know why i can't do the flint read method? The arm wont phyically lower enough, keeps hitting the vat edge
Charles Davenport 2020-04-02 08:42:16
Go with the auto supports which includes a raft. Add manual supports as needed.
Ethan Zachary 2020-04-02 08:44:27
I just checked the bloody LCD this morning and it was just idk, lighting up the whole thing? Even when doing the exposure tests in the machine. So i flashed the firmware back on then it fixed itself. Just re levelled so will try to print again. Yea i just reset all my supports etc and orientated hollowed with holes then let the auto support handle it. we'll see how we go !
Charles Davenport 2020-04-02 08:46:36
Ethan Zachary Oh, I feel your pain. My Photon is down because the LCD broke away from the machine because resin leaked through the resin tank and glued itself to the LCD. And, that is just one in a long string of sad litanies. I'm going to spring for a new machine that's more reliable.
Ethan Zachary 2020-04-02 08:52:43
Charles Davenport Man this is such a different process than FDM and the learning curve is huge XD usually the worst you get with my ender 3 if i fuck up is a scratched bed. Here it can flood your system, starting a toxic fire. I mean comeon man haha. Btw one of my D&D players character has the same name as you, he wanted the poshest and most upper class name he could think of XD (i mean that as a compliment, as awkward as it sounded)
Charles Davenport 2020-04-02 08:54:24
Thank you! And I agree about the learning curve. I have a Zortrax 200, actually two of them, just humming away on several different projects. I guess we just have to tolerate the pain in order to get the details FDM just cannot do.
Adrian Sutherland 2020-04-02 14:06:40
If your base is adhering to the plate but your supports are not adhering to the base, that sounds like an exposure issue. Did you run an exposure test? Personally I've found 8 sec it's not enough exposure. Mine runs at 10 seconds for .02 and 12 second s for .05 for most of my resins (this varies depending on the temperature of the room). Which is another thing to consider. Is the room your printer is in too cold? Optimal is between 21 and 25 degrees celcius.
原文網址 Ethan Zachary 2020-04-01 11:38:33
Overcoming suction problems :/ So i have been using my photon on and off, recent covid issues have got me back into it, I've found that my recent problems are supportless minis. I love supportless for my FDM and wanted to get in on that action for the photon, but i either get the print fine and take 25 minutes to get the model off the plate or it fails and i have bottom stuck to the FEP. My bottom exposure times are 30 secs and I added z height to 0 so i could add a chamfer to address the sticking. But now i keep getting parts stuck to the FEP. I tested an older model that worked in the past and came out great. Processed that and set my supportless with chamfer to go and immediate failure. Can bed levelling change after 1 print?
Thanks for any help, sorry for the rambling, aside from 30 sec bot exposure everything else is stock settings
Kyle Slade 2020-04-01 11:40:12
Try 80 second exposure for first layers
Kyle Slade 2020-04-01 11:40:45
Also up the Z height to like 3 I find it helps
Robert Cvengros 2020-04-01 11:45:45
30 sounds very low. And hollow the model. That helps a lot.
Jeff Savoie 2020-04-01 11:55:06
Raise the mini by 5mm. Rotate by 15 degree. A lot of heavy supports on the base, then some light ones for the overhangs parts. Should be a success.
Jeff Savoie 2020-04-01 11:56:28
60-80 seconds, 8-10 layers bottom. Then at least 7 sec for the next layers.
Mario Hippmann 2020-04-01 12:00:41
Raise bottom exposure. Also, the Print will fail, to much Islands
Ethan Zachary 2020-04-01 12:17:48
see i get an issue with supportless then as it tries to add supports to the base of the model. But it needs little to no support?
Ethan Zachary 2020-04-01 12:18:51
its a supportless model, on my fdm it prints great (exceot the cloak where i added a few supports (just a bit droopy) if i rotate it wont i ruin the designers efforts to make it support free?
Ethan Zachary 2020-04-01 12:19:42
its supportless (on the ender 3 at least) is the supportless design only feasible on fdms and doesnt transfer to resin as easily?
Mourni Tenchou 2020-04-01 13:18:57
Yes, but you are printing resin not fdm. Resin printing is a entirely different ruleset. Supportless might still very well apply but that doesn't change suction rules. I'd like the check the module for supports necessary but it seems to be a paid model? (Atleast the quality tlels me) So I can't do that for you.
Ethan Zachary 2020-04-01 13:20:51
What exactly are the suction rules? how do i tell if a model is supportless on resin? Or is it basically impossible to tell and ill need to screen each model individually?
Mi Ha 2020-04-01 13:27:55
Ethan Zachary totally depends on the bridging capabilities of your printer. I don't know about ender3 but photon's are... not that great.
Ethan Zachary 2020-04-01 13:32:15
Jeff Savoie i changed to this and i got a different model, does this look like it might work now?
Ethan Zachary 2020-04-01 16:23:30
Mourni Tenchou Yeaaaa its paid, i'd offer to send it to you but :/ i don't want to kill the wonderful modeller community that's starting up. I love the prices. I can link if you want though, was 3 skeletons for 4 bucks?
Mourni Tenchou 2020-04-01 16:27:44
You cna link it. Maybe I own it already.
Mourni Tenchou 2020-04-01 16:27:59
If you have discord I can quickly show you my workflow
Ethan Zachary 2020-04-01 16:29:26
Mourni Tenchou https://www.myminifactory.com/....../3d-print-1-elite...... Nah don't have discord sadly
Ethan Zachary 2020-04-01 16:29:43
well i do but my mic and camera have pooped it
Mourni Tenchou 2020-04-01 16:30:35
Neat models. Hmm I mean you don't need to talk. I cna quickly show you a rundown of how to support minis.
Mourni Tenchou 2020-04-01 16:30:44
Mourni Tenchou 2020-04-01 16:31:01
I'll simply stream my screen and show how I'd support a similar mini.
Mourni Tenchou 2020-04-01 16:31:29
I need to work on some now anyways.
Ethan Zachary 2020-04-01 16:32:19
I sent it now
Christian Savarda 2020-04-01 18:02:49
I've printed a couple of these in different sizes. It's supportless, so just print it on the plate. You're adding unnecessary complexity by trying to add supports and rotating.
Austin Dickinson 2020-04-01 19:01:16
Im just here to ask where you got the stl.... that's amazing
Ethan Zachary 2020-04-01 19:05:19
Austin Dickinson 2020-04-02 00:34:18
Ethan Zachary thanks
原文網址 Ethan Zachary 2020-02-27 16:57:13
Hello First time using a resin printer and i'm very excited by the possibilities :D .
I however have struggled with my photon for awhile, just got it to do its first completed print im happy with. So happy! Was getting just empty vats before this so very happy. However it took me about 5 minutes with a metal scrapper to remove my model from the build plate, I had to really put my back into it. Is it supposed to be this hard to remove? Or is my buildplate too close to the bed?
Thanks for any help!
Robert Mun 2020-02-27 17:08:05
Ethan Zachary 2020-02-27 17:15:34
Ethan Zachary 2020-02-27 17:17:46
Ethan Zachary 2020-02-27 17:18:41
Clint B. Kauffman 2020-02-27 17:20:18
Tom Sargison 2020-02-27 17:21:43
Robert Mun 2020-02-27 17:23:13
Ethan Zachary 2020-02-27 17:37:08
Robert Mun 2020-02-27 18:09:00
Brendan Wood 2020-02-27 23:48:28
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