So I'm still learning how to print minis. I haven't print it yet, but I want to make sure it's right. I set the orientation to 45 degree and add more supports based on the island in Photon File Validator. Is this too much??
Violet Fer
2020-02-12 10:43:23
Paul West
2020-02-12 10:43:32
Stan Westmoreland
2020-02-12 10:44:31
Paul West
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Stan Westmoreland
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Len Smith
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Reggie Grahita Adhyatmaka Djatni
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Reggie Grahita Adhyatmaka Djatni
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Len Smith
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Len Smith
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Reggie Grahita Adhyatmaka Djatni
2020-02-12 11:31:56
Len Smith
2020-02-12 11:35:41
Len Smith
2020-02-12 11:37:05
Reggie Grahita Adhyatmaka Djatni
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2020-02-13 04:13:41