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Anycubic Photon Printer Owners 造訪社團 » 用戶發文

原文網址 Paul Woodroffe
2019-12-10 03:50:50

Hi, are there any other options rather than the Photon or Photon S? Preferably with at least the extra length of the S but roughly similar prices? Thanks


Nipuna Gunarathne
2019-12-10 03:54:03

Jarrod Smith
2019-12-10 04:01:56

Bert Harvey
2019-12-10 04:25:11

Paul Woodroffe
2019-12-10 04:41:08

Cory Dolbashian
2019-12-10 04:58:33

原文網址 Paul Woodroffe
2019-09-14 16:13:16

It crossed my mind today, but is it (or could it) be possible to print at a higher resolution for a portion of a print; then lower the resolution.
Basically, a part I print needs a high resolution, but the rear of the print doesn't.


Jari Ivanoff
2019-09-14 16:22:30

Zena Andreou
2019-09-14 16:26:13

Lane Shutt
2019-09-15 04:23:09

原文網址 Paul Woodroffe
2019-08-15 16:30:42

Does anyone know what causes this? It's a relatively new FEP, but I have to clean the tank every time I do a print because of the debris at the bottom as you can see in the photos. But it looks like it puts an extra 'layer' in place ever 10mm or so. It's starting to ruin more and more prints and I've no idea what to do with it. The rate it's going the printer will be useless.

((I can't show you the print in the software package as Windows decided to auto-update and close it))


Luke Mason
2019-08-15 16:31:04

Paul Woodroffe
2019-08-15 16:31:37

Luke Mason
2019-08-15 16:33:16

Paul Woodroffe
2019-08-15 16:34:32

Luke Mason
2019-08-15 16:35:10

Valas Darkholme
2019-08-15 16:40:03

Davy Struyf
2019-08-15 16:42:21

Paul Woodroffe
2019-08-15 16:56:02

Paul Woodroffe
2019-08-15 17:03:10

Baptiste Arnault
2019-08-15 20:51:04

Sean Croteau
2019-08-15 20:52:40

Mike Fatchett
2019-08-16 09:50:54

原文網址 Paul Woodroffe
2019-07-04 01:45:25

Any ideas what causes this.

The model appears perfectly in the slicer, but when printing any object it has these tissue paper like layers. I've tried a different USB stick but all my models have it and it's starting to stick to the base of the resin tank.

Help please?!?!

(ignore the soil, dropped it ? )


Michael Fox
2019-07-04 01:51:11

Paul Woodroffe
2019-07-04 01:51:35

Paul Woodroffe
2019-07-04 01:52:03

Michael Fox
2019-07-04 01:52:16

Chayanin Somton
2019-07-04 01:53:42

Michael Fox
2019-07-04 01:53:55

Paul Woodroffe
2019-07-04 01:55:06

Michael Fox
2019-07-04 01:57:12

Linny Linehan
2019-07-04 02:05:21

Richard Burrell
2019-07-04 02:06:48

Flint Read
2019-07-04 17:29:27

原文網址 Paul Woodroffe
2019-04-09 19:54:26

I have an issue wit a print, it seems to flatten a window on a model I am doing and I have no idea why.
Can anyone give me some pointers?


Christian Plösser
2019-04-09 19:57:46

Markus Schönfelder
2019-04-09 19:58:30

Paul Woodroffe
2019-04-09 19:58:42

Christian Plösser
2019-04-09 20:02:08

Paul Woodroffe
2019-04-09 20:03:07

Christian Plösser
2019-04-09 20:06:10

原文網址 Paul Woodroffe
2019-04-07 05:07:51

I know when a print is near the edge, the bond isn't as good. Is there any way to improve the 'stick' to it with prints near the edge?
I'm using Anycubic Grey with a large print.


Zena Andreou
2019-04-07 06:03:28

Ken Lim
2019-04-07 15:00:24

Paul Woodroffe
2019-04-07 15:56:40

Benjamin Matthews
2019-04-07 17:58:35

Ken Lim
2019-04-09 05:08:10

原文網址 Paul Woodroffe
2019-01-08 05:57:40

Hi. Can anyone give me some pointers or directions to some good tutorials for turning my 3D models into moulds for casting plastics?


Ian Adams
2019-01-08 06:01:01

Ian Adams
2019-01-08 06:01:13

Julia von Pfaler
2019-01-08 07:16:39

Max Hancock
2019-01-08 12:34:06

原文網址 Paul Woodroffe
2019-01-08 00:40:25

Sometimes, after the print has done, I've washed it with IPA, blown it 'dry' with a compressor and UV cured it has a slightly tacky finish to it.
Is that due to not washing it sufficiently or due to not curing it enough, or something else I'm missing?
Thanks again

This is my most recent print:



Che Fielding
2019-01-08 00:46:16

Paul Woodroffe
2019-01-08 00:47:01

Richard Shapiro
2019-01-08 01:00:31

Jack Sweek
2019-01-08 01:07:02

Dana McDonald
2019-01-08 05:07:23

原文網址 Paul Woodroffe
2019-01-04 20:26:31

I finally got the grey working and it looks fab.
However, whenever I use IPA (or water) to clean a print, it leaves a white residue, how can I get rid of this residue? I'm not sure if it's the IPA or something else?


Chris Crute
2019-01-04 20:34:24

Paul Woodroffe
2019-01-04 20:36:35

Sen Kun
2019-01-04 20:46:27

Viet Nguyen
2019-01-04 20:49:48

Chris Crute
2019-01-04 20:51:44

Erick Van Patten
2019-01-05 00:24:38

Nick Porterfield
2019-01-05 03:24:27

Ingo Claro
2019-01-05 12:13:42

原文網址 Paul Woodroffe
2019-01-04 05:13:56

Hi everyone.
I always struggle with coloured resin, clear I have nailed.... But i tried white in the past and failed each time and have now bought grey, using the settings from the Google spreadsheet it didn't stick.
So other than sanding the bed, what increases the likelihood of the print sticking on the bed? Is it the length of time for the initial layers?


Sen Kun
2019-01-04 05:17:26

Paul Woodroffe
2019-01-04 05:27:39

Fred Breton
2019-01-04 05:30:44

Richard Shapiro
2019-01-04 06:19:58



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