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Anycubic Photon Printer Owners 造訪社團 » 用戶發文

原文網址 Michael M Thompson
2019-09-20 03:52:43

At what temp should I be concerned about Anycubic resin melting/deforming/catching on fire? I have been requested to resin print an item but the surrounding items (chokes) can/do get hot. Much thanks Amy Liao


Amy Liao
2019-09-20 10:27:12

Michael M Thompson
2019-09-20 20:46:35

原文網址 Michael M Thompson
2019-05-16 08:55:27

Anycubic Maroon failing to stick to build plate. The base sticks to FEP and I can see signs of where the supports should be starting.....nothing else. Changing what factor can assist? Sucks I have to wait 2hrs and 32mins to know if its a fail or not. Leveled via Flint method.

MUCH thanks


Dennis Back
2019-05-16 09:00:34

Michael M Thompson
2019-05-16 09:02:04

Dennis Back
2019-05-16 09:09:33

Mark Wardle
2019-05-16 09:29:33

David McGyver
2019-05-16 10:19:41

Ken Lim
2019-05-16 11:21:06

Tomislav Štampar
2019-05-16 12:53:37

Marcel Renkewitz
2019-05-16 17:13:56

Michael M Thompson
2019-05-17 01:54:55

Mark Wardle
2019-05-17 02:06:47

原文網址 Michael M Thompson
2019-05-07 09:23:14

Paper leveling...done.
Flint leveling...done.

Printing 2x12 rows of 24 small (same) items.
1 complete row sticks to FEP and the other 12 print 100% perfect...wth?


Alex Clarke
2019-05-07 10:46:22

Michael M Thompson
2019-05-07 11:15:10

Chad Elstad
2019-05-07 12:35:13

Michael M Thompson
2019-05-07 12:40:17

Stefan Giudici
2019-05-07 12:43:16

Ricardo Sebastian Ibacache Guerr
2019-05-07 21:05:02

Chad Elstad
2019-05-07 21:25:04

Michael M Thompson
2019-05-07 22:12:44

Michael M Thompson
2019-05-07 22:15:13

原文網址 Michael M Thompson
2019-05-06 01:43:52

When printing multiple items, is it best to have the support bases touching to make a "solid sheet" or leave alittle space in between all models so they are not touching?


Jean Paul Itis
2019-05-06 01:45:33

Michael M Thompson
2019-05-06 01:46:47

Shawn Fisher
2019-05-06 01:49:13

Amanda Kennedy
2019-05-06 01:50:20

Michael M Thompson
2019-05-06 01:51:40

Jean Paul Itis
2019-05-06 01:51:42

Amanda Kennedy
2019-05-06 01:54:00

Amanda Kennedy
2019-05-06 01:55:43

Michael M Thompson
2019-05-06 01:58:05

Andrey Sabrev
2019-05-06 02:22:30

Stefan Giudici
2019-05-06 04:16:55

Jean Paul Itis
2019-05-06 04:22:01

William David Cunningham
2019-05-06 07:16:10

Danny Lloyd
2019-05-06 07:59:44

原文網址 Michael M Thompson
2019-05-04 22:10:16

6 small simple items straight on bed...1 lives 5 stick. What might cause that? AnyCubic Green for reference.



Mike Medley
2019-05-04 22:20:30

Michael M Thompson
2019-05-04 22:26:09

Richard Humble
2019-05-04 22:47:12

Michael M Thompson
2019-05-05 00:01:18

Michael M Thompson
2019-05-05 00:02:12

Michael M Thompson
2019-05-05 00:06:55

Michael M Thompson
2019-05-05 00:16:50

Michael M Thompson
2019-05-05 00:20:40

原文網址 Michael M Thompson
2019-03-12 21:45:07

What the best post process to make Elegoo Transparent resin not as cloudy but also not add a layer of resin to distort design? I was using Smooth-On the other day on a PLA part and tried it on Elegoo Transparent...perfect; except gave it a unconforming layer. Tried it for shits and giggle lol. Attached is after UV curing and no other processes. Thanks


Richard Thomas
2019-03-12 21:49:23

Richard Thomas
2019-03-12 21:51:06

Michael M Thompson
2019-03-12 21:55:19

Richard Thomas
2019-03-12 21:56:52

Richard Shapiro
2019-03-12 21:58:32

原文網址 Michael M Thompson
2019-03-10 12:37:50

Now to do a different color and mix/match.

Spinney rings.

Dummy UV LED setup for attention ? ? ?


原文網址 Michael M Thompson
2019-03-08 12:13:01

Lithophane prints with Resin...anyone?


Mark Wardle
2019-03-08 12:14:57

Michael M Thompson
2019-03-08 12:18:41

Josh Norris
2019-03-08 12:25:01

Andrew Delisle
2019-03-08 12:30:12

Andrew Delisle
2019-03-08 12:30:22

Andrew Delisle
2019-03-08 12:31:48

Josh Norris
2019-03-08 12:35:11

James Hendrix
2019-03-08 14:10:05

Hanson Han
2019-03-08 14:16:09

Ryan Turner
2019-03-08 18:55:18

Andrew Delisle
2019-03-08 21:13:40

Michael M Thompson
2019-03-08 23:54:22

Josh Norris
2019-03-09 05:34:38

原文網址 Michael M Thompson
2019-03-08 04:07:48

At what temp does cured resin start to deform its shape?


Niklas Landin
2019-03-08 04:14:11

原文網址 Michael M Thompson
2019-03-07 05:56:01

What might cause a feature to be distorted. A circle for example...not 100% true/round. Was printed at 20degrees with auto supports. Pitched the part before I could snap a bit # DOH . This was straight off the Photon like this, so not over curing. Maybe lessen the Normal Exposure time slightly? Resin for reference is AC Black which I currently run at:

Layer 0.05
Normal 11
Bottom 100
Bottom Layers 8

Sorry no pic.



Richard Thomas
2019-03-07 06:20:51

Michael M Thompson
2019-03-07 07:13:48



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