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Anycubic Photon Printer Owners 造訪社團 » 用戶發文

原文網址 Michael Supraholic
2020-03-21 05:32:48

I Love my Photon ?
After 1 Year of no printing i just plug the USB Stick in, Shake the Resin and press Start.
The Shoulder for my Space Wolves came out verry pretty so i found.
Printed at 0,02mm.


Kurk Watson
2020-03-21 05:44:55

I remember we use to have to use transfers or hand paint them. So easy these days ?

Michael Supraholic
2020-03-21 06:39:14

Kurk Watson that‘s the Point, i dont like Transfer Sheets ?

Angelus Nox
2020-03-21 06:57:31

For the Emperor!

Shaun Reno
2020-03-21 06:59:29

You don’t play in sanctioned games right?

Kirk Brownell
2020-03-21 06:59:30

getting ready to support a load of blood angles pads. did you jsut use three supports for them?

Michael Supraholic
2020-03-21 07:52:52

Kirk Brownell no there are a lot more

Michael Supraholic
2020-03-21 07:54:31

Shaun Reno no this is my first Killteam Box ?

Kirk Brownell
2020-03-21 07:59:02

Michael Supraholic cool, i have like 11 added on the ones im working on, was wondering if i was going over kill with them.

Shaun Reno
2020-03-21 07:59:12

Cool. I was just going to say that GW won’t let you play with 3D printed parts. It’s fine if you just play with friends and people who aren’t dicks.

Thrall Hood
2020-03-21 08:00:45

Shaun Reno how would they know it's 3d printed?

Michael Supraholic
2020-03-21 08:02:46

Shaun Reno The Guy at my GW Store is Cool with this i think ?

Michael Supraholic
2020-03-21 08:08:10

Thrall Hood i dont know ??‍♂️
I printed at 0,02mm per Layer and you cant see a different between the Original and the printed one.

Chris Beaumont
2020-03-21 09:26:24

If you've designed the file itself, it's no different that moulding with greenstuff, plasticard or an other medium, as it's all your own artistry.

Shaun Reno
2020-03-21 09:31:34

Thrall Hood I don’t know. I think it’s stupid but I guess if you’re already a money hungry companies and people find a way to give you less money you’ll get all pissy.

Charles Lease
2020-03-21 10:34:12

GW accidently swung a bit far towards "cool company" over the last couple years. time to get pissy about 3d printed shoulder pads....

Michael Supraholic
2020-03-21 16:50:16

Charles Lease i think they have other problems as a 3D printed shoulder ?

Peter Chapman
2020-03-21 17:35:57

You dont need that many, I printed mine flat to the face with about 5 supports around the rim of the pad. Although I cant find my pictures now.

Sjacco Antonius
2020-03-21 17:41:29

Several official tournements I went to allowed it as part of customisation as long as most of it was still a gw model, and if you could easily see what it was. It's just part of customisation.

Paul Dodd
2020-03-21 20:35:05

Sjacco Antonius bwahahaha most my armies 3D printed, you can’t tell

Chris Beaumont
2020-03-22 01:22:16

Paul Dodd you the real mvp, my next force that's about to arrive requires about 50% printed parts and I'm excited to pass it off.

Paul Dodd
2020-03-22 02:08:09

Chris Beaumont nothing better too if you are a modder, find a file and save that thing to your hard drive before it gets ripped down, I still buy GW stuff, I have the new box set coming

Chris Beaumont
2020-03-22 02:37:42

Paul I design my own stuff so not too fussed in that regard, it does dishearten me though when oop or unique designs GW doesn't even produce get either taken down, or dropped in fear of having their whole library taken down.

原文網址 Michael Supraholic
2019-11-05 06:01:24

Now with a little bit of Gold paint ?


Jim Nelson
2019-11-05 06:25:25

Zach Kirk
2019-11-05 06:27:58

Michael Supraholic
2019-11-05 06:29:34

Michael Supraholic
2019-11-05 06:31:51

Benjamin Walter
2019-11-05 06:32:45

Thanos Panagiotaros
2019-11-05 06:33:06

Paul Pazienzo
2019-11-05 06:58:33

Reb O'Rourke
2019-11-05 07:10:19

Ryan Moore
2019-11-05 07:24:35

Fernando Gómez Galloso
2019-11-05 07:25:07

Michael Supraholic
2019-11-05 07:26:40

Michael Supraholic
2019-11-05 07:28:01

Anthony Scardina
2019-11-05 08:24:18

Scott Colvin
2019-11-05 08:25:57

Michael Supraholic
2019-11-05 08:29:06

Michael Supraholic
2019-11-05 08:32:16

Ian Chess
2019-11-05 08:35:57

Michael Supraholic
2019-11-05 08:38:20

Ian Chess
2019-11-05 08:39:47

Cliff Wiles
2019-11-05 09:43:47

William Charles Chamberlin
2019-11-05 10:10:15

Joshua Shoobridge
2019-11-05 10:45:31

Erick Van Patten
2019-11-05 11:32:15

Jono Yan
2019-11-05 12:42:48

Pablo Rovira
2019-11-05 13:06:55

Jeffrey White
2019-11-05 13:10:27

Dan Andersson
2019-11-05 14:31:28

Michael Supraholic
2019-11-05 16:31:51

Michael Supraholic
2019-11-05 16:32:41

Peter Fulton
2019-11-05 19:58:53

Nathan J Hunt
2019-11-06 21:54:30

Dan Beiswenger
2019-11-11 08:06:17

原文網址 Michael Supraholic
2019-11-01 00:28:34

Not Bad for the first try


Damien Greysis
2019-11-01 01:42:21

Michael Supraholic
2019-11-01 01:44:32

Damien Greysis
2019-11-01 01:48:59

Michael Supraholic
2019-11-01 01:54:02

Michael Supraholic
2019-11-01 01:56:29

Thibaud Issartel
2019-11-01 02:53:36

Michael Supraholic
2019-11-01 03:15:44

John Chrapkowski
2019-11-01 04:14:09

Michael Supraholic
2019-11-01 04:15:12

Paul Leo-pole Dykes
2019-11-01 04:17:00

John Chrapkowski
2019-11-01 04:18:11

Michael Supraholic
2019-11-01 04:19:07

Lance Draper
2019-11-01 05:05:38

Scott Colvin
2019-11-01 08:39:47

Caleb Custer
2019-11-01 21:24:30

Luis Bivar Ramos
2019-11-02 08:16:29

Michael Supraholic
2019-11-02 08:17:09

Luis Bivar Ramos
2019-11-02 08:17:09

原文網址 Michael Supraholic
2019-01-27 22:20:49

Is the new Fep film out of the Box ready to replace? Or is there a tiny Protection sheet to peel of ?
Thx a lott !


Zoltán Hári
2019-01-27 22:39:30

Michael Supraholic
2019-01-27 22:50:06

Michael Supraholic
2019-01-27 22:50:32

Velvet Mark
2019-01-27 23:09:39

Sen Kun
2019-01-28 01:02:05

Michael Supraholic
2019-01-28 01:05:22

原文網址 Michael Supraholic
2019-01-05 00:28:01

I have seen Photon‘s with yellow or Blue windows. But what is the different ?
Today i got my second Photon and both with yellow Windows. Is this Country specific ??


Matej Racetin
2019-01-05 00:31:55

Michael Supraholic
2019-01-05 00:32:45

Sean Latto
2019-01-05 00:39:48

Matej Racetin
2019-01-05 00:42:26

Sen Kun
2019-01-05 04:15:13

Michael Supraholic
2019-01-05 04:36:22

原文網址 Michael Supraholic
2019-01-04 21:59:14

Please help me ! What i‘m doing wrong?
I cant level it ?


Bhavik Gohel
2019-01-04 22:04:37

James Paull
2019-01-04 22:05:33

James Paull
2019-01-04 22:06:04

Michael Supraholic
2019-01-04 22:06:32

Michael Supraholic
2019-01-04 22:06:44

Dave Williams
2019-01-04 22:07:28

Bhavik Gohel
2019-01-04 22:10:09

Michael Supraholic
2019-01-04 22:15:06

Trea Cotton
2019-01-04 22:36:53

Michael Supraholic
2019-01-04 22:39:25

John Boyington
2019-01-04 22:46:51

Michael Supraholic
2019-01-04 22:48:38

Susan Sioux Mercer
2019-01-04 23:12:57

Fred Breton
2019-01-05 02:42:28

Sen Kun
2019-01-05 03:36:53

Jean-Pierre Parra
2019-01-05 18:33:58

原文網址 Michael Supraholic
2018-12-24 19:19:00

Merry Xmas to all of you!!


原文網址 Michael Supraholic
2018-12-19 06:25:34

Is there anywhere in Europe a Store where i can buy a Mainboard for my Photon?


Lucas Azd
2018-12-19 06:28:32

Michael Supraholic
2018-12-19 06:29:54

Lucas Azd
2018-12-19 06:31:08

Lucas Azd
2018-12-19 06:31:24

Michael Supraholic
2018-12-19 06:33:24

Lucas Azd
2018-12-19 06:34:22

Michael Supraholic
2018-12-19 06:35:29

Lucas Azd
2018-12-19 06:37:09

Michael Supraholic
2018-12-19 06:39:32

Ron Marcos
2018-12-26 22:27:47

Michael Supraholic
2018-12-27 16:47:26

Ron Marcos
2018-12-27 22:22:52

Michael Supraholic
2018-12-27 22:24:36

原文網址 Michael Supraholic
2018-12-19 00:15:12

My touch Display wont work ?
What do you think, a Mainboard Problem?
Thx for any help!


Michael Supraholic
2018-12-19 00:24:03

Sen Kun
2018-12-19 00:44:48

Michael Supraholic
2018-12-19 00:47:11

Sen Kun
2018-12-19 00:48:34

Sen Kun
2018-12-19 00:50:52

Michael Supraholic
2018-12-19 00:51:15

Sen Kun
2018-12-19 01:02:53

Michael Supraholic
2018-12-19 01:16:13

原文網址 Michael Supraholic
2018-12-17 04:52:16

Interior upgrades and some Parts printed for my Millennium Falcon ?


Tom Brick
2018-12-17 05:46:38

Lucas Azd
2018-12-17 06:17:28

Kevin Castillo
2018-12-17 08:32:53

Olle Sköld
2018-12-17 08:38:10

Rhiannon Beorn Van D
2018-12-17 09:46:17

Michael Supraholic
2018-12-17 14:10:39

Michael Supraholic
2018-12-17 14:11:34

Glenn Maes
2018-12-17 16:11:37

Thomas Wright
2018-12-17 23:51:47

Michael Supraholic
2018-12-18 01:27:16

Michael Supraholic
2018-12-18 01:28:46

Lucas Azd
2018-12-18 04:27:47

Michael Supraholic
2018-12-18 04:30:20

Lucas Azd
2018-12-18 04:35:35

Michael Supraholic
2018-12-18 04:37:58

Michael Supraholic
2018-12-18 04:42:28

Michael Supraholic
2018-12-18 04:42:59

Lucas Azd
2018-12-18 06:30:44

Mike X. Wolf
2018-12-18 07:51:15



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