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Anycubic Photon Printer Owners 造訪社團 » 用戶發文

原文網址 Jason Pearson
2019-06-30 01:52:08

Any advice? Maybe it’s just orientation?
Every time I print this guy it always misses.
Using Chitubox eleegoo grey mixed with flex 100 settings .04, 8, 14, 40, 1.5, 0.
If anyone has an idea I’m all ears! Please.


Mark Wardle
2019-06-30 01:53:43

Will Koehler
2019-06-30 01:53:59

Mark Wardle
2019-06-30 01:54:38

Mothy Reynolds
2019-06-30 01:55:01

Ben Cox
2019-06-30 01:56:45

Victoria Cordani
2019-06-30 02:00:58

Chris Wood
2019-06-30 04:31:35

原文網址 Jason Pearson
2019-06-25 22:53:57

I feel like I’m losing a lot of detail somewhere. Maybe a setting is wrong. Using the Photon Slicer. .05, 16.5, 6.5, 60, 8, 15.5 85% mix of Eleegoo grey and 15% Monocubic Flex 100. Everything is printing fine just not as much detail as I want. Maybe I’m just excpecting too much.


Troy Tepes
2019-06-25 22:55:50

Jason Pearson
2019-06-25 22:56:38

Troy Tepes
2019-06-25 22:56:43

Bob Deblier
2019-06-25 22:59:16

Chad Elstad
2019-06-25 23:01:48

Will Koehler
2019-06-25 23:07:48

Will Koehler
2019-06-25 23:08:30

Will Koehler
2019-06-25 23:08:42

Will Koehler
2019-06-25 23:08:53

Chris Baker
2019-06-25 23:10:55

Will Koehler
2019-06-25 23:16:19

Will Koehler
2019-06-25 23:16:35

Will Koehler
2019-06-25 23:17:12

Chris Baker
2019-06-25 23:20:29

Jason Pearson
2019-06-25 23:43:48

Jason Pearson
2019-06-25 23:45:02

Jason Pearson
2019-06-25 23:46:21

Will Koehler
2019-06-25 23:58:52

Chad Elstad
2019-06-26 00:05:06

原文網址 Jason Pearson
2019-05-31 01:39:37

Has anyone mixed Flex 100 with Elegoo Grey? Would I need to change any settings? Anyone have a good ratio? I'm assuming 1:10 parts. Just order some Flex 100 so I'm trying to figure out whats best.


Chris Rees
2019-05-31 01:43:55

Danny Lloyd
2019-05-31 01:45:49

Jason Pearson
2019-05-31 02:07:56

Jason Pearson
2019-05-31 02:08:14

Danny Lloyd
2019-05-31 02:10:43

Jason Pearson
2019-05-31 02:20:44

Danny Lloyd
2019-05-31 02:21:21

Chris Rees
2019-05-31 02:22:36

Jason Pearson
2019-05-31 02:22:48

Danny Lloyd
2019-05-31 02:25:14

Danny Lloyd
2019-05-31 02:25:20

Jason Pearson
2019-05-31 02:26:45

Danny Lloyd
2019-05-31 02:27:42

Jason Pearson
2019-05-31 02:29:01

Simon Bramley
2019-05-31 14:28:53

Chris Rees
2019-05-31 16:24:56

Stefan Giudici
2019-06-02 12:40:22

Jason Pearson
2019-06-23 11:08:10

Danny Lloyd
2019-06-23 15:34:04

Jason Pearson
2019-06-23 15:44:00

Danny Lloyd
2019-06-23 15:47:57

Jason Pearson
2019-06-23 16:36:49

原文網址 Jason Pearson
2019-05-12 15:43:01

Primed, filled and ready to paint. I’ve fallen so in love with the Photon and resin in general. I can’t stand it!!!


Jaco Norchie Nortje
2019-05-12 15:55:50

Johnson Yeh
2019-05-12 16:07:03

Rene Hellemons
2019-05-12 16:16:34

Scott Hammond
2019-05-12 16:18:29

Johnson Yeh
2019-05-12 16:19:00

John Aarts
2019-05-12 18:28:00

Brian Young
2019-05-12 21:46:19

Ekaterina Vitalyevna
2019-05-12 22:34:47

Rod Williams
2019-05-12 23:04:57

Rod Williams
2019-05-12 23:05:39

Dan Beiswenger
2019-05-12 23:14:23

Jason Parfitt
2019-05-12 23:27:56

Daniel Ignacio Perez
2019-05-12 23:57:38

Dan Beiswenger
2019-05-13 00:32:44

Daniel Ignacio Perez
2019-05-13 00:48:26

Tom Hickey
2019-05-13 04:24:53

John Aarts
2019-05-13 04:51:42

Jason Pearson
2019-05-13 05:55:15

Jason Pearson
2019-05-13 05:58:54

Jehú Paulín
2019-05-13 11:59:54

原文網址 Jason Pearson
2019-02-28 12:00:01

Can I filter the resin using a coffee filter?


Christopharius Cruzantium
2019-02-28 12:04:34

Paweł Grochowski
2019-02-28 12:07:10

Alessandro E. Danti
2019-02-28 14:29:30

Trung Mi
2019-02-28 15:47:37

Brian Petersen
2019-02-28 15:55:51

Brad Figg
2019-02-28 21:58:58

Bryan Mikolajewski
2019-02-28 22:59:05

Mat Renggli
2019-02-28 23:56:04

Susan Sioux Mercer
2019-03-01 02:26:15

Sen Kun
2019-03-01 04:33:38

Brian Petersen
2019-03-01 04:35:02

Sen Kun
2019-03-01 04:36:32

Brian Petersen
2019-03-01 04:38:25

Sen Kun
2019-03-01 04:40:57

Brian Petersen
2019-03-01 04:43:04

Sen Kun
2019-03-01 04:43:48

Sen Kun
2019-03-01 04:46:57

Brad Figg
2019-04-04 02:08:23

Brad Figg
2019-04-04 02:10:42

Sen Kun
2019-04-04 02:12:25

原文網址 Jason Pearson
2019-02-26 15:06:01

Ok guys I’m at my wits end and I need help. Friend of mine bought me an Anycubic Photon. Great guy. It was used. I was able to print a few pieces off of it but there were always problems. Items would only print on the left and not on the right or vice versa. Then it stopped altogether. Nothing would stick to the bed. So I switched the FEP film. And I got one print before it has now stopped altogether. 8 tries and not one has stuck to the bed. I have been using the Elegoo Transparent resin. Setting are
Layer Height: .03
Exposure: 14
Off time: 0
Bottom Exposure: 40
Bottom layers: 8
I level the bed by lowering until I can’t wiggle it anymore and the come up 3 of the smallest settings. Make that the home and then print. And nothing. It always sticks to the FEP film. I really want this printer to work but I cannot get it to do anything reliable.


David Challoner
2019-02-26 15:10:44

Zena Andreou
2019-02-26 16:16:15

Richard White
2019-02-26 17:44:30

Chris Yarrow
2019-02-26 19:07:08

Kajal Mondal
2019-02-26 21:41:07

Robert Silvers
2019-02-26 21:43:04

Jannick Langfahl
2019-02-26 21:48:42

Nick Williams
2019-02-26 22:35:55

Bryan Mikolajewski
2019-02-26 22:43:43

Jason Pearson
2019-02-26 23:02:54

Paul Joseph
2019-02-26 23:06:32

Bryan Mikolajewski
2019-02-26 23:13:36

Daniel Yuen Ato
2019-02-27 04:13:24

Shawn Atlas
2019-02-27 04:38:08

Shawn Atlas
2019-02-27 04:40:25

Wasim Juned
2019-02-27 05:11:55

Sean Orlikowski
2019-02-27 07:38:28

原文網址 Jason Pearson
2018-12-25 07:20:41

So I was pretty excited to do this. I had a friend who wanted a Prismatic Dragon. This is actually a forest dragon from the Lost Dragon but we thought it would be a good base. I wasn’t sure what I was going to do so I just started painting. It’s the first time I’ve done this much gradient before and I actually really like how it came out. I used some color shifting paint on the wings to give it a cool shine and shimmer. And it was a print from my new Photon!


Sen Kun
2018-12-25 18:41:39

原文網址 Jason Pearson
2018-11-26 12:03:19

Hello thanks for letting me join. Totally new to Resin Printing. I have 3 Ender 3’s and just got an Anycubic Photon. Should be here this week. Totally different world. I have so many questions.


Lou Steinritz
2018-11-26 12:10:10



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